View Full Version : PowerFeed Obsolute w/ Lvl 10?

06-27-2002, 04:56 AM
Was just thinking, now that Lvl 10 will help eliminate ball bobble or jump with a slowr bolt, are power feeds no obsolete? They were designed to create a perpendicular surface for balls going up from bobble or blow back to bounce off of and stop the whole stack of paint to move up.

Are vertical feeds the only way to go? Or are powerfeeds still considered the more reliable feed of the 2? I remember a thread saying that Chris from Odessey Paintball stated that PF's were alot more reliable than VF.

What are the Pro's and Con's of PF? VF? Now with an almost no bobble system?

LMK all.


06-27-2002, 05:08 AM
for one, if it's your preference to aim over the gun, you can do so with a p/f and not with a v/f.

06-27-2002, 08:14 AM
In my opinion, powerfeed still has advantages over vertical feed. As far as i know, LVL 10 will not end blowback...where did you hear this? (maybe im completely wrong, and will get flamed...oh well, on with the post) Also, although a small advantage, powerfeed users can "turn off" the balls feeding into the breech for easier barrel cleaning and as an added "safety." Powerfeeds have less of a profile against high-mid rise VF's and have a larger ball stack (ahem...thats ball STACK, not ball...nevermind :) somebody mentioned that sightability is better with a powerfeed also...which is true, but based mostly on preferance...the majority of people would rather sight OVER the gun than along the side. Also there is feed rate...i would love some exact numbers here, but i dont have them. I think it was proven somewhere that vertical feed will give you a 1/14 bps advantage over angled feed...so over 14 seconds of firing as fast as you can, you will get 1 (one!) extra ball. do the math, say your shooting at 10 bps, over 14 seconds, thats 140 balls. If you had vertical feed, you would have shot 141 balls.
Vert feed is a fad only...theres no real performace gain in pf or vf...i personally prefer pf...thats just me.

06-27-2002, 09:12 AM
if u stay with power feed then u can stay with ur warp and we all love warps right????SO STAY WITH THE PF

06-27-2002, 10:57 AM
The powerfeed's been technically obsolete since the long-nose bolt came out 2 years ago. It's big win is it is still the best method, short of a Extreme Warp breech, to hook a warp up to a gun. Personally, my mag is standard feed, which will be a cut-down standard feed as soon as I get around to cutting it. I really don't have feed problems with a 12V on it, and I'm expecting even better performance with the addition of the Level 10 kit.

06-27-2002, 11:56 AM
The one thing I love about a powerfeed above all else is the ability to completely shut off the flow of paintballs by turning the plug. It's just one more safety that I like having in place to reduce the chance of accidents.

06-27-2002, 12:00 PM
I'd still like to see standard feed done away with and have vert feed put in it's place.

06-27-2002, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by automag223
if u stay with power feed then u can stay with ur warp and we all love warps right????SO STAY WITH THE PF Actually you can put a 90º adapter in your vert feed and hook your warp up to that.

06-27-2002, 01:00 PM
that depends on what you like basically. I mean, their not obsolete if you LIKE them. I hate centerfeeds so that puts them obsolete IMO, because I think their useless(IMO, some ppl like um). I'll tell ya one thing, the only thing that I TRULY think is obsolete are those standard feeds

06-27-2002, 01:18 PM
in my oppinion vert feeds are way better, they dont disorient your gun and you can turn the gun on both sides and shoot fine.

06-27-2002, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by fearc7
in my oppinion vert feeds are way better, they dont disorient your gun and you can turn the gun on both sides and shoot fine.

I always use a warp, so not disorient my gun is gone either way. and also, you cna turn the gun any angle and still shoot fine, But I get what your sayin