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06-22-2002, 08:47 PM
Alrighty Guys. Its time to play a game... 10 questions...

Yes there will be prizes so try to pay careful attention.

There will be 10 questions for you to answer the first one to get all 10 right will get an L10 mod complements of me.

But this is only the first step. Receiving your prize is conditional. In order to recieve your prize you must promise to "pay it forward" to the AO community, this does not mean you have to spend money. A pay forward could be a "gift of knowledge." A pay forward could be somthing as simple as showing me that: 1) you play an active role in helping others in the AO community, 2) introducing new members to our community, or 3) play a role in knowledgable active and MEANINGFUL debate. 4) anything that would constitute meaningful service to AO.

Shartley, if you win you are gonna have to do somthing other than #3, partially because I have about 2000 pages to read in my MCAT review books and I don't want your posts taking up ALL my time. :)

The first 5 questions are to make sure you have the technical ability to install and troubleshoot L10. Which will come in handy when you have to pay it forward

The last 5 questions are just for fun. In the spirit of standardized testing and my MCAT be forewarned, they will be tricky.

Let the games begin...

Be as SPECIFIC as possible...

1) In the Level 10 configuration what is the purpose of the shims?

2) Explain to me the concept of the carriers and thier respective marking system.

3) What springs would you use for the respective velocities 230fps, 250fps, 300fps. Explain to me the purpose of the interchangable spring system.

4) Explain the role of the dual diameter power piston assembly.

5) You find that you are still able to chop paint with the correct spring. What do you do next?

Multiple Choice:

1) You find yourself without a powertube spacer what part can be used as a substitute given appropriate modification.

a) A Pencil Eraser
b) A Reg Piston
c) A Rail Bushing
d) Hex nuts from your warp feed or VL elbow.

2) A person at your local field is sportin an Automag RT that his friend decided to "hook up" he is complaining about how his gun is firing 2 shots per trigger pull one on the pull and one on the release he most likely.

a) has an autoresponse frame.
b) needs a new on/off pin.
c) is short stroking.
d) needs a new powertube spacer.

3) You friend just got a new automag from modified paintball last week and he is complaining about shootdown what should he check.

a) his on/off
b) his head for signs of activity
c) his dropforward
d) his bolt

4) You just did a 12 volt mod to your warpfeed and you can't get it to stop spinning what should you do.

a) go to radio shack
b) change the sensitivity on the warp
c) play with the warp jumpers
d) go to burger king and have it your way.

5) The bases Uracil, Thyamine, Guanine, and Cytosene combine to form.

a) DNA
b) Globular Protiens
c) Amino Acids
d) Somthing that looks like the RT spring pack.

06-22-2002, 09:10 PM
do we e-mail you or post?

06-22-2002, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Butterfingers

1) In the Level 10 configuration what is the purpose of the shims?
they limit how far the bolt has to move forward before the venting hole can do its thing and allow lower pressure air to escape thus only pinching a ball instead of chopping if the bolt happens to catch a not quite ready to be fired ball

2) Explain to me the concept of the carriers and thier respective marking system.
they work by causing just the right amount of firction during the first part of bolt travel and once the bolt clears, meanin that a ball is in the correct position will throttle up.... if not it offers enough drag so the venting hole can release air so as only to pinch and not chop

edit i just reread it all the markings are the sizing system from small 1 dash to large 4 dashs... the dots stand for the inbetween sizes

3) What springs would you use for the respective velocities 230fps, 250fps, 300fps. Explain to me the purpose of the interchangable spring system.

for 230 a main spring from my normal parts kit.... if it wont fire then it needs to be trimed
for 250 either a trimed LvX spring or a normal main spring
for 300 a LvX main spring... now i belive that 3 spings were coming with the LvX kit, being of 3 different tensions if need be one would need to know which spring was which.....
as to why use different springs.... through the use of different tensions and FPS you can set the valve up so that you use a spring strong enough to hold the bolt when a ball is pinched but still weak enough to allow the marker to fire correctly when the ball is loaded correctly

4) Explain the role of the dual diameter power piston assembly.
if you are talkin about the extended stem of the SB][ it acts like a cork venting air into the bolt at a lower pressure then what is behind the bolt so that the main spring can hold/push the bolt back in case of a pinch

5) You find that you are still able to chop paint with the correct spring. What do you do next?
first change to a stiffer spring in the set if that does not fix it then you need to remove a shim so that air can vent out sooner..... if after removing a shim the marker does not fire relibly(sp?) then switch back to the weaker spring

Multiple Choice:

1) You find yourself without a powertube spacer what part can be used as a substitute given appropriate modification.

a) A Pencil Eraser
b) A Reg Piston
c) A Rail Bushing
d) Hex nuts from your warp feed or VL elbow.
C C C C C C and C

2) A person at your local field is sportin an Automag RT that his friend decided to "hook up" he is complaining about how his gun is firing 2 shots per trigger pull one on the pull and one on the release he most likely.

a) has an autoresponse frame.
b) needs a new on/off pin.
c) is short stroking.
d) needs a new powertube spacer.

