View Full Version : AGD, any way to find out if our superbolt trade-ins have arrived safely?

06-25-2002, 02:03 AM
I am just wondering if there is any easy way to find out if our superbolt trade-ins have been recived. I don't really want to call AGD and say"I know you are super busy, but would you mind searching through the pile of lvl10 orders to see if my superbolt trade-in is there?" Just curious if maybe something simple like a posting with names of people that have ordered and a mark of some kind if they traded in a superbolt. I guess I am feeling some seperation anxiety since my superbolt is gone, and I want to be sure it isn't lost somewhere in the cold, cruel world when it should be safe and warm at AGD.:D

Will Wood
06-25-2002, 11:36 AM
give them a call would probably be the best bet.

06-25-2002, 03:50 PM
Call them. I did, they said they have my superbolt.