View Full Version : Warp vs. HALO vs. Revy vs Ricochet answer thread

06-23-2002, 04:07 PM
This keeps coming up, so let's get it done right this time and done for good, maybe it needs to be a Classic thread.

While there may be a few dissenters, here is what I have been able to glean from my experience and what I have read from others.

First, Warp vs. anything else is not a true comparison because the Warp must have a hopper of some type on it.

Second, Warp is the way to go if you worry about hopper hits, it gets your profile much lower. I play mostly rec ball and we don't play hopper hits, but most tourneys and regular fields do. It is slightly heavier than a hopper only setup, but most people who play with them think it is worth the extra weight.

That said, the fastest current combo for play is a HALO B on a Warp, feeds somewhere in the 25-30BPS range, consistently and without problems when set up properly.
It can feed a string of balls at virtually any angle, at least until the balls in contact with the feed cup of the HALO run out.

Hoppers alone, the HALO B is by far the fastest and most consistent, it will feed about 20-30 BPS when set up properly. It can feed short strings of 5-7 balls at odd angles in my experience, also until the balls in the feed cup run out.

Revy and variations, (Turborev, etc.) are limited by gravity and are in no way force loaders so only the ball in the chamber can be expected to shoot normally. The best they can feed alone is 13-15 BPS, even with the best secondary or hopped up boards and impellers.

Ricochets have similar performance to Turborevs and have the same limitations.

From what I can see then;

Best hopper alone: HALO B Cost $100-125.00 New
Best setup: HALO B on a Warp Cost $200-275 New
Best Budget hopper:Revy 12 Volt (Sorry guys, its cheaper than a Ricochet for similar performance)
Best Revy Board: X-Board (but a new revy with X board costs almost as much as a HALO B, I think)

Feel free to add anything else.


06-23-2002, 04:20 PM
X-Board revy is way cheaper than Halo B. $100CDN gets you a black one, $150 for a Rico, $230 for a Halo (all prices canadian)

06-23-2002, 04:27 PM
Wow, thats a big HALO B markup, I think you can find them here for around $100-125. I was an early HALO A guy and just had the upgrade done so I have about $150 into mine.

I see regular Revys for $60, so figured in the cost of an X-board and came to about the same, but I noticed in another thread that MPP had them cheaper.


06-23-2002, 05:31 PM
I dropped an x-board into my wifes revy for $10. The X-board included revy at Paintballgear.com is $49.99.
BTW I have a HALO A and Love it! I will upgrade soon...oh yes...I will.

06-23-2002, 05:44 PM
OK heres what i think.

Warp Feeds:
I cannot stand these things. I used to have one and it was setup properly by agd and i still hated it. It adds weight to your gun and it really doesnt make all that much of a difference in my play other than being heavier. In my own opinion i think they are a crutch for people who cant play tight enough and get hopper hits and cant shoot off hand.

These are really fast loaders but they come with sacrifices. They look like tupperware tubs on ur gun, they are huge and heavy and too expensive for a loader.

I like these loaders the best. They feed at a good rate and its pretty hard to out shoot them, the DO deflect hits and have great customer service.

I like the PRE BE ones but they are still the most popular. With the x-board and a new propeller i think they rock but dont deflect hopper hits like a ricochet.

06-23-2002, 05:54 PM
First, Warp vs. anything else is not a true comparison because the Warp must have a hopper of some type on it. i ussualy dont read comparison threads about feed systems because most people dont make this point and that tells me right off the bat, that they havent thought out what it is that they are trying to convey. this thread, on the other hand, is well thought out and thuro. good jog bwaites, very informative. but i think i'll stick to my warp and vl 2000, atleast untill the vl 2000 dies.its gettin close to its tenth birthday and iv had to re-solder a few things. i dont kow if its got to many games left in it:(

06-23-2002, 05:57 PM
The Ricochet deflection idea is pretty farfetched.

We set one up and shot at it from different angles, the only way we could get it to have fewer breaks was shooting across the front, we had slightly fewer breaks than with a revy when we shot from front left to right and the ball struck on the right side of the hopper, but every straight on shot broke, every side shot broke. We actually had fewer breaks on a Revy on side shots when they struck the rounded lower portion.

