View Full Version : What does your wife think about paintball?

06-24-2002, 12:14 AM
Well I'm 27 and I've been married for 3 years now and started playing (actively) about the same time.

Although my wife does not mind me playing paintball in fact she even fully supports it.
But my mother-in-law can not even stand it when someone even mentions paintball around her. So my poor father-in-law gets the same old story every time we get together to go play (actually I do too, but she's not my wife and I don't have to listen to it). It's all about her being totally for gun-control and other issues that comes from watching to many episodes of Rosie.

But anyways I was just wandering if any of you other guys have issues with your wives?

06-24-2002, 12:16 AM
are you crazy? the love of my life plays just as much as I do!;)

06-24-2002, 12:23 AM
Mine hates it. She asks if I had fun and that's it.

06-24-2002, 02:22 AM
Dont got a wife. But I got my MOMMY! and she dosent care that I play. The only thing she hates is whenever I get money I spend it on paintball gear. Like I just spent like 130 today, on the redz gear bag.

06-24-2002, 07:05 AM
My Wife used to play it… got disgusted with some of the aspects of the game and its players and stopped… now is getting back into it again. So, you could say she is “fine” with it as it stands, and actually enjoys it quite a bit. (I will have her post about her views later.)

Now I am in the same boat in the in-laws issue… we can not even casually mention paintball in front of or around her folks. My father is fine with it, and actually knows quite a bit about it (just retired from working in the school system) and thinks it is pretty neat. Kim’s folks on the other hand think it is some dark group of militia folks out training to take over the government or something. Their such strong hatred of the sport actually makes it funny. They are great people, but a bit “off” at times. (Added: I grew my hair long a few years back, and when it was long, my Wife’s father would not talk to me. I then cut it short again, and suddenly he started talking to me. Strange… isn’t it?;))

06-24-2002, 08:16 AM
one of these days I'll get the little lady out to play. She says I have to let her shoot me first to see if she could actually handle shooting people (almost happened on saturday but I was out of air).

06-24-2002, 10:28 AM
mine doesnt care..u know why? becuz i dont have one.my gf dont care though but she doesnt know i play it yet

06-24-2002, 10:30 AM
drag her out to the monster game, it kinda depressing when my woman is the only female on the field.

06-24-2002, 11:43 AM
SHartley...so we arent training to take over the government???!!!

darnit,whats all the fun in that!:rolleyes:

06-24-2002, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by synreal
drag her out to the monster game, it kinda depressing when my woman is the only female on the field.
I'll see what I can do. Even if it's just to hang out.

06-24-2002, 12:32 PM
My Fiance has no qualms at all with me playing paintball. she has no desire to play, but she always remembers to pick up a copy of APG for me at Barnes and Noble.:) My future in laws were curious to try firing my mag and they're fine with my playing.

06-24-2002, 01:10 PM
i dont got a wife so I'm guessin their no problem there

06-24-2002, 06:00 PM
Got rid of the wife and kept the kids (2 boy) now the 3 of us play and don't need to listen to her complain about it.

The best part is when the go to see her after a weekend of play they show her all the cool welts just to whined her up. ( that's my boy's. got to luv em!)

06-24-2002, 06:22 PM
As Sam said I was disgusted with some aspects and some people that were associated with the game for a while but I'm getting back into it and rather quickly. So, yes you could say I am fine with it.

I would have to say that since I will be receiving my own custom built Spyder TL Plus this week that I am really into it again! I can't wait to see it!!!!! :D

06-24-2002, 06:31 PM
My wife has no problem with me playing. She has issues with how much money I spend on paintball "stuff". As for playing, she has no interest. I told her it doesn't hurt much, but she's not interested in finding out for herself.

P.S. She also doesn't care for it when I dry fire in the house. She has bat-like hearing and doesn't care for loud noises.

06-24-2002, 06:36 PM
he he ...Sam owes me his next born...Muhahahahaha!

06-24-2002, 06:37 PM
Yeah I know about the dry firing issue.
I do alot of marker repairs from my home office and shoot them all the time, about 5 seconds later she comes in to give me the "Don't do it again" look

She has been with me once and got shot while she was observing, it gave her a nice size welt so she won't even try it now.

She is not rely that type of person I guess, she keeps telling me she is an "indoor girl"

06-24-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Junky

She is not rely that type of person I guess, she keeps telling me she is an "indoor girl"
Take her to a indoor feild then :p
And I don't have a wife but my mom dosn't mind me playing, she knows this means alot to me and supports me... She just dosen't like me buying so much stuff online thinking I'm going to get ripped off, I already have been ripped off 2 times and she said one more time and I'm not going to be able to trade anymore...

