View Full Version : need feed back

06-23-2002, 12:01 AM
what do you guys think i could get for my mag set up:
hand polished p/f minimag body
stock valve and trigger frame
blue flame drop w/blue kapp on/off asa
blue 12vlt revvie
smart parts progressive barrel
gadget grip which is missing the gadget part(lost the barrel plug first time i played)
it's only been used like 3 times, and the mo ao meet with be the fourth.
i have been looking around, and was like hay, i want a timmy. my mag has been awsome but i would like to get an electronic marker, i am open for suggestion on this but i don't have much money and would like to stick in the 600 and under dollar range, and i don't want anyone telling me uhhh...blahtyblah*fart*timmys a fugly why would you want one yatta yatta.

06-23-2002, 01:06 AM
ill give you $3.43 and a half eatin slice of pie?

06-23-2002, 01:24 AM
GET A GZ!!! i am giving up my mag to get one.........and if anyone is gonnna say anything, make sure u have shot both first ;)

06-23-2002, 03:06 PM
i say about 300 ull get for it