Looks don't affect performance, so the difference in looks doesn't have much affect on my thoughts. However, most people like my HALO better than my friends Ricochet. The Revy seems to come in last in everybodies looks department, but they sell more than all the others combined.

The X-board Revys at MPP are probably the best bargain out there, especially if they have the new paddles.


06-23-2002, 05:57 PM
yea, i think this should be a sticky. so it will cut down on the threads about the same thing. i think that warp is better than all of them only if you have a 12v w/ x board on it

06-23-2002, 08:40 PM
All opinions on my part aside, and attempting to ignore them.

#1: The size profile of the halo is roughly the same as the revi. The back has more bulk width-ways, but just as long and tall as a revi. Depending on what its sitting on, it sits just as low, or about 1/2" higher.

#2: X-board and ricochet perform ALMOST about equally.

#3: Turborev with 4-blade or more impeller outshoots anything except a halo.

#4: Balls bouncing off hoppers just isn't something to depend on. It happens so rarely with all types of hoppers. But some few revis (be) have a bad habit of ocassionally acquiring ball sized holes in them. :)

But, even with these additions, I agree with your conclusions. Pretty good overall, bwaites. :)

06-23-2002, 09:07 PM
ACTUALLY, the best board for the revy is the Turbo board and with a vortex impeller they work just as good as HALO A(NOT B) and better then a Ricochet IMO. I would buy a HALO B BUT, I dont feel like spending 130 buks for a HALO and then drilling a hole thorugh it. thats my .02$

06-23-2002, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by blnk162
I like these loaders the best. They feed at a good rate and its pretty hard to out shoot them, the DO deflect hits and have great customer service. Believe it or not, I've hopper hit the same guy twice (he had a richochet). One was from across the field too, and the hopper was pointing in my direction.

06-23-2002, 09:18 PM
That said, the fastest current combo for play is a HALO B on a Warp, feeds somewhere in the 25-30BPS range, consistently and without problems when set up properly
as far as I knew, the HALO B could feed @ 22bps-24BPS @ best and a 12v warp can feed @ 24-26BPS

Hoppers alone, the HALO B is by far the fastest and most consistent, it will feed about 20-30 BPS when set up properly again, that is a pretty wide estimate and I really don't remember hearing that it could ffed over 22-24bps tops.

Revy and variations, (Turborev, etc.) are limited by gravity and are in no way force loaders so only the ball in the chamber can be expected to shoot normally. The best they can feed alone is 13-15 BPS, even with the best secondary or hopped up boards and impellers. I've had every type of revy there is and got nothing this high in feeding reliability, I don't believe a high end Revy could do more than 13bps AT BEST more like 11 with skips.

Ricochets have similar performance to Turborevs and have the same limitations. As far as I know and have heard, both on here and in person, the Ricochet performs much more reliabily than a Revy and at a slightly higher rate, maybe 13-15bps, again I'm not sure.

If you would like to start the end all be all discussion on loading systems, I'd recommend doing a little more research and not being so broad in your details. Don't take this as a flame, it's only an observation:) again, my numbers may be off a little as well but I didnt start the end all be all thread...

06-23-2002, 09:56 PM
First, I NEVER stated I was the be all/end all expert. I stated it was what I was able to check and learn from others and I invited others to offer their opinions/expertise.

Nobody I have seen/read believes that Ricochets are more dependable or feed faster than Turborevys.

HALO B's with Warps have been set up to feed the 25-30 BPS I mentioned, there are numerous threads here discussing this. Some have been modified with more voltage, etc. to do so.

I believe that the gravity feed systems of the Ricochet/Revy group are limited to about 13 BPS, (if I remember right that is the gravity limit) but others have quoted higher rates, as Havoc did, so I included them. The very fact that they are random, not force fed, makes them have a lower actual feed rate than that 13-15 BPS limit.

The wide variation comes, at least in part, from unscientific, unregulated voltage source testing. If you feed a DC motor more power, it will run faster, so some peoples' experiences might show the HALO/Warp combos at faster rates.

