View Full Version : Pitch Black...

06-23-2002, 01:11 AM
has anyone else seen it? A great movie IMO. about half way through it, I relised that ven diesal(or how ever you spell his name, you know...the guy from the Fast And The Furious) was the dude that could see really good. well anyone else seen it?

06-23-2002, 01:15 AM
ya I seen it a while ago, its a pretty old movie, it was pretty good, lol I thought it was funny on where the blood smell was coming from... ya that was funny too me :p stupid kid lol I was confused if it was a boy or girl the whole movie till that part...

06-23-2002, 01:24 AM
I like the movie.. that's the only role in which I like Vin Diesel.

06-23-2002, 06:59 AM
you didnt like him in saving privat ryan?

06-23-2002, 07:02 AM
I liked the movie. I liked his roll in it as well.

As for his other movies….. Fast and the Furious was not stellar, but he didn’t have a lot to work with. He was okay in The Boiler Room (I believe that was it… broaker front), but didn’t have what I would call a major role. My 14 year old daughter just LOVES him.

I would like to see him in more action movies like Pitch Black… Maybe make Pitch Black II where they have to go back for some strange reason that we did not see in the first one.. LOL

06-23-2002, 07:06 AM
I liked Pitch Black as well. He played an interesting role in that movie.

Hmmmmm, Pitch Black II huh? That would be interesting, go back and kill all those nasty flying things.

06-23-2002, 09:28 AM
Pretty good movie havent seen it in prolly 1-2 years. Kinda dumb if you asked me. I rented it cuz all my friends told me it was the scariest movie they ever saw. If yeah ask me shrek was scarier then it. o well.

06-23-2002, 09:45 AM
When it was in theaters I didn't have enough interest to see it. I caught it on showtime/HBO a few months ago and was pleasantly surprised. It had a good story and was well done. I'd recommend it.

As for a PB2, I read something on ain't it cool news about a possible PB trilogy. Why everything has to be a trilogy I don't know. Anyway, its supposed to fill in some of the back story on Riddick.

06-23-2002, 09:56 AM
i think that movie was kickarse...

one of the best movies of all time

shrek did scare the piss out of me though,i mean,hes a dam orge!!!!!!

and the talking donkey gave me nightmares for a whole week:(

06-23-2002, 10:21 AM
The Hartleys-
Pitch Black II (currently being called The Chronicles of Riddick) is under way. The writers say that it is most likely going to be a prequel that shows the life of crime that led upto him getting locked up. The crwe also said that the creatures/monsters are 90%+ likely to not appear in THIS sequel. I don't know about you guys, but I kinda liked the flying critters.

If you want just good old fashioned action with Vin, "xXx" is coming out this summer and looks kinda like James Bond meets Fast and the Furious.

(The little lady has a thing for the big, bald lunk, so i get to be kept right up to date on his career ;) )

06-23-2002, 10:40 AM
Those flying critters were awesome and I thought the crews attempts at using lights to avoid them were a different twist. Vin Diesel...he played role of Riddick pretty well.

06-23-2002, 11:18 AM
Im a die-hard Vin Diesel(*not even his REAL name*) and Ive seen all of his work from KnockAround Guys and Boiler Room to Fast and the Furious and Saving Private Ryan.

To me, he embodies who I someday wish to be, and I give him mad respect. Pitch Black is an amazing movie, and now I want to watch it...

06-23-2002, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by PaInTbAlLeR476
If yeah ask me shrek was scarier then it. o well.

your right, it wasn't really scary, but it was pretty good. I wanna see him in the xXx movie. looks pretty good

06-23-2002, 12:47 PM
Thanks for the info Syn.

Yes, I liked the creatures as well. They actually MADE the movie. Vin was great in it, but….. LOL As long as they put him in other “interesting” situations, it will be alright.

06-23-2002, 06:51 PM
i wasent serious about shrek being scary just a generalization(sp.) about how unscary the movie was.

06-23-2002, 11:46 PM
i most def want to see xXx that movie is gonna kick ***

06-24-2002, 01:48 AM
xXx is going to be awsome and it has the same producer as mission impossible 2 so you know it will kick ***

06-24-2002, 02:32 PM
yeah wasn't scary but it was good. Saw the movie, then bought the directors cut dvd. Dvd is a lot better. I did here vin was gonna be in sequals to Fast and Furious and pitch black. Should be interesting.

06-24-2002, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
yeah wasn't scary but it was good. Saw the movie, then bought the directors cut dvd. Dvd is a lot better. I did here vin was gonna be in sequals to Fast and Furious and pitch black. Should be interesting.

