View Full Version : Tournament Story from Norway (Long)

06-23-2002, 06:33 PM
Here's a story for you peeps.

On friday around 22:30 I got a phonecall from a guy saying that they needed a last player for their team at the Norwegian Open Championship 2002. Only trouble was that the guys on my team had borrowed my extreme so I was without a marker :) OK they said, we can get you an old mag. I'm fine with that. I said I could only play on saturday so they had to get someone else for that day. Then I just had to get home and get the rest of my gear together. Got to bed around 02:30- 03:00 and up at 05:45.
Not much sleep :)

Picked up at 06:15 and got to the field. To bad I didn't take any pictures of the mag because it looked....old, very very old :)

The only thing I did was change the VL. It looked as something a kid had been using in the sandbox.

Now the team (RadioActive) was set up with 2 original members, 2 from SON (Spirit of Norway) I think and me (Now that I'm sure of).

The preliminay round we only got 1 win and 1 draw in 5 games giving us a spot in the Am B rounds.

In the Am B round we kicked *** taking 4 out of 5 games. We made the finals for sunday AND got the field record.
A Flaghang in 43 sec.
That's 8 sec better than HardCore (How'bout that Manike)

The best ting about the day was the mag. I shot about 2500 balls (Zap Chronic) with it and not one, NOT ONE ballbreak.

In the Finals on Sunday the team managed to take the firstplace. And as said earlier that was without me in the finals (3 games).

06-23-2002, 10:17 PM
i dont have paint breakin problems either