View Full Version : Emag vs. Nasty Impulse

Jammin James
06-27-2002, 02:07 PM
I'm either gonna get an emag or a nasty vision impulse but I couldn't really think why anyone would want the emag over the impulse because the impulse: is lighter, has a better barrel (freak), looks cooler, has same trigger basically (magnetic), no chops, and it is over $100 cheaper. Anybody able to convince me to get an e-mag.

Jammin James
06-27-2002, 02:10 PM
oh yeah, and it runs on CO2, unlike an emag

06-27-2002, 02:12 PM
emag is faster and more reliable

06-27-2002, 02:16 PM

06-27-2002, 02:19 PM
The Impulses I've seen have broken paint. I'm not talking about chopping although without the eye they did that too.

I haven't come in contact with a Nasty and Impulses are very nice guns, but the one on my team always seems to have problems.

How much is a nasty with Freak and all the goodies?

06-27-2002, 02:27 PM
I will not try to “convince” you to buy an E-Mag.

How about this? You go buy your marker and come back and tell me what you purchased. I will then either tell you that you got the better marker, or tell you that you purchased “hype” in drag.

I went back and read ALL your posts and you seem interested in speed, durability, and quality… and in that order. Well.. the E-Mag has all three… (and LVL 10 will make it the GOD of the field..... Angels beware! couldn't help making that reference... LOL) can the same be said about the other? hmmmm interesting…

Top Secret
06-27-2002, 02:29 PM
I shot an Impy yesterday and felt, while the recoil wasn't bad, the trigger seemed very sloppy to me. Long live the EMag. :)

06-27-2002, 02:34 PM
stock impy triggers are pretty sloppy, but when you get into the better ones, that goes away.

06-27-2002, 03:16 PM
The imp may look better but the e-mag is more reliable, has better customer support, is faster, is easier to maintain and will never chop with lvl 10.

06-27-2002, 04:47 PM
Impy's are maintence hogs. everytime you play, you have to strip them down and dow33 everything. Setting the dwell is a pain, and lastly, I can't stand high, double stacked tube guns, impy, bushy etc. Just my 2cents

06-27-2002, 04:51 PM
Get the gun you want the nasty, if you dont like it, sell it.

Then try the emag... if you dont like that... sell it...

Then try the angel... you will like it. And will only sell it to get another angel :D

06-27-2002, 05:11 PM
Well since I was literally days away from buying an Impy before I foudn my SFL, I guess I can have an opinion about this.

I like Impy's, obviously I was going to buy one, but just remember that it will always be a tweaked out version of a medium priced electric gun. The Nasty, and Rat and all of their likes are not really $1000 electros. I have shot a Nasty and a Rat and I can say without question that I would not take either one of them over an e-mag nor especially over my SFL. In terms of pure shooting pleasure the mag wins everytime.

Some people do not like the plain tube design of mags, point of fact I am one of them, but that does not change that fact that they are awesome guns. So appearance will go to the Impy.

Lastly, reliability. I had my SFL out last weekend and had to to put it away and break out my Retro because the bottle developed a leak. I have never had a day of play where my mag developed a problem. Its virtually impossible to beat the reliability of a mag.

So what we are really talking about is do you like the looks of an Impy so much that you are willing to compromise in other areas to have that? Or you could be patient and wait for the Extremes to come out and spend a little more money and have it all.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

06-27-2002, 07:34 PM
put in another perspective...would you rather have a $600 tricked out spyder, or a $600 stock RT Pro (or cocker if you're a guy dude).

06-27-2002, 07:55 PM
well jammin james, i hear ya. i am going through that same decision, i played with an impulse for the first time today and it was a pretty nice gun. honestly, i want a used emag with lvl10 then upgrade to the xtreme body kit with ACE, then i will have it all. now the problem is that the impulse does it all except pinch paint but with the vision its not a problem. so what do i do? imp vision or lvl10 emag to an xtreme. im talking about bang for the buck though, not which is ultimately better which is the xtreme no doubt. not to mention u cannot beat quality and customer service of AGD products. but im as stuck as u are, just sharing.(if only money wasnt an issue, ahhh life would be great with my c+c xtreme emag)

06-27-2002, 08:07 PM
I'd take a stock RT pro over any Impluse on the planet. Period. I've shot several, and I just can't stand Impys.

Jammin James
06-27-2002, 09:20 PM
why can't you stand impulses?

