View Full Version : First day playing with my minimag (need cleaning tips too)

06-23-2002, 04:21 PM
Ok i FINALLY got to play with my mag after having it for 2 months, its a minimag with intelliframe, classic valve and bolt, and 68/4500 nitroduck tank.

First off i was kinda disappointed in fps consistancy, 3 shots went 286, 274, 280 i guess its ok but would like better.

There was at least 5 or 6 cockers out today, couple spiders (one with some electroframe), few A-5 rentals and some m98's.

first game we played one guy had to sit out because he couldn't get his cocker working, he had trouble all day, a few times paint busted up into his elbow and in the hopper somehow, lthen he couldn't get it to fire at all. The other cockers had no probs, or i wasn't around when they did.

I did chop quite a lot, 3 or 4 times, then had 1 barrel break, i was using diablo dusk paint (sry no bounce test) but i think most of my chop problem is i have no revy and it was misfeeds.

overall it was great, blazing fast and even the one kid who's cocker was busted said he's saving his money for a mag. :)

all in all i think i need a revy and possibly a level 10 if it doesn't fix the chop problems afterwards, my barrel isn't too fantastic either (just came withgun only know that its a 10 incher)

Ok how do you guys clean your gun after playing? just tank off vavle and wipe out the inside of the body, bolt, and spring, maybe oil it?


06-23-2002, 04:34 PM
what you do is degas your gun. then you unscrew the back screw (the one that holds the valve). then you unscrew the trigger screw (the one that holds the trigger in place). then u take the body, valve, and trigger apart. u clean everything that has paint on it. take the spring off the bolt and wash both of them. wash the valve power tube. then you put it all back together. about oiling it.. dont bother putting oil in the OIL holes.TK said they do nothing. i juz put some oil in the bolt and power tibe and it does fine for me

06-23-2002, 04:58 PM
sounds easy enough thx :)

06-23-2002, 05:16 PM
To properly oil it, put oil in the end of your quick disconnect going to the valve or the ASA and then dry fire it with the barrel off. Keep oil off the outside of the bolt and there's no need to oil the spring.

06-23-2002, 05:25 PM
i still perfer the:

put oil in the air line, gas it up, fire with no barrel, while gassed up... hose it down (garden hose, shower, sink, dirty toilet... you get the idea) =)

fire while the water runs over it... then towel dry, fire some more till there is very little spray comin out when fired... degass, take apart and wipe everything down.... reassemble for next time.....