View Full Version : Nubbins

06-23-2002, 07:54 PM
i was wondering if they made any different size nubbins of the plastic ones.. my barrle kept doubling feeding.. but then again its probably due to the small paint and medium bore... but it would be nice since this is the only barrels i have (same size so).. i know the steel ones are adjustable by bending them but. i dont really want to go switching to the steel ones..

ohhh yeha.. today was my first time playing a game with my mag.. i'm veryyyy happy with it. love it.. now all i need is the retro valve and i'm set

broke a lot of balls though, but, i'm sure that was due to some double feeding and it was rainning alllll day so.. didn't have a problem after i switched barrels though

06-23-2002, 08:07 PM
they have some V nubbins and a P nubbins..do a search on "nubbins" and you might be able to find your answer

06-23-2002, 08:25 PM
plastic nubbins fit stock mag barrels best, most aftermarket barrels have a deeper grove so don't work as good with the plastic nubbins.

06-23-2002, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by paintbattler
they have some V nubbins and a P nubbins..do a search on "nubbins" and you might be able to find your answer

yes i know about those, ihave some steel nubbins.. i was just wondering about the plastic ones because they're softer on paint and last longer