View Full Version : Tolerance issues with the retro?

06-25-2002, 02:03 PM
I was reading on the retro and rt valve, they are the same, but less kick back is sometimes recorded with the retro on a mag, than the rt valve on an rt(pro) and the reason for this was the tolerance of aftermarket parts on your gun that limit the gun i guess you could say.

Well i was just asking what parts do the hindering in the reactiveness of the retro valve.

would the factors be like
gas thrus?
tank settings?
air fittings?

thank you for any and all information given.
also, how fast can a guy get with the right settings on his retro? It may seem like I am just crazy about fast shooting, but its always fun to max out your personal best every once in a while!!!!

06-25-2002, 02:08 PM
The issue is mostly body to rail fit. The ReTro has a longer on/off pin than the RT Pro or E-Mag valves (This is the sole difference), so that teh reTro will work in a body/rail combo that doesn't necessarily fot together as well as an RT Pro does. The longer on/off reduces reactivity on setups with close tolerances.

06-25-2002, 02:22 PM
what is "close tolerances"?

also what are ways I can fix this if any?

thank you mykroft for the info.

06-25-2002, 03:00 PM
Close tolerances are the fit between mainbody & rail. If it doesn't fit perfectly, the shorter pin on an RT Pro valve wouldn't work correctly, going in to runaway mode are simply not firing. If your ReTro is not very reactive, the tolerances on your mag are pretty good. Turning up your input pressure will increase reactivity, or you might try ordering the on/off pin for a RT Pro.