06-24-2002, 08:11 PM
wife.... nope i was never crazy enough to get one of them.... besides.... i already got kids (twin 7y/o girls that never seem to stop talking.... oh asprin my savior) =)

now my mom actually is glad that i play.... other then work or keeping my rugrats entertained... paintball is about the only time i'm out of the house anymore.... and is probly the only real excercise i get..... i keep tellin her i'm gonna get the kids playin in a few years... she is not to fond of the idea.. so for now i let them shoot at targets in the backyard.... and they know not to touch my markers unless i'm there even then they wont unless i hand it to them....

speaking of which its time to put them 2 bed for the night... the head back down to capecod for yet another 2 weeks with my mom..... god bless summer vacation =) the quietest time of the year in my house :)

06-24-2002, 08:36 PM
She's playing with my friends and I this weekend on a private field. This setting is probably more comfortable for her (vs a regular field) as she has met a few of the players.

I've done my best to get her ready. Equipment-wise she's set. I bought her a new (used) marker and tank. I showed her how to fire it. I tried to get her a pr of BDUs but she just laughed at me... Any other advise for us?

I'm pretty excited. I hope this is something we can do together in the future. I'll let you know how it goes.


06-24-2002, 08:48 PM
HAHA shartley, did your wife's father ever mumble stuff about tree hugging hippies when you had your hair long? lol! that's quite funny...i tried to explain what paintball was about to my uncle that fought in vietnam and he just kinda went psycho on me talking about how it was training me to kill and stuff, needless to say i dont talk to uncle fred much anymore..........

06-25-2002, 06:35 AM
Nope. Wrong generation. My Father-n-Law is of the WWII / Korean War Generation, not Vietnam. And he didn’t mumble anything about hippies… he didn’t talk at all. LOL I was FAR from being a hippy though, I just had long hair.

I had spent all of my adult life having very short hair, so I decided a few years back to let it grow long. Then I decided to cut it all off again…. LOL

People who have served their country in the Armed Forces and then say that Paintball trains people to kill have a real problem. Yes, you shoot “weapons” that fire balls at people, but it is not the same as real Warfare. And I will leave it at that…

It is a great Family Sport.

06-25-2002, 11:20 AM
oh i can see this now-

[Cphilip] I Leik BABBEH! ..i want my babbeh back babbeh back behbby bak riiibs...

06-25-2002, 09:02 PM
don't got a wife, but my mom is fine with me playing. Just once when she was watching a tourney I was running up to bunker this guy and she screamed " That's not NICE!!" after the game she was telling me how mean i was and that i play 'cheap'
My dad is quiet and says paintball is 'stupid' Yet after i got my warp feed he loves my gun. He jsut walked into my room, picked it up, and started snap shooting behind my dresser. He's learned well -- like son, like father, right?
I'm close to getting him to play.
My 28 year old sister has been playin since the 80s, and shoots an old school mag.
ah well.
my g/f plays paintball and loves it.

if only sh'ed dump her cocker and get a mag, our realationship would deepen greatly ( or is it that opposites attract? )

06-29-2002, 11:31 PM
lol ...... "wife" thats a scary thought (i'm 16)

my dad likes paintball, i can't get him to stop shooting my mag in the backyard..

my mom thinks i'm better off throwing dollar bills at people, but I tell her to be glad i'm spending it on paintball instead of drugs are some crap like that :D

06-29-2002, 11:40 PM
my g/f feels jealous haha :(

06-30-2002, 08:27 PM
My wife supports my habbit in fact she just let me get my first Automag off this very site. So yes she supports my habbit I just wish she didn't work so much that she could go with me. Hell now that I think about it she supports most of my expensive habbits guess I got a good one.


06-30-2002, 11:38 PM
My wife is certain that I'm obsessed. I take my nephew, but my kids aren't really interested right now. My wife is interested in shooting certain people, but heaven forbid she be shot.

Matt Crawford
07-01-2002, 12:02 AM
well I dont have a wife, but my GF thinks its cool She wanted to play, but earlyier this year she saw a welt on my back that had gooey clear stuff comming outta it so she now decided not to.

07-01-2002, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Matt Crawford
well I dont have a wife, but my GF thinks its cool She wanted to play, but earlyier this year she saw a welt on my back that had gooey clear stuff comming outta it so she now decided not to.

roflmao gooey clear stuff

07-01-2002, 01:13 AM
I don't have a wife, but my girly really likes it, she came to my last tourney, and I got her to play some rec afterwards. She now wants her own gun, and says that after she gets good she wants to join my team :).