3) You friend just got a new automag from modified paintball last week and he is complaining about shootdown what should he check.

a) his on/off
b) his head for signs of activity
c) his dropforward
d) his bolt
A A A they cant just leave thing together

4) You just did a 12 volt mod to your warpfeed and you can't get it to stop spinning what should you do.

a) go to radio shack
b) change the sensitivity on the warp
c) play with the warp jumpers
d) go to burger king and have it your way.

5) The bases Uracil, Thyamine, Guanine, and Cytosene combine to form.

a) DNA
b) Globular Protiens
c) Amino Acids
d) Somthing that looks like the RT spring pack.


i'm glad my mom was near by.... RN's in the family are a good thing =)

edit only add a bold type to my last answer =)

06-22-2002, 09:13 PM
1. The shims in level 10 replace the powertube spacers of level 7. Their purpose is to precisely control the point during the travel of the bolt when the power piston clears the tube and releases the blast of air that propels the ball.

2. The carriers are present to account for the differences in oring tolerances. There are 8 carriers, 4 they are listed the folling way from smallest to largest.

one line.
one line and dot.
two line.
two line and dot.
three line.
three line and dot.
four line.
four line and dot.

With the carriers one changes the amount of force that the oring "grabs" or seals onto the power piston with. Less friction means faster bolt speed means theoretically more ball breaks or chops. More friction may not work with your marker.

3. For 230 you would use the stock spring. For 250 the longest level 10 spring, and 300 the shortest level 10 spring. With the interchangable springs you control the amount of force needed to propel the bolt, chambering the ball and firing. With a longer spring there is more pressure holding the bolt in place, and it takes a higher pressure release of air to combat this. The higher pressure air results in higher velocity.

4. The dual Diameter power piston assembly, in addition to the small relief hole in the piston, allows for a very slow bolt stroke until the bolt clears the ball in waiting, then a faster bolt stroke to chamber and fire the round. The slow beginning of the stroke ensures that the ball in waiting is not damaged, and if there is a misfeed the slow moving bolt will ideally bounce off the jammed or misfed round.

5. If you are able to chop paint using the correct spring, you may want to try a smaller oring carrier. This will add friction to the bolt making it move slower, thus increasing the likelyhood that the bolt will bounce off a half fed round, and decrease the chance that the ball in waiting will be damaged. You can also remove coils from the large mainsprin to make your own mainspring for your needs.

1. C
2. B (A is too rare to be likely)
3. A
4. B
5. A, but don't you mean RNA?

06-22-2002, 09:13 PM
Just post, the answers with explainations will be posted as soon as sombody maxes the test.

06-22-2002, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by zvanut
do we e-mail you or post?

well he didn't say... and i was borded so i just posted it =)

BTW Butters how did i do =)

06-22-2002, 09:19 PM
1- The shims control where in the forward stroke the air chamber starts venting.

2- The different size carriers are to create a good seal with the least amount of friction.

3- shoort length spring 300fps
long 250fps
normal (stock) 230 fps
The different springs adjust the bolt return force to match the fps, which reduces breaks.

4- The power piston assembly acts like a cork to seal the air chamber, lvl 10 reduces its size which allows the spring to hold it back easier (also deals with #3)

5- Go to the next smaller carrier, and keep your gun oiled.

1 c
2 a
3 a
4 c
5 a

Edit: I hope this teaches people to use the search button :D

06-22-2002, 09:36 PM
heres my shot

Long answer :)

in the forward stroke of the bolt the shims control where the air chamber vents

carriers create a seal without a lot of friction

they have small grooves to tell them apart. they are also different sizes.

230 is the main spring from a parts kit
250 is a normal main spring or a trimmed level 10 spring
300 is the level 10 main spring
the springs are used to change the velocity, because the tension in the spring can change tension on the bolt.

the dual diameter power piston assembly put the tip of the bolt just underneath the next ball in the feed tube. then when the gun is fired it pushes the bolt foward shottin the ball

you start with the longest mainspring, assemble and gas up the marker.if it does not fire turn up the velocuty. if it starts leaking out the back switch to the next smallest main spring.

Multiple choice

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. B

06-22-2002, 09:39 PM
On #4, for some warps you have to adjust the warp jumpers and the sensitivity, I'm not sure which answer you are looking for.

