View Full Version : Level 10 vs ACE

06-22-2002, 11:45 PM
The concensus is that with level 10 one would not need ACE. What is the level 10 mod?

06-23-2002, 01:17 AM
it is a "gearing system" that allows the bolt to go easy on the ball but speeds up afterwards as to not scarifice ROF. It is much softer on paint and incase of a misfeed the bolt puts so little pressure on the ball that it will pinch and rengage not breaking the ball and allowing it to feed properly. Look in the "paintball talk" board and see all the classic threads, there is a few videos, animations, and a lot of reading on the level 10 mod.(have fun:) )

06-23-2002, 04:14 AM
The ACE system is still usefull when using very fragile tourney paint. We are including it in the new Extreme's as additional prevention against ball chops. For the average player the LVL10 will be fine by itself.


06-23-2002, 01:57 PM

ACE = Insurance.

06-23-2002, 02:02 PM
As I stated in the sticker thread:

06-23-2002, 02:04 PM
BAH! i defy you all!

sure pinching a ball in the breach is GREAT
its a good feature that all guns should have, but i dont wana be smacking paint all over the place, id rather just be slowing the gun down automatically. That is definatly a better solution. the extremes will have the best of all with both. But if i had to take one of the two, ill take an anti chop eye. My timmah has never broken a ball:p

06-23-2002, 02:17 PM
why not have them both? its almost a guarantee that it wont break paint

06-23-2002, 03:00 PM
uh...it basically DOES garantee not breaking paint. I mean, lvl 10, stops on a ball if not fully loaded in the breach and is "softer" oin fragile paint. ACE, doesn't shoot if a ball isn;t in the breahc. so both= great ROF and no breaks. boy I love AGD

06-23-2002, 06:21 PM
yes stopping on balls is great but like liigod said why would you want to stop on a ball which deforms balls. when you deform these balls it causes them to not fly straight therefore not being accurate. while its great that you didnt chop and you dont have paint in the barrel your ball is not flying straight. i would much rather have an eye which may slow down your rof when balls arnt feeding but every ball will fly straight.

06-24-2002, 11:18 AM
what about brittle paint that is already loaded into the breech? If a bolt is too strong it might just break the paint.. now with lvl10, chances are, it wouldn't break the paint.

07-11-2002, 10:36 AM
Is there anyway to mount an ACE to my classic? or do you have to have an e-mag body and rail?
just wondering because i have been upgrading my mag since i got it, and im thinkin about turning it into an electro.


07-11-2002, 10:48 AM
Level 10 does not deform the paint when it pinches it

07-11-2002, 11:22 AM
An ACE needs electronics to work, unfortunately, so it can't be mounted on any mag except the e-mag (extreme/sfl). What I want to know is why can't AGD come out with an ACE mod for the manual guns, wouldn't you be able to add some extra electronics in a kit or something so it'd be at least optional for the manuals?

07-11-2002, 11:46 AM
ok what i was thinking that the ACE would not fit inside the standard automags body rail, because if im not mistaken that is where the entire board is held. so, in theory, to get my mag to work with the ACE, i would have to...

1)get an e-mag body rail

2) get an electronic board to fit in my z-grip that will allow an anti chop eye(emag)

3)put it in myself because by then i will have no money whatso ever.

so am i goin to do it?
probably not

07-11-2002, 12:03 PM
I tweaked my LVL10 up yesterday.. 1.0 carrier 3 shims... it will stop on a zip-tie turned sideways. Also I didn't notice any deformation of paint. I used the same paintball and squeezed half in and hal out of the breah with some duct tape. I then removed thta ball and barrel and checked..it didn't look any firrent than the next ball.