View Full Version : non-field-paint fields in Georgia?

06-26-2002, 04:11 PM
Does anybody know if there are non-feild-paint fields in the Atlanta area to play at? It seems as though all of the fields in Atlanta are in cahoots about being field-paint only...which is good for them I guess because they're all charging $100 a case. Rediculous. Of course they're using paint w/ a unique shell/fill color (RP Scherer purple/white shell, white fill) that I can't get anywhere.

Either I find a non-field-paint feild or I get some opaque pods w/ the blue/white/white fill team colors and play until someone catches me, because I'm not paying $100 a case.

06-26-2002, 04:31 PM

06-26-2002, 04:54 PM
yea, up here in pa all the fields that i kno of are like that. it isnt cool, 100 for a case fo paint? ridiculus, especially when i can buy the same paint down the road for 40 bux, im just an upstanding citizen, i am not about to cheet an already struggeling business

06-26-2002, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by thejesus
Either I find a non-field-paint feild or I get some opaque pods w/ the blue/white/white fill team colors and play until someone catches me, because I'm not paying $100 a case.

Hehehe, its people like you that make PBATL refs like me very angry:p.

I wouldn't try, as soon as someone finds a illegal ball rolling across the ground everybody gets their hopper checked and illegal paint and the rest you have with you on the field is dumped, all of it you have on the field(thats whats supposed to happen, usually refs are nicer).

Your probably going to have difficulty finding a nonfieldpaint field, but I have heard of one around, dont know where though. GAPB where the old indoor PBATL was only charges $80 a case and if you really want to save money try reffing somewhere. I dont pay anything to play at pbatl usually. Reffing isn't that bad either.

06-26-2002, 08:47 PM
I KNOW...its the same up in TN. every filed is charging WAY TO MUCh for paint and all the fields are field paint ONLY. its kinda funny, cuz at Mahoneys, they sell the EXACT same type of paint for like 4 buks cheaper. i just go buy that and play adn say I bought the other day and didn't shoot it all:D

06-27-2002, 08:42 AM
Well I need a part time job anyways, so I guess reffing isn't a bad idea.

This situation wouldn't piss me off if the fields were actually struggling, but I can't imagine that they are considering that here in Northern Virginia real estate is far more expensive than in places in Georgia like Conyers, Augusta, Athens, Rome, etc, and all of the fields here don't require feild paint, and the paint that is sold at the field is reasonably priced. I guess I'll stop *****ing, not really anything I can do about it.

Anybody know of any fields that are hiring? Heh.