I know for SURe about the Fast And The Furious sequal. wanna know how. if you get the DVD and watch the movie all the way through and wait for the credits to finish, after they do, wait a little bit and a part fromt he next one plays. it has Vin riding thorugh somewhere like Cancun or something like that and he's talkin. nice car too. an old Chevelle

06-24-2002, 03:21 PM
I love Pitch Black. If there weren't a million other movies I love, I would have it on DVD...or if it weren't for paintball.

There are indeed going to be sequals(or prequals) to both Fast and the Furious and Pitch Black. (I am not really looking foward to the FATF one...but Pitch Black II is gonna kick ***.)

I don't think xXx looks that great...kinda cheesy.

06-24-2002, 03:38 PM
Pitch Black without the cool monsters would be like Jaws without the shark. We all know why they would make the other movie about Vin. But common why not have the sequel be a prequel, maybe tell about the colony that they found abandoned.

06-24-2002, 03:42 PM
shooting doesn't even start until august, so hollywood still has time for 20 or 30 major script revisions before productions begins. all that i've heard is that <b>those</b> monsters will most likely not be included in the second film.

i would be personally suprised if they didn't include atleast some big bad alien critters. some tells me that riddick encountered quite a few not so friendly creatures before he ended up in lockdown.

06-24-2002, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
Pitch Black without the cool monsters would be like Jaws without the shark.

I'm with ya on that. I mean, they couldn't even call it Pitch Black cuz those particualar monstars aren't in it. But I'm with Syn when he says that ridick probably encountered some "things" b4 that

06-24-2002, 07:29 PM
Here's what I want to know.. someone PM if they can back me up or not. I like the movie pitch black..own it on DVD and they're making a pitchblack 2 for those interested. Anyway on to my question. I think everyone here has seen the original Aliens.. not Alien or Aliens 3.. the seond movie Aliens. I believe Vin Diesel was in the drop ship. He only says a few words to the commander before putting on his helmet. My girlfriend utterly adores him and she doesn't believe that its him. I don't have it on DVD yet so I can check the Cast, but anyone else know what I'm talking about or know if its him? Thank :D

06-25-2002, 07:01 PM
his contacts were to raw...

06-26-2002, 10:27 AM
ZSigErik: How did you see Knockaround guys, it hasn't been released yet.

I saw Pitch Black opening night, excellent movie, even if it is a blatant Alien Ripoff. Looking forward to the sequel in 2003.

xXx looks to be the opposite of Austin Powers, a Bond Homage focusing on the action, not the humour. I'll be there opening night.

Pitch Black 2, The Chronicles of Riddick is focusing on the part of Pitch Black that made the move, Riddick, unlike Alien, the monsters were not the stars of the movie.

Vin Diesel is not in TF&TF2, they're focusing on Paul Walker's character (Dumb Idea)

Hoping they'll release Knockaround guys finally, it's due in mid-october now.

A movie reviewer once said about Vin Diesel ' Women want him, men want to be him' I'd say that pretty much sums him up.

Frausty: Vin's first hollywood movie was Saving Private Ryan, his first role in a movie was in 1997 (Stray's), he is a Director as well (Stray's and a short in 1995). Aliens was made in 1986.

06-27-2002, 04:53 PM
Pitch Black was a very cool movie - not because it was scary or an especially great or original alien movie - but Vin's character added a really interesting psychological twist to the whole thing.

Very, very well done in my opinion.

One of my favorite scenes is the crash landing at the beginning of the movie. VERY intense! You can alsmost feel the ship breaking away from you as it skids to a stop (at least with a decent sound system).


06-27-2002, 11:48 PM
xXx-From the previews seems to combine the Fast and Furious and James Bond into one. You honestly can't blame Hollywood. It'll sell like the Fast and Furious. I can't really see paying 7.50 for it. Or 10 in other states. Maybe they could convince Ja Rule not to try acting in this one too. Because that was about the worst thing I have ever seen. I've also heard something about a Fast and Furious 2. I saw it on a car site. I think it's supposed to be based on Euro. Cars. Which will be nice, alot of Ferraris, probably some souped up Beamers and Benz's. I'm not sure about details. About Pitch Black-It was ok, not horrible.

06-28-2002, 04:11 PM
I thought it was a garbage movie.

Only part i enjoyed was when that little kid got swarmed by those bat things. Stupid kid, teach you to go wandering off on your own!!