Finally, everyones input is important, I was trying to cut down on the "Should I get a HALO/Warp/Revy/Rico" posts and give people a starting place, somewhere to go to find the accumulated wisdom of AO.

06-23-2002, 10:06 PM
i have a 12v turbo rev and when I just let the balls run thorugh it, i get about 13 bps. nothing faster then this, but nothing really slower. maybe a LITTLE inconsistant as the number of balls go donw, but still, very fast down to the last ball. I empty a loader(no gun, just let it run) in about 10 seconds. I KNOW that is sayin it can unload 20 BPS but, I SWEAR I did it. or my clock mite be slow, who knows. but that is what I got

06-23-2002, 10:11 PM
HALO B's with Warps have been set up to feed the 25-30 BPS I mentioned, there are numerous threads here discussing this. Some have been modified with more voltage, etc. to do so. just curious, do you have any links? :confused:

06-23-2002, 10:18 PM
Don't have the time right now to look, but it seems like it might have been in some of Butterfingers links about the Emagnum they were working on. Just going off the top of my head, though. (I'm at work)

I'll try to look later.


06-23-2002, 10:20 PM
I remember them doing a vid of 30 cycles per second but not even close to firing that fast with rounds.

06-23-2002, 10:24 PM
I remember the video, also, but I seem to remember him talking about how they were going to feed it. It might have been in Chat also. I'll ask him next time I see him online.


06-24-2002, 01:13 AM
Whats the difference between the Halo A and the Halo B? I have been thinking about getting one. Are they all B's Now? Thanks

06-24-2002, 01:24 AM
the Halo A has a different drive to feed the rounds, it loads around 18-20bps. The HALO B has a different drive which is a little quieter and can feed a little faster, like 22-24bps tops I believe. The HALO A's are still monster fast, I have never been able to outshoot mine, however I am selling mine simply because I want a Clear Halo B. The HALO A I have is black, I'm selling it for 65 shipped. pm me if interested.:)

06-24-2002, 08:28 AM
we have not gone any higher than 22bps. It does not mean it will not feed any faster we just havent tried yet. 30 bps however seems unlikely.

06-24-2002, 09:28 AM
I stand corrected! Havoc, I couldn't find the links last nite, so maybe I was confusing what people had said in theory with what they said they had tried.

Warp/HALO B max currently stands at 22BPS, though Havoc and others have said that HALO alone can feed this fast.


06-24-2002, 11:41 PM

I knew someone had mentioned higher rates.

Talking with RobAGD tonite and he has run a warp at 30 volts, 4000BPM, which works out to 60+ BPS. A jacked up HALO B couldn't keep up with that, but he thinks 30BPS is doable with the right voltage.

He also doesn't understand why some people are complaining that the HALO B/Warp doesn't want to work right, he thinks it should work fine.


06-25-2002, 12:17 AM
Talking with RobAGD tonite and he has run a warp at 30 volts, 4000BPM, which works out to 60+ BPS. A jacked up HALO B couldn't keep up with that, but he thinks 30BPS is doable with the right voltage.
I've heard of this also, these are highly modified warps...
He also doesn't understand why some people are complaining that the HALO B/Warp doesn't want to work right, he thinks it should work fine. I hope to have a HALO B soon and doubt I'll have any problems...(I hope:) )

06-25-2002, 09:43 AM
I'm totally satisfied with the performance of my turborev with impeller on my racegun.

I've looked at the Halos but I couldn't justify the extra expense for a few more BPS.

I never go over 10 bps anyway, and that's only on shooting a lane on the runout or popping off 3 rounds in a snapshot.

Why do you need more? :)


06-25-2002, 09:46 AM
In the past it was the consistency of the feed to avoid Hopper induced chops, with Level 10, it will allow whole new options in play.


06-25-2002, 09:47 AM
My gun can't chop. It will stop on the ball rather than slice it.


But I agree, the more consistent the feed the less likely you'll see me out there pulling my back block back to reset the ball.

I have to do that once my batts start going in the revvie.