Yes, Kaiser Bob told me this. I just thought I would post it since i don't know which is right.

Kaiser Bob
06-22-2002, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by marley618
On #4, for some warps you have to adjust the warp jumpers and the sensitivity, I'm not sure which answer you are looking for.

Hey! no cheating, you got that from me in the chat room! :P

Im going to allow some other lucky soul to win one since i have one on the way already :D

06-23-2002, 12:13 AM
Oh wow. Remember the MC questions are delibrately deceptive
Im gonna let this run for a few days. If nobody wins the first person with the highest score get it.

06-23-2002, 12:24 AM
On second thought I change my answer to MC1 to D.

Although A can be used to hold on Earrings.

06-23-2002, 12:28 AM
*Not editing to avoid any problems*


MC5 is nice, I change my answer to D there as well.

06-23-2002, 01:31 AM
I change MC4 to B.

06-23-2002, 10:04 AM
I, Andrew Browning, do solemly swear to share my technical knowledge and tinkering expertise with all of AO to ensure simple troubleshooting of the automag (tm) line of paintball markers.

long answer:

1.) To adjust where the bolt kicks into high gear. the more shims, the later it does.

2.) They are different sizes, so they can compress an oring, so that the o-rings can be made to fit perfectly. this is necessary because o-rings do not have great tolerances, whereas mags do, making it necessary to HAVE a high tolerance oring (we dont have one, remember?). there are 8 carriers, each deviating from the last by .0015". there are rings cut around the outside, and possibly a divot marking a "tweener" (carrier between two of the original sizes). the more rings, the bigger the carrier, and the bigger the o-ring.

3.) 230 - stock spring.
250 - short L10 spring.
300 - probably the medium L10 spring.
springs must be adjusted to keep the marker firing. because the mag is a dump chamber gun, velocity is changed by pressure. when you have a lower pressure in the power tube (low pressure/low velocity) you need a lighter spring, or else the bolt will not have enough pressure behind it to compress the spring. remember, the first stage is VERY light, and therefore very sensitive to pressure differences.

4.) the assembly is made to give a dynamic bolt speed. the first stage, the small piston, will stop on a ball, because it is low speed/low force. this is because a small piston will have less force at a set pressure than a larger piston. the second stage uses a high speed/high speed piston. this ensures the mags ability to shoot really, really, really fast is not overly affected.

5.) put in a heavier spring.

multiple choice:
1.) C, but you would need to get rid of the lip and file it down to the correct size, within .0005"
2.) A his friend "hooked him up" with an autoresponse frame (nice choice).
3.) B (what a wierd kid...)
4.) A (interface it, youll have to much trouble trying to fix it, or put a filter in, to get rid of the noise generated by such high voltages)
5.) A

where should i send my shipping address? ;) :D

06-23-2002, 01:59 PM
u should say "no editing" because they could change their answers of ppl that come after them

06-23-2002, 04:40 PM
I'll give this a shot.

1) In the Level 10 configuration what is the purpose of the shims?

The shims act like powertube spacers, in a way, in that they control when the air starts venting from the valve. The shims control how far forward the carrier can move (just like the powertube o ring in the original set up) and thus control when the piston in the bolt starts to vent.

2) Explain to me the concept of the carriers and thier respective marking system.

The carriers come in different sizes to suit tolerance diffentces in powertube o-ring batches. The carriers control the size of the hole of the powertube o-ring inside of it and thus control how well the piston is sealed from leaking and releasing air. If the carrier is too big, air will leak from the chamber before the bolt is released. If the carrier is too small, bolt stick might occur and the gun might not fire at all. Finding the right size carrier to "squeeze" the powertube o ring around the bolt piston just right is neccessary to prevent both aforementioned issues. The carriers come in 10 sizes. They have grooves cut around the outside of them. The number of grooves vary from 0 to 4. The smaller the number of grooves the smaller the id of the carrier (thus more "squeeze" on the piston). They also come in "tweener" sizes that are sized in between the five main carriers. The tweener sizes have three divits on the outside of them. There is one tweener size in between each main size of carrier. I.E. 0, 0 with divit, 1, 1 with divit, etc.

3) What springs would you use for the respective velocities 230fps, 250fps, 300fps. Explain to me the purpose of the interchangable spring system.

The springs used at those velocites vary on tolerances, but the original mainspring is recommended for 250 fps. Above 250, the three springs the come with the lvl 10 mod should be used. The larger the spring, the more resistance is put on the bolt and thus, the higher the pressure will need to be to shoot the bolt. Higher pressure means higher velocity while shooting so, from 250-300, the smaller the spring, the lower the velocity will be while the mod is operating correctly. The long spring is recommended for shooting between 280-90 so it would probably be used for 300 fps. As for 230, you could probably use the stock spring (just turn down the velocity) or trim the stock spring. Again, tolerance differences will make each gun shoot differently and thus requires different lengths of the springs in the gun. You need to find the point where the bolt pinches the balls, but also fires balls at an acceptable velocity.

