View Full Version : Just venting, sort of

06-27-2002, 12:00 AM
I was searching the classifieds marker forum, and I found a member with the name of PbKiCkSaSs6.. OK, we are not allowed to say this on the forum but he can have the name. Number 2, I remember posting a word, which had the first letter and 3 stars, my post got edited and I have many times seen people post words not allowed on the forum and way worse than what I posted, and not get edited. Therefore making me look like an arse.. Which that will probably get edited also, make me look more like one because many people will think that I put something else worse or w/e. Number 3, MOST of the people on this forum are great people to talk with, but some are just here to post and be a smartdonkey, like I saw one member, who happens to be a friend, post results of level 10, and just because it was a run on sentence, people jumped him. Most not even caring about the fact he was just trying to help AO.

I am sorry that I went on about this, the member PbKiCkSaSs6 only has 4 posts, and maybe the mods have not seen his name. I am also sorry to be a nag about all of this, I will probably be flamed for doing so. Thanks for your time.

06-27-2002, 12:18 AM
Well, since he just joined today, ya gotta give us a little time to read the over 6000 names to find the objectionable ones:)

06-27-2002, 12:20 AM
Army, I will apolojize again, lol. Sorry. He just registered today, I can understand that. :)

06-27-2002, 12:22 AM
lol one of my posts got edited when it had *** i thought it funny and i guess i wont be using stars anymore :D

06-27-2002, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by MrAirgunRT
...Therefore making me look like an arse...

I'm sure it is just that the mods are busy and they all don't always manage to apply the rules exactly the same. In the grand scheme of things... :D

06-27-2002, 03:51 PM
its odd, sometimes the mods allow stared words and sometimes they dont...

06-27-2002, 04:23 PM
It's not that we "allow" them, somedays there are so many, that we can be pretty overwhelmed. Remember, in the middle of the day, we are ALL at work at one point. So trying to juggle a few minutes for AO, while keeping the boss happy (and ignorant of what we are doing!), we sometimes miss a few.

That's why we also rely on the AO family to keep an eye out for rules violations, and PM, Email, or "report this post to a moderator" any of us. We also expect YOU to watch what you are saying, and edit your own post when the filter has to kick in, or what you know is not acceptable as PG13.:cool:

06-27-2002, 04:39 PM
like I saw one member, who happens to be a friend, post results of level 10, and just because it was a run on sentence, people jumped him. Most not even caring about the fact he was just trying to help AO.

some times people might make suggestions trying to help you and you might take it the wrong way... other times it could be a joke, but since emotions arnt convaid over the internet well some body might take offense.... rember :rolleyes: is sarcasim ;) is a joke and the other ones are just playin around :D :p :cool: :)

but all in all there arnt that many hostile people here at AO as there is at say PBnation.