View Full Version : Funnest thing to do when you want to play paintball but cant

Sir Chopsalot
06-26-2002, 12:11 AM
My brother and I found out that you can shoot nerf darts out of paintball guns so we had a battle in the house. The hurt a little bit, especially when you bunker.One left a welt on my bros arm. Well if you're ever bored you have to try this.By the way yes we were wearing masks

06-26-2002, 02:59 AM
I was stuff in cleanxes in the barrel and a pencil right after that to shoot a cardboard box.... that was kinda kewl

06-26-2002, 04:30 AM
LOL, chops, that's awesome....Capo and I are always going around the apartment "bunkering" each other with water guns and just having all out wars where we end up having to dry the walls....

06-26-2002, 12:35 PM
well, when i cant play paintball my arms and legs shake uncontrollably then i cant seem to get along with other ppl, but after i play i feel better again, if i got more than like a month i have to be hospitalized..something about a lack of adrenaline in my blood stream...it must be withdrawls or something...

06-26-2002, 12:44 PM
I used to muzzle load grapes into my old trracer and shoot my brother. Gobstoppers worked too, until they came out with the newer ones that where too small. Now I just just settle for tinkering with my setups. I don't think a week goes by that I don't rearange something on one of my guns.

06-26-2002, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
I used to muzzle load grapes into my old trracer and shoot my brother. Gobstoppers worked too, until they came out with the newer ones that where too small.

LMFAO....The Grapes sound like fun, but I think the Gobstoppers may hurt just a bit.

As for me assuming I have paint when I get bored, and there's no one or nowhere to play, I usually go hunting for wasps nests. Yeah it's stupid, but it does serve 3 purposes that comes in handy on the fields. 1) it improves my accuracy, 2) really improves my stamnia and 3) saves me money on wasp/hornet killer so I have more money for paint. The trick is when you do it is to be far enough away so you have a decent head start to try and out run the wasps, and 2nd it gets rid of the nest (hopefully in 1 shot if you're lucky). I found that this works best if you can put a garbage can directly below the nest so when the wasps do settle down you can cover up the can and dispose of it. Also if you're stupid enough to try this like I am,I suggest that you aim for the point where the nest is attached to the tree, or what ever it's hanging on. It will make it better for a fast drop and destroy. Cuz let's face it, there's nothing worse than angry wasps/hornets/bees with holes in their hives/nests. Finally, 1 last tip. Wear you mask when you do this it, it will help prevent any stings to the face that one may incur.

Now if I don't have paint, I usually just mope around and gripe about the bugs, especially the wasps in the area. But thanks to Wyn, I'm going to have to try the grape thing with my PITA (pain in the @$$) neighbor's dog who barks all the time for no reason when he's outside.

06-26-2002, 10:59 PM
two words...

snipe bee

he he he
just go in the backyard and when you see a bee try and hit it.

06-26-2002, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
two words...
snipe bee

1 bee is fun, whole PO'd swarm wanting to kill you for destroying their home a lot more fun. :D

Also let me add one more word of caution to my idea of shooting down a nest...Make sure you're not alergic to stings (I wouldn't want to be responsible for someone ending up in the hospital)

06-26-2002, 11:12 PM
Me and my daughter did the grape/marker thing one day, (WARNING) go outside when you do this!! They will impact HARD and make one heck of a mess:D

06-26-2002, 11:27 PM
When I can't play paintball, I watch Nickelodeon:rolleyes:

06-26-2002, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by Havoc_online
LOL, chops, that's awesome....Capo and I are always going around the apartment "bunkering" each other with water guns and just having all out wars where we end up having to dry the walls....

Man my friends make fun of me cause me and my wife do that. It's funny, one of ends up getting a cup and all hell breaks loose.

06-26-2002, 11:46 PM
get a airsoft gun muahahahah those things are coooool

06-26-2002, 11:50 PM
lol, ya, after that, it's maybe a counter cup truce, then the counter-counter cup end it shot.