4) Explain the role of the dual diameter power piston assembly.

The dual diameter power piston assembly allows the bolt to move at different speeds during the firing process, and thus help to prevent ball chops. The smaller assembly (carrier) allows air to vent from the air chamber during the early process of firing; while the bolt is beginning to move forward. This is needed so a ball will get pinched - not chopped if in the way as the bolt is moving only at 4-6 fps. Once the bolt clears the feed tube, the vent closes and full pressure is applied to the system as the bolt loads, fires, and retracts at normal speed to keep the firing rate almost the same as before the mod.

5) You find that you are still able to chop paint with the correct spring. What do you do next?

If you can still chop paint with the correct spring, you should move to a larger sized spring to increase the tension on the bolt so it will move slower during the vent phase of the cycle of the gun. The velocity will be higher as a result though. Fine tuning (trimming) of the springs may be needed to find a point where the bolt pinches the balls, but also fires balls at an acceptable velocity.
There is also another option. If you are chopping balls you can take out a shim so the bolt will be delayed into going into the "full throttle" mode. A combination of these two will most likely give you a good lvl 10 mod.

Multiple Choice:

1) You find yourself without a powertube spacer what part can be used as a substitute given appropriate modification.

d) Hex nuts from your warp feed or VL elbow.

2) A person at your local field is sportin an Automag RT that his friend decided to "hook up" he is complaining about how his gun is firing 2 shots per trigger pull one on the pull and one on the release he most likely.

a) has an autoresponse frame.

3) You friend just got a new automag from modified paintball last week and he is complaining about shootdown what should he check.

a) his on/off

4) You just did a 12 volt mod to your warpfeed and you can't get it to stop spinning what should you do.

b) change the sensitivity on the warp

5) The bases Uracil, Thyamine, Guanine, and Cytosene combine to form.

a) DNA

06-23-2002, 05:14 PM
Nobody yet.

Im gonna let it run until tuesday

Remember the multiple choice questions are delibrately deceptive.

06-23-2002, 05:23 PM
Are we allowed to edit our answers, or can we repost them with changes?

06-23-2002, 05:32 PM
1. The shims control when the small hole in the inner piston of the SB2 starts venting into the powertube, this has the effect of controlling when the bolt goes into the second phase of it's stroke.

2. The carriers hold the O-rings that seal the firtst piston off from the powertube at the beginning of the stroke. There are multiple sizes for tuning, There are also 2 types of carriers, tweeners and regulars. Tweeners are denoted by divots, indicating a half-size difference instead of a full size difference, they were created due to tolerance issues with o-rings. Standard (and tweener) carriers sizes are deonted by the number of grooves, ranging from 0-4 grooves. The more grooves. the larger the carrier. Carriers should seal well, but not cause friction on the bolt.

3. 230fps: cut stock mainspring
250fps: Stock mainspring
300fps: Middle or long LVL 10 mainspring, depending on tuning.

4. The smaller piston of the dual diameter system accelerates the bolt slowly and without a lot of force, in order to prevent chopping. After a certain point in the stroke, determined by the number of shims, it also starts venting into the pwoertube & breech, which brings up the pressure in there, for a somwhat smoother changeover to the large piston. At the end of the small pistons stroke, when it clears the carrier, the bolt seals to the power tube tip briefly, allowing the large piston to fill up to firing pressure & continue the stroke at full firing pressure & speed.

5. Go to the next smaller carrier, your paint is most likely very fragile, and this will slow the bolt down more. Note that this may cause intermittent bolt stick.

Multiple choice:

1. C, in a pinch a rail bushing is the right diameter to function as a PT spacer.

2. Most likely his buddy shortened the on/off pin to make the gun more easily reactive. So B is the correct answer.

3. B.

4. B, the warp is overly sensitive, turn that baby down.

5. D, the two springs in the ReTro Valve spring pac do a convincing double-helix imitation.

06-23-2002, 05:32 PM
bey butterfingers,

if we want to change answers do we edit our post or make a new one

06-23-2002, 06:50 PM
you can make a new one but it will be counted as a later entry

06-23-2002, 07:38 PM
second chance

in the forward stroke of the bolt the shims control where the air chamber vents

carriers create a seal without a lot of friction

they have small grooves to tell them apart. they are also different sizes.

