View Full Version : lots of Q"s

06-27-2002, 01:05 AM
witch is better?
all amarican with a stanless back

could i put the level 10 upgrade on my mag or is it just for e-mags?
if it can go on my mag where can i get it?

where is the cheapist place to get the barrels?

06-27-2002, 01:13 AM
all i really know for sure about is the fact that level 10 fits ALL mags.

level 10 is still in beta stage, and only 200 were released to AO members. I think they're all gone.

06-27-2002, 10:21 AM
AA Aluminum back is better than stainless back (less friction), otherwise buy whichever is cheaper, performance is identical.

Level 10 is for all mags, but you'll have to wait until more kits are available to order.

actionvillage.com should have the barrels for a good price.

06-27-2002, 10:56 AM

from my experience, not a ton, but some..

my friend has the All American Smart Parts barrel, and i believe that my lapco bigshot is louder but more accurate. it is also a bigger bore size, so if you use medium bore paint, ide get the lapco. lapco is also better if you break paint. only a few porting holes to get paint splatered in. my buds AA sometimes is splattered with paint done the porting


06-27-2002, 04:44 PM
all american with aluminum back (lighter)