06-27-2002, 07:42 AM
just as an added warning for those interested in the grape trick. I used to have a bunch of grape vines around my house. So I'd find ones that could fit in the barrel. Usually if you tipped the marker down they could roll out. I would suggest against using store bought grapes as they are usually to big and football shaped (not to mention tasty). And finally, I take no responsibility for you ruining your mags, note that I used my old pump trracer for this.

06-27-2002, 11:53 AM
I actually figured out that by wrapping tape around a blowgun it its nicely inside the barrel of a paintgun. man do those things shoot fast of you do this. my brothere and i actually sent a dart through a motorcycle helmet!! kinda dangerous for inside, but outside it is really accurate.

06-27-2002, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Python14
When I can't play paintball, I watch Nickelodeon:rolleyes:

Damn I am not the only one :)

I am also going to try to leave marshmallows out for a couple of days so there like rock hard and see how they shoot :D

06-27-2002, 09:02 PM
you people are sick....well once when i had my tippmann i shot a cherry tomato out of it...made one HELL of a mess of my barrel!:rolleyes: :D :)

06-27-2002, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by cris8762
you people are sick....well once when i had my tippmann i shot a cherry tomato out of it...made one HELL of a mess of my barrel!:rolleyes: :D :)

Is the bore size of the Tippmann stock barrel that large, or was the cherry tomato that small?
Cuz if it was the barrel, that would make sense as to why their have such crappy accuracy...:p

(I know, spoken like a true tippmann owner)

06-27-2002, 09:09 PM
no..what i actually did was cram the cherry tomato halfway down, it was too big, i got it back to the non-ported part of the barrel and apparently the force of the air busted it and i had a tomato sauce gun!

06-27-2002, 11:32 PM
Nickelodeon? Nah, I watch cartoon network. Endless hours of Scooby-Doo, Tom and Jerry, and Ed, Edd and Eddy. Which is funny, for some strange damn reason. I also shot a marble out of my compact when i had it, went about 5 feet, didn't sound too good either.

06-28-2002, 12:06 PM
I'm not much of a nickelodeon person anymore. Ever since Rockos Modern life was finished, and angry beavers was cancelled or whatever, I just stopped watching. But now I too am a Cartoon Network person. But mainly Powerpuff girls, Dexters Lab, Samurai Jack, and episodes of The Brak show and Sealab 2021 that I have taped.

06-28-2002, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Brenten
I actually figured out that by wrapping tape around a blowgun it its nicely inside the barrel of a paintgun. man do those things shoot fast of you do this. my brothere and i actually sent a dart through a motorcycle helmet!! kinda dangerous for inside, but outside it is really accurate.

HUH!!!!! you shot a bloe gun dart through a helmet!!! thats like freakin DANGEROUS

when i cant play paintball i complain of how poor i am

06-29-2002, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by cris8762
i had a tomato sauce gun!

I'l have to look for that next time I'm at the store.
"Tippmann's Tomato Sauce".

06-30-2002, 08:45 AM
lol....... i'm glad i sold that gun though..it was nice but too long and sounded like someone was beating against metal everytime i shot....u know..like a rental:rolleyes:

06-30-2002, 11:15 PM
when ever i wanna play paintball but can't and I have a bag of paint and no gas, i go outside and try to hit animals that live in my yard. YES, I know ya'll are thinking this is animal cruelty, but believe. I would't doubt that the animals are laughing at my throwing arm. I'm off aim and cant throw worth crap, so its a good way to entertain myslef with out hurting anyone/thing. but no, i dont wear goggle:D guess I'm a dare devil

07-01-2002, 02:45 AM
I take apart and tinker with my cocker and always complain when I get to the feild and it dosent work...

07-14-2002, 07:03 PM
me and my friends run around with our guns in the house with no paint and air and play imaginary paintball but it usally creates a aurgument. but sometimes we play mercy we go about 30 yards away with a mask and see how many times you can get shot before you scream it's pretty funny:D

07-14-2002, 08:33 PM
I used to play CS all the time, but that made me all fat. I did the airsoft thing, but the 'rents didn't like the idea of me having something that looks like a real mp5 until you get 3 feet away from it. A while ago I happened upon a bag of marbles that were very close to .68 calibre. After I put a hole in the side of my house, I decided to be more careful, or to only shoot at people/things I don't like. JK! Grapes sound like fun, what about frozen grapes? I wonder if my warp will take grapes...

