View Full Version : PMI Piranha Question

06-25-2002, 02:25 PM
Heya everybody!

I recently acquired through trading, a PMI piranha, mainly for use as a loaner to friends and such, but also for something new to tinker with... Well, this weekend I played at a scenario game around milwaukee and something funky started happening with the piranha, when firing, occasionally the bolt would cock, but when the trigger was pulled it would not release and fire... This seems to happen especially when firing very quickly... I took apart the gun, cleaned it, oiled it, greased where needed, and still no go. I managed to replicate the problem 100% though, by holding the trigger while cocking the gun... does anyone have any idea what might be causing this problem?


06-25-2002, 02:56 PM
Sounds like the sear & trigger are jammed together, this could be cause by a bad trigger job limiting trigger travel.. The sear and trigger should be able to move independantly, take off the grips, and make sure the sear can still be pushed down when the trigger is depressed, if it can't you're probably going to have to delve into the trigger frame to find out what's limiting the trigger travel to just before the disengagement point.

The trigger on a Spyder/clone first engages, then disengages the sear, so the sear will reset while the trigger is still depressed.