230 is the main spring from a parts kit
250 is a normal main spring or a trimmed level 10 spring
300 is the level 10 main spring
the springs are used to change the velocity, because the tension in the spring can change tension on the bolt.

the dual diameter power piston assembly put the tip of the bolt just underneath the next ball in the feed tube. then when the gun is fired it pushes the bolt foward shottin the ball

you start with the longest mainspring, assemble and gas up the marker.if it does not fire turn up the velocuty. if it starts leaking out the back switch to the next smallest main spring.

Multiple choice

1. C
2. A
3. C (i know it is a long shot but hey...)
4. A
5. A

06-23-2002, 07:54 PM
1- The shims control where in the forward stroke the air chamber starts venting.

2- The different size carriers are to create a good seal with the least amount of friction.

3- "trimmed" lvl 10 spring 300fps
long lvl 10 spring250fps
normal bolt spring (nonlvl 10 spring) 230 fps
The change of spring size/tension with the change of velocity makes it easier to compress the spring with the given amount of pressure(according to fps)

4- The power piston assembly acts like a cork to seal the air chamber, lvl 10 reduces its size which allows the spring to hold it back easier (also deals with #3)

5- Go to the next smaller carrier. Trimming the spring to the correct length will also make a difference.

1 c
2 a
3 a
4 b
5 a

06-23-2002, 11:42 PM
1. The shims control when the chamber vents its air. The more you add, the earlier it happens. No shims means it won't vent, lots of shims means it vents constantly, aka leaks.

2. The purpose of the carrier system is to ensure the tolerances of the powertube/bolt system are in sync to provide the correct amount of friction to allow the pressure of the two pistons to be differentiated. This is due to the inconsistent nature of urethane o-rings. The Beta system uses normal carriers and "tweeners" to allow for further fine tuning. The carriers are denoted by grooves, with the tweeners having divots. The larger the carrier, the more grooves.

3. The stock spring is good for 230 fps
The standard lvl 10 spring is good for 250 fps
The cut spring is good for 300 and will most likely be used in my RT classic.

The AIR valve is a dump chamber design, therefore velocity is a function of chamber pressure. Different spring tensions are necessary to counteract the differing chamber pressure.

4. The dual piston design is the heart of the two-stage system. The small piston handles the low pressure stage of the cycle, venting a small amount of air into the powertube. By the time the air pressure is equalized with the pressure in the dump chamber, this new equalized pressure pushes on the larger piston, Accelerating the bolt. At this time the bolt should be past the next ball in the stack and is ready to go full throttle, and retract quickly to maintain firing rate. Due to this small loss in pressure during the "gear change," lvl 10's efficiency will be slightly less than a normal AIR valve.

5. Decrease the size of the carrier. The increased friction it generates will slow the bolt further. This is a trick usually reserved for very fragile paint, and the carrier must be oiled daily to prevent reliability issues, and even then this technique increases the likelihood of bolt stick.

Multiple Guess:

1. C. The correct modification is to file down the lip on the bushing.

2. B. An autoresponse setup is too expensive, involved, and rare to be a "hookup," most likely the on/off pin was shortened, making the gun too reactive.

3. C. This is not an autococker, people. He should check his drop forward and make sure that he has a high pressure setup behind it and not CO2. If he does have CO2 on there, then he needs to get in touch with Don and get an HP air setup!

4. B, then A. This is a vague problem, with many possible solutions based on the situation. If it is a new warp, the brushes on the motor are not broken in yet, and are causing too much electrical noise, which the system interperets as a fire signal. The sensitivity should be set just where the warp turns continuosly, and then let it turn until the brushes break in and stop causing noise. If that does not work, then 12v simply generates too much noise period. In that case, radio shack capacitors should be used around the motor and the sensor to "scrub" the signal. As a last resort, use the jumpers to disable the sensor and intellifeed that baby. Of course, if you have an I-frame, you should do that anyways!

5. D. Ooh, you're a clever one. I'm not giving away the answer to this...MCATs indeed...

With this knowledge I swear to do only good for AO and paintballers everywhere, to never fire my marker in anger, and to promote paintball(and mags) wherever I go. BTW, I have recommended modifiedpaintball ever since I first did business with you guys. Keep up the good work!

06-24-2002, 04:42 PM
I'll give this a shot.

1) In the Level 10 configuration what is the purpose of the shims?

The shims act like powertube spacers, in a way, in that they control when the air starts venting from the valve. The shims control how far forward the carrier can move (just like the powertube o ring in the original set up) and thus control when the piston in the bolt starts to vent.

2) Explain to me the concept of the carriers and thier respective marking system.

