View Full Version : What's the cost involved with upgrading an rt pro to an emag?

06-28-2002, 12:02 PM
I'm getting back into paintball and the automag family is really intriguing. I used to own a 1999 Autococker that moo was pretty much stock and I don't think i could make it through one speed ball game without it breaking on me. I don't think my wife would want me to spend the cash for an emag right now but i could swing a RT Pro and then upgrade that later on. Anyone know what moo the upgrade would cost?

06-28-2002, 12:06 PM
It was $550, not sure if they still do it. You might look into an E-Mag post-IAO (Mid august) as the release of the Extreme E-Mags whould bring the stock prices down

06-28-2002, 12:26 PM
For a little more than the cost of a new RT Pro, you can get a used emag. Look around. Some have sold for between 600-700. Factor in the cost of an RT Pro, and the upgrade (thats if AGD still does the upgrade), there is a big difference. It all depends on if you only want new stuff, or can settle for used.

06-28-2002, 12:36 PM
I remember along time ago, they were doin um for like 300 dollars or something like that

06-28-2002, 12:39 PM
Just get nice used RT, man! This electro thing is overrated, IMO. My friend and I both have RT's, and we have no problem going up against impys, angels, anything!

06-28-2002, 12:56 PM
Cows playin paintball.
I'm afraid......

Kaiser Bob
06-28-2002, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Cow
I'm getting back into paintball and the automag family is really intriguing. I used to own a 1999 Autococker that moo was pretty much stock and I don't think i could make it through one speed ball game without it breaking on me. I don't think my wife would want me to spend the cash for an emag right now but i could swing a RT Pro and then upgrade that later on. Anyone know what moo the upgrade would cost?

Did anyone else notice this? :D

06-28-2002, 03:42 PM
I played a team called the psycho cows once. They had two zgripped rt's and a classic too. Not the best players but they made good conversation. They were funny to watch. One of the zgrippers shortstroked terribly but shot very fast. One game the other zgripper grabbed the flag and ran straight at the bunker his opponent was behind. Didn't quite get him and the game turned around.

06-28-2002, 03:55 PM
thanks for the synopsis pump.

yeah, that was our last game that day and I was the player rushing. 10 games in one day is way too much. BTW which team are you on? Next date is coming up July 14th.

06-28-2002, 03:58 PM
I could "make do" with an RT Pro, it looks like a pretty nifty piece. I don't really need the electro moo stuff but it seems to make you much cooler in the eyes of 12 yearolds. I'll be on the lookout for either of these used, i don't like to buy new because cows don't make much money.

I may even go with a free flow cocker because the shop that makes them is near me but the RT Pro is calling me...

06-28-2002, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Kaiser Bob

Did anyone else notice this? :D

Yes. Woweeee.


06-28-2002, 09:30 PM
Cow the RT Pro's are nice, but the cost is great when it comes to upgrading them. If you have the means (or better put, if you can hide the means from your wife) wait and buy a C&C Emag Extreme, or wait until they are released so the prices on older Emags will come down. Also, I wouldn't get a used RT. The fact is, the new RT Pro's are much more reliable and better than the old Banjo bolt RT's. They're also cheaper and will have more products made for them (IE new Z-Grips, new bodies, etc) and will fit them better because they are interchangable with the Classic/Mini's for the most part. Don't get me wrong, the RT's are still a great 'gun (Heck, my favorite 'gun of all time is my friend's Z-Gripped night vision RT) but it's better to get the new RT Pro's.

Hope this helps ya out!


06-29-2002, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by OldSchoolMag
Cow the RT Pro's are nice, but the cost is great when it comes to upgrading them. If you have the means (or better put, if you can hide the means from your wife) wait and buy a C&C Emag Extreme, or wait until they are released so the prices on older Emags will come down. Also, I wouldn't get a used RT. The fact is, the new RT Pro's are much more reliable and better than the old Banjo bolt RT's. They're also cheaper and will have more products made for them (IE new Z-Grips, new bodies, etc) and will fit them better because they are interchangable with the Classic/Mini's for the most part. Don't get me wrong, the RT's are still a great 'gun (Heck, my favorite 'gun of all time is my friend's Z-Gripped night vision RT) but it's better to get the new RT Pro's.

Hope this helps ya out!


Sure it helps, it always pays to be friendly to a cow. I had moo no intention of picking up a used RT, I'm on the prowl for an RT Pro or an E-Mag. New, used, no difference to me. Thanks for the assistance people, you've been most kind to a cow.