View Full Version : Newb Q- which gun?

06-25-2002, 03:28 PM
Ok, one of my friends recently scored a job at a local paintball store, and said he could hook me up. I really had my eyes set on an E-Mag (with the LVL 10 out now, that thing will kick!), but he said his boss isn't an AGD dealer. So, nix that idea, but I do have a choice here... I can get any Angel (IR3, Fly, etc.) at a discounted price, or an Intimidator at a discounted price. The price being wholesale price... which'd definitely save me a few bills. He also told me that if I got an angel at the store price, he could get me any upgrade for the wholesale price. The problem is, I don't have that kind of money, and if I were to buy a gun that was over a grand, I'd prefer the E-Mag. So, what should I do? Get an Angel, Timmy, or just save for a mag?

06-25-2002, 03:35 PM
Personally I'd save for the mag.. its been proven that it can outshoot an angel given the person holding it can shoot it that fast. Not only that.. its THE ONLY electro that in case the battery dies or it malfunctions.. with the flip of a switch you're on hybrid mode shooting an RT which can fire 26 bps without shootdown and its easy to rip off 13 bps or more. Everyone of them just as fast as the one before and after (No velocity flucuation) Anyway.. you do what YOU want to do.. I personally would get the emag.. or wait for the extreme emags :D

Evil Emperor
06-25-2002, 03:35 PM
I'd say just save for the mag or try to convice your friends boss to carry mags :)

06-25-2002, 03:41 PM
You can get yourself the quick thing, or go with what you really want.

I have found that in most cases when I settled for the quick solution, I always wished I had gotten what I REALLY wanted.

I am sure you will be happy with whatever you get, but HOW happy is another story…

I don’t need to sell you on the E-Mag… you already admit you want it. ;)

06-25-2002, 03:45 PM
I forgot to mention, this friend of mine also thinks Hybrid mode is pointless and that an Angel can rip over a mag in Hybrid mode... I really like the look of the e-mag extreme, especially with the lvl 10 and ACE... although an angel is tempting.....

06-25-2002, 03:49 PM
If you really want the Mag, don't settle for anything else. Otehrwise I'd say, go for an LCD or Fly LCD if you get a good price, they're great guns.

As to how fast they shoot, it depends on the person. I'm signficantly faster on my Angel than I would be on a E-Mag, even in hybrid. I just can't stand Magnetic triggers.

06-25-2002, 03:52 PM
I say go with the E-mag. save a lil bit. The E-mag pays for it's self eventually with Lvl 10(not breaking paint and not needin a sqeegie). and an angel or intimidator, I wouldn't play within the rain. an E-mag, I would. if the electronics get wet. flip and keep playn. Plus E-mags have the reputation of an unbreakable mag. and they got AGD backing um if they DO break...so i would say E-mag:D :p

06-25-2002, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by shartley
You can get yourself the quick thing, or go with what you really want.

I have found that in most cases when I settled for the quick solution, I always wished I had gotten what I REALLY wanted.

I am sure you will be happy with whatever you get, but HOW happy is another story…

I don’t need to sell you on the E-Mag… you already admit you want it. ;)

WELL PUT Shartley, well put

06-25-2002, 09:35 PM
Angel now, Emag Later.

If you want a gun now get an Angel. Trust me, you wont be dissapointed.

Ofcourse if you really dont want one, wait for the Emag. But once again, you wont be dissapointed with a brand new shiny Angel.

06-25-2002, 10:07 PM
if you want the Emag, go for it. i cant shoot an angel's trigger worth crap, however, I rock my Emag's trigger.

oh, and if the store is a Paintball Inc or National Paintball dealer(95% of stores are) he CAN get an Emag. i got my Emag through paintball Inc, not AGD

06-25-2002, 10:13 PM
Kevmaster, I'm not sure if the store is affiliated with either.... the problem is, my friend can't have the guy special order me a gun. He also said that his boss said that he can get mag classics and standard mags, but e-mags and such wouldn't generate him enough revenue, because by the time he sold one the price would have already dropped..... or something like that. Thanks for all the help, everyone. I think I'm just going to save for a mag, with any luck, an e-mag, otherwise I'd be happy with an RT pro. Thanks again, everybody!