The carriers come in different sizes to suit tolerance diffentces in powertube o-ring batches. The carriers control the size of the hole of the powertube o-ring inside of it and thus control how well the piston is sealed from leaking and releasing air. If the carrier is too big, air will leak from the chamber before the bolt is released. If the carrier is too small, bolt stick might occur and the gun might not fire at all. Finding the right size carrier to "squeeze" the powertube o ring around the bolt piston just right is neccessary to prevent both aforementioned issues. The carriers come in 10 sizes. They have grooves cut around the outside of them. The number of grooves vary from 0 to 4. The smaller the number of grooves the smaller the id of the carrier (thus more "squeeze" on the piston). They also come in "tweener" sizes that are sized in between the five main carriers. The tweener sizes have three divits on the outside of them. There is one tweener size in between each main size of carrier. I.E. 0, 0 with divit, 1, 1 with divit, etc.

3) What springs would you use for the respective velocities 230fps, 250fps, 300fps. Explain to me the purpose of the interchangable spring system.

The springs used at those velocites vary on tolerances, but the original mainspring is recommended for 250 fps. Above 250, the three springs the come with the lvl 10 mod should be used. The larger the spring, the more resistance is put on the bolt and thus, the higher the pressure will need to be to shoot the bolt. Higher pressure means higher velocity while shooting so, from 250-300, the smaller the spring, the lower the velocity will be while the mod is operating correctly. The long spring is recommended for shooting between 280-90 so it would probably be used for 300 fps. As for 230, you could probably use the stock spring (just turn down the velocity) or trim the stock spring. Again, tolerance differences will make each gun shoot differently and thus requires different lengths of the springs in the gun. You need to find the point where the bolt pinches the balls, but also fires balls at an acceptable velocity.

4) Explain the role of the dual diameter power piston assembly.

The dual diameter power piston assembly allows the bolt to move at different speeds during the firing process, and thus help to prevent ball chops. The smaller assembly (carrier) allows air to vent from the air chamber during the early process of firing; while the bolt is beginning to move forward. This is needed so a ball will get pinched - not chopped if in the way as the bolt is moving only at 4-6 fps. Once the bolt clears the feed tube, the vent closes and full pressure is applied to the system as the bolt loads, fires, and retracts at normal speed to keep the firing rate almost the same as before the mod.

5) You find that you are still able to chop paint with the correct spring. What do you do next?

If you can still chop paint with the correct spring, you should move to a larger sized spring to increase the tension on the bolt so it will move slower during the vent phase of the cycle of the gun. The velocity will be higher as a result though. Fine tuning (trimming) of the springs may be needed to find a point where the bolt pinches the balls, but also fires balls at an acceptable velocity.
There is also another option. If you are chopping balls you can take out a shim so the bolt will be delayed into going into the "full throttle" mode. A combination of these two will most likely give you a good lvl 10 mod.

Multiple Choice:

1) You find yourself without a powertube spacer what part can be used as a substitute given appropriate modification.

d) Hex nuts from your warp feed or VL elbow.

2) A person at your local field is sportin an Automag RT that his friend decided to "hook up" he is complaining about how his gun is firing 2 shots per trigger pull one on the pull and one on the release he most likely.

b)needs a new on/off pin

3) You friend just got a new automag from modified paintball last week and he is complaining about shootdown what should he check.

c) his dropforward

4) You just did a 12 volt mod to your warpfeed and you can't get it to stop spinning what should you do.

a) go to radio shack

5) The bases Uracil, Thyamine, Guanine, and Cytosene combine to form.

a) DNA

06-24-2002, 05:53 PM
just from readin everyones answered i learned alot of new stuff:)

06-24-2002, 07:39 PM
1) In the Level 10 configuration what is the purpose of the shims?

The purpose of the shims is to position the oring carrier farther into the power tube. This causes the vent hole in the power piston to clear the orings sooner. Therefore...

The shims controls the timing of the "venting". More shims, earlier venting. This is because the shims keep the oring carrier farther down on the power piston.

2) Explain to me the concept of the carriers and their respective marking system.

The carriers hold the orings that seal the power piston. Included in the kit are carriers of varying sizes. The are marked with groves on the outside of the carrier. The more groves, the larger the carrier. The initial run of carriers did not allow for enough "adjustment". New "half" size carriers are included that contain the original groves and three small divits. So in size order, from smallest to largest are 0 groves, 0 groves with divits, 1 grove, 1 grove with divits, etc...

3) What springs would you use for the respective velocities 230fps, 250fps, 300fps. Explain to me the purpose of the interchangable spring system.

There isn't a spring for specific velocities. 230fps is going to need a softer sprint than 250fps which will need a softer spring than 300fps. Once the velocity is set you need to have a spring that is stiff enough to keep the initial bolt speed low but not so stiff that it won't shoot at all. One method of "tuning" is to turn up the velocity until the marker just starts to shoot and crono it. It should be approx. 20fps less than you are attempting to achieve. Once you find the correct spring, you adjust the marker to your target velocity.