07-15-2002, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by RTMAGBOY13
get a airsoft gun muahahahah those things are coooool
lol. I won one of those at my local field owner's bday party, my walls and videos and stuff are now covered in small dings lol :D Fun to shoot!


07-16-2002, 12:04 PM
Fun to shoot!

I discovered that they blow out lightbulbs so I spent all day shooting out as many lightbulbs i could. Then my mom came home told my dad and I didnt get airsoft back for like 5 months.
Also me and my friends have airsoft wars in the house with the spring loaded pistols. Those things hurt more than pballs cause they get in crevices that paintballs cant or dont normally hit like inbetween your fingers.

07-16-2002, 03:30 PM
i light things on fire!!:D

07-17-2002, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by 845

I discovered that they blow out lightbulbs so I spent all day shooting out as many lightbulbs i could. Then my mom came home told my dad and I didnt get airsoft back for like 5 months.
Also me and my friends have airsoft wars in the house with the spring loaded pistols. Those things hurt more than pballs cause they get in crevices that paintballs cant or dont normally hit like inbetween your fingers.

Yeah. Been there. The day I got my airsoft pistol I was visiting some college buddies. Turned out they all had airsoft stuff with em too. Lots of beer flowed and a few light bulbs shattered. Actually the most amusing thing was shooting this horribly fugly lamp shade. If you shot it just right it would punch through one side and then spin around the inside of the shade for awhile and then come shooting back out the bottom. Amazingly fun if you've had a few....

EDIT: On the bright side, I was shooting my stuff so I didn't get in trouble. Just had to spend a few bucks on light bulbs.

07-17-2002, 05:03 PM
I don't think airsoft hurts at all. At least not more than paintballs. My friend has a couple guns. One night we were shoting our selves with them to see if it would hurt. I shot my head like 6 times with an MP5 type one.

07-18-2002, 12:29 AM
i usualy shot my propane powered potato launcer whats really cool about it you take like a bow of cleanex and shove a whole bunch of the bown the barrel *as wadding* and then dump a guppie of painballs in and then if its not at the top keep on filling it with paintballs * the paintballs i use are not used for paintball the are used for tree marking and are only $20 for 6000* and the cover the breech with plastic wrap and then find something you dontlike such as a person that just bunkerd the hell out of you at a single elimination tourney and you paid $250 to get into and is your arch nemmises and turn on the gas forabout 7 secs. and then turn off and press the plunger and that person or what ever the hell it might be wishes they didn't **** with you on your bad day

or whats really cool is take a tennis ball and cut a whole in it an fill it with gasoline and launch it straight up and run like hell because in about 35secs when it lands its practicaly a moltovo cocktail

or take cleaex and stuff a whole bunch down the barrel and put water down ther and break some glowsticks open * about 7or8* are launch it on bushes at night very cool fx

or my personal favorite i call it the wake up call first you take a piece of styrofoam and youput arubber bussing around it so it makes a supertight fit in the barrel and stick it at the very top and fill the chamber and barrel with propane until you see the styrofoam srat to move than you cut the propane of and dissconnect everything and push the plunger and i was holding it onetime and i made me fly *i weigh about 135lbs* about 3 feet and i did it a 6oclock in themorning so at 6:02 and 42 seconds the police were at my door asking who i shot at and asking how to the get the plans for the gun also.

I have a very boring lif

07-18-2002, 01:01 AM
I have an airsoft gun, its a spring, and the clip doesnt hold too much so its not all that fun.
I played with my friend, who has a bigass MP5 spring gun, and I was afraid to get hit cuz they shot so fast and left dings in his garage door. Mine, however diddnt even leave a mark at point blank and it feels like a pinch when you get shot.