View Full Version : Who else wishes that polls were eliminated?

06-28-2002, 11:34 AM
I would never, ever ever start a poll on this board! Who else thinks they are a waste of server space?


06-28-2002, 11:42 AM
I agree many of the polls are useless, but some do serve a purpose. I could think of many other wastes of server space, which I will now list
1. posting your sig in a thread and linking to it
2. repeating step one many times over
3. posting useless files in threads
4. not linking a picture to somewhere else on the web, and attaching the file instead

ok I'm done for now
PS: where's the Pie option?

06-28-2002, 12:07 PM
I need my pie

06-28-2002, 12:29 PM
polls CAN be usefull. alot of ppl just post them for odd things. but to the person that made them, if its for a good reason. their heklpful...OH, and you posted a poll too

06-28-2002, 01:49 PM
I have given you the perfect solution! Everyone who posts a poll (after this one obviously) will be subjected to hundreds of paper cuts! Mwah ha ha ha ha!


06-28-2002, 02:47 PM
Personally I think that premade graham cracker crust kinda sucks, but to each their own I suppose. Besides, everone knows that pumpkin is the best anyway, and graham cracker crust just doesnt go with pumpkin.

PS. I also find it a waste of server space to have the superbolt ad still up on the main page. When is that getting fixed?

06-28-2002, 05:40 PM
Well, i know that if there is a pole, i am very likely to just voice my opinion there instead of typing. Typing takes too much time, so i think polls are good, just dont read the dumb ones. They also organize the data much more efficiently.

06-28-2002, 06:34 PM
i think polls are good, but i dont get why stupid people put pie in it, yeah haha, that was funny the first time, now its just stupid


06-28-2002, 10:55 PM
I think polls can be helpfull, they can give a strictly numerical representation of the forum's opinions on different issues. Its easier to interpret than sifting through posts that may say no more than "yea...I though so" etc. But, polls like "Do you like pie" or any marker vs marker polls should really just be deleted or closed, its a waste of space in the 'Classic' clogged main forum.

06-28-2002, 11:15 PM
Does anyone else see the irony of this thread?...it's a poll...I decided not to vote since your against polls.:confused:

06-29-2002, 11:22 AM
What is this, a poll to end all polls?

That's kind of contradictory. If you're going to preach against something, don't practice it. Especially in public.


06-29-2002, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Panzerr
What is this, a poll to end all polls?

That's kind of contradictory. If you're going to preach against something, don't practice it. Especially in public.


As CleenSweep pointed out, its ironic to use a poll to judge polls.


06-29-2002, 08:13 PM
hahahahha this is so pointless u have a poll to eliminate polls

Johnny Bravo
06-29-2002, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Cliffio
i dont get why stupid people put pie in it, yeah haha, that was funny the first time, now its just stupid


I agree...