4) Explain the role of the dual diameter power piston assembly.

The "first stage" and smaller piston provides less force and therefore a slower bolt speed. The "second stage" provides the increased force and speed to maintain the rof.

5) You find that you are still able to chop paint with the correct spring. What do you do next?

If you want to avoid that, use a smaller (tighter) oring carrier.

Multiple Choice:

1) You find yourself without a powertube spacer what part can be used as a substitute given appropriate modification.

c) A Rail Bushing

2) A person at your local field is sportin an Automag RT that his friend decided to "hook up" he is complaining about how his gun is firing 2 shots per trigger pull one on the pull and one on the release he most likely.

b) needs a new on/off pin.

3) You friend just got a new automag from modified paintball last week and he is complaining about shootdown what should he check.

a) his on/off

4) You just did a 12 volt mod to your warpfeed and you can't get it to stop spinning what should you do.

b) change the sensitivity on the warp
(That, and let it break in longer. That is what I had to do)

5) The bases Uracil, Thyamine, Guanine, and Cytosene combine to form.

a) DNA

06-24-2002, 08:14 PM
I cant belI'm lost witht he first 5, BUT i'll give the last 5 a shot. I know I wont win, BUT maybe I'll ge them right..hehe

5. I'm gunna say Amino acids, but when I first read it, I thought RNA

hey hey hey...wanna know something I learned in science this year....DNA stands for Deoxyribo Nucleaic Acids and RNA stands for Ribo Nucleaic Acids... :D I cant believe I've been outta school for 4 weeks and I still remember that...haha. I guess I AM gettin smarter.

06-24-2002, 09:12 PM
pick the best answer to the question, yes all of them have an answer as bad as the correct choice may be it is the only option.

06-24-2002, 10:42 PM
Q 1) In the Level 10 configuration what is the purpose of the shims?

A 1) - The shims control where in the forward stroke the air chamber starts venting much like the power tube spacers in the original bolt set-up.

Q 2) Explain to me the concept of the carriers and their respective marking system.

A 2) The carrier sits at the base of the power tube and is used to hold the power tube o-ring. Since there are manufacturing variances in the size of the o-rings, we need to compensate for this by using the proper size carrier.

The carriers are marked with a series of grooves and divits. Original carriers have 0,1,2,3 or 4 grooves cut around the outside. The new half sizes will have the same thing except with the addition of 3 small divits around the outside to show that they are half sizes.

Example 0, 0 with divit, 1, 1 with divit, etc.

Q 3) What springs would you use for the respective velocities 230fps, 250fps, 300fps. Explain to me the purpose of the interchangable spring system.

A 3) 230 fps should use a standard bolt spring but may have to be tuned by cutting a coil off a standard bolt spring.

250 fps should use a standard bolt spring

300 fps should use the longest bolt spring supplied with the Level 10 kit.

Each spring setting should be checked and tuned so that the marker will fire slightly below the desired velocity.

Q 4) Explain the role of the dual diameter power piston assembly.

A 4) The amount of force exerted on the bolt is directly related to the area of the hole that it is being forced through. The effective "hole" is the diameter of the power tube. The initial size of the power tube is smaller at the back and the resulting starting force is small. This allows the bolt to move ahead at a slower speed and gently push the paintball forward. Once the smaller diameter power tube passes the power tube o-ring, the chamber pressure is then being held back by the next larger diameter of the bolt piston in the larger section of the power tube. Since the "hole" is larger the force is greater. The result is that the bolt speeds up to quickly chamber the paintball. This helps in maintaining the fast firing rate that the mag is capable of.

Quick explaination: Bolt gently hits the paintball in stage 1 and then quickly accelerates the ball into the barrel in stage 2.

Q 5) You find that you are still able to chop paint with the correct spring. What do you do next?

A 5) You may change to the next smaller carrier (but you may risk bolt stick in some instances) or go to a longer bolt spring and trim it down until it allows your mag to gently fire in your operating range.

Multiple Choice:

Q 1) You find yourself without a powertube spacer what part can be used as a substitute given appropriate modification.

A 1) c - definately needs modification though.

a) A Pencil Eraser
b) A Reg Piston
c) A Rail Bushing
d) Hex nuts from your warp feed or VL elbow.

Q 2) A person at your local field is sportin an Automag RT that his friend decided to "hook up" he is complaining about how his gun is firing 2 shots per trigger pull one on the pull and one on the release he most likely.

A 2) a - would directly cause this problem but could be (b) if the on/off pin is too short causing the on/off to charge the front chamber before the sear is engaged.

a) has an autoresponse frame.
b) needs a new on/off pin.
c) is short stroking.
d) needs a new powertube spacer.