06-27-2002, 09:36 PM
I shoot a vision imp. I have not had any problems with it. Yes you do have to take it apart after ever day of play and slop dow33 on lots of parts, but it is very very easy to do and can be done in under 5 min. Now I would go with the nasty for this choice simply because impulses are really a good gun. Sure you gotta take care of it but its nothing close to rocket science. Also most imps need very little tweaking to get them to perform. If you got a nasty it would perform well straight out of the box.

However the Emag is a very good gun too. Ive had one before and I felt it just wasnt the gun that felt best to shoot. My impy was.

Now don't let the opinions and bias of this forum sway you. In the end when you need to choose a gun. Pick the one that feels best to you and pick the one you can play your best with. Try both guns out at local fields and see what you like. Heck you might even find a different gun to fall in love with....


06-27-2002, 09:57 PM
i don't own either one but i've shot both, and i like the way the emags trigger feels, i mean once you get into that high of a marker price range the guns performance are almost identical (20bps what? :) ) but anways what i was saying is once you start spending close to one grand on a marker, the most important factor is feel, and how you like the "feel" of the gun.. so go shoot both of 'em at your field!!!

oh BTW don't forget the emag is both an electric and mechanical marker!

06-27-2002, 10:16 PM
I wouldn't get an impulse, they tend to break a lot, my bro had one but he got rid of it and bought a mag. Whatever you get, if you can get it at your local store, so if you have problems they can fix it. I know this forum is good for help, but nothing beats someone who can show you how to fix it first hand.

06-27-2002, 10:28 PM
lol not at my local store... they are morons all they know how to fix is a tippmann, and they can barely do that cause they couldn't even install my friends RT kit on his tippmann and they don't stock mag stuff!! oh and they are very expenisve, i think a M98 runs around 200 no kidding

06-27-2002, 11:46 PM
The only thing i don't like about impulses, besides that they don't feel solid which is an opinion, is that they are gas hogs and not consistant. Changing the velocity is about 15 minutes going back and forth to the chrono and you have to fix the velocity constantly. They often need to be fixed as well. These are my observations of my friend and his impulse, that he sold. When it works right, it works really well but don't use black paint w/ the vision.

06-28-2002, 12:15 AM
If it come down to the wire, join us in the war against marketing bull**** and ignorant spoiled 13 year olds.

06-28-2002, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by einhander619
If it come down to the wire, join us in the war against marketing bull**** and ignorant spoiled 13 year olds.

Your signature is apt.


Jammin James
06-28-2002, 11:52 AM
for those of you with emags, I have a question. How long is the trigger pull in hybrid mode? (is it adjustable?)

06-28-2002, 12:41 PM
Impulses are nice guns... I was considering a Rat (stupid me) for a while, but then Lvl 10 came along.... and once i order that and my Intelliframe, my Mag is gonna be just as good as any Impulse...

AND, if you want a truly good Impulse, go with a Freak Factory or Demonic. the other Imps, like Rats and Nasties are just milled bodies with aftermarket parts put into them. the Demonic and FF are actually designed as custom guns, the parts were all designed and made for them... the Nasty and Rat are pretty much conglomerations of Eclipse and New Desingz parts.

the Impulse is also really tall, and it's electro which is in itself something that should be held against it. electro vs. mechanical is like automatic vs. manual transimmsions. everyone drives an automatic because it's easier, but we all know that a manual is more fun and takes more skill and practice, which makes it cooler...

06-28-2002, 01:08 PM
Ok dont say emags are better because of the magnet trigger. Eclpise makes a magnetic tirgger for the impulse.

Impulses arnt gas hogs if you set them up right. My impulse runs at 90 PSI with the LPR mod and i get about 1600 shots outa a 68/3k tank.

The 20 bps thing isnt a way to compare them. Use your finger to fire 20bps.. if you cna do that then you can do that on either an Emag or a vision impulse.

Impulses are a little taller but you can get cool new bodies like the Adrenaline impulse and nasty, FF, Demonic or Toxic.

If you let your batteries die (50,000 shots on a 9 volt) then it is your fault not the gun's.

The stop impulse trigger does suck so you just have to buy a new one.

New Adren impulses are Fear Factory impulses are coming out and they are around the 1000$ range.

Try both guns but don't try a stock impy then try an emag thats not equal comparison.

my $.02

06-28-2002, 04:04 PM
If you want a marker that look great and performs GOOD, then get the impulse. If you want a marker that looks good and performs GREAT, get an emag.

06-28-2002, 04:22 PM
i used to respect ao members for their "make love not hate attitude", and "try before you buy", and their usual calm attitude...:(