3) You friend just got a new automag from modified paintball last week and he is complaining about shootdown what should he check.

A 3) a - his on/off could be causing the pin to stick. could also be (c) if the ASA on it doesn't depress the pin on his screw in bottle far enough to allow adaquate air flow.

a) his on/off
b) his head for signs of activity
c) his dropforward
d) his bolt

Q 4) You just did a 12 volt mod to your warpfeed and you can't get it to stop spinning what should you do.

A 4) b - lower the sensitivity

a) go to radio shack
b) change the sensitivity on the warp
c) play with the warp jumpers
d) go to burger king and have it your way.

Q 5) The bases Uracil, Thyamine, Guanine, and Cytosene combine to form.

A 5) a - Those crazy DNA

Uracil - DNA Glycosylase
Thyamin - protects the DNA from attack and maintains the fidelity of DNA replication.
Guanine is one of the five main bases found in nucleic acids
Cytosine - a pyrimidine, is one of the major components of DNA. It's a five-carbon sugar, and it connects to the first carbon of the sugar of the DNA strand.

a) DNA
b) Globular Protiens
c) Amino Acids
d) Somthing that looks like the RT spring pack.

Hope I got it right:cool:

06-24-2002, 10:58 PM
12:00pm EST deadline tomorrow. The person with all the SA correct and most of the MC answers correct wins.

Nobody has maxed the test yet.

06-24-2002, 11:37 PM
1. The shims control when the chamber vents its air, much like a powertube spacer. The more you add, the earlier it happens. No shims means it won't vent, lots of shims means it vents constantly, aka leaks.

2. The purpose of the carrier system is to ensure the tolerances of the powertube/bolt system are in sync to provide the correct amount of friction to allow the pressure of the two pistons to be differentiated. This is due to the inconsistent nature of urethane o-rings. The Beta system uses normal carriers and "tweeners" to allow for further fine tuning. The carriers are denoted by grooves, with the tweeners having divots. The larger the carrier, the more grooves.

3. The stock spring is good for 230 fps
The standard lvl 10 spring is good for 250 fps
The cut spring is good for 300 and will most likely be used in my RT classic.

The AIR valve is a dump chamber design, therefore velocity is a function of chamber pressure. Different spring tensions are necessary to counteract the differing chamber pressure.

4. The dual piston design is the heart of the two-stage system. The small piston handles the low pressure stage of the cycle, venting a small amount of air into the powertube. By the time the air pressure is equalized with the pressure in the dump chamber, this new equalized pressure pushes on the larger piston, Accelerating the bolt. At this time the bolt should be past the next ball in the stack and is ready to go full throttle, and retract quickly to maintain firing rate. Due to this small loss in pressure during the "gear change," lvl 10's efficiency will be slightly less than a normal AIR valve.

5. Decrease the size of the carrier. The increased friction it generates will slow the bolt further. This is a trick usually reserved for very fragile paint, and the carrier must be oiled daily to prevent reliability issues, and even then this technique increases the likelihood of bolt stick.

Multiple Guess:

1. C. The correct modification is to file down the lip on the bushing. In case anyone didn't check, the nuts that come off the warp feed won't even fit in the powertube, and the plunger on the bolt certainly won't pass through the hole in them...

2. B. An autoresponse setup is too expensive, involved, and rare to be a "hookup," most likely the on/off pin was shortened, making the gun too reactive. I would test this on my own RT, but it's my baby.

3. A. This is not an autococker, people. The on off may be sticking and probably just needs to be lubed and broken in.

4. B, then A. This is a vague problem, with many possible solutions based on the situation. If it is a new warp, the brushes on the motor are not broken in yet, and are causing too much electrical noise, which the system interperets as a fire signal. The sensitivity should be set just where the warp turns continuosly, and then let it turn until the brushes break in and stop causing noise. If that does not work, then 12v simply generates too much noise period. In that case, radio shack capacitors should be used around the motor and the sensor to "scrub" the signal. As a last resort, use the jumpers to disable the sensor and intellifeed that baby. Of course, if you have an I-frame, you should do that anyways!

5. D. OK, in DNA, Uracil does not form a base pair, but Adenine sure does. Uracil is a Pyramidine base that forms a base pair with Adenine in RNA, not DNA.

With this knowledge I swear to do only good for AO and paintballers everywhere, to never fire my marker in anger, and to promote paintball(and mags) wherever I go. BTW, I have recommended modifiedpaintball ever since I first did business with you guys. Keep up the good work!

06-25-2002, 12:36 PM
Game ends mycroft wins see seprate answer post...