View Full Version : little white button on warp jamming

06-28-2002, 10:08 PM
I was messing with my jumpers today to try and get the warp to spin less, but noticed that my warp wouldn't stop spinning. I've been using it for a few months, so its properly broken in, and i have it intellifed by my intelliframe. i've checked everythign and concluded that the little white button keeps jamming or something. when it keeps spinning, i unhook the battery and pull on the button a little. then when i hook the battery back up, it works fine whenever i pull the trigger, until i press the button. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

06-28-2002, 10:30 PM
It could have got some dirt in it that's making it jam. If you have an air compressor, blow some air on the button with it depressed. See if that dislodges any debris that's inside of it.

Also, without a battery connected, try pressing on the button and see if you can hear it click, If it clicks, that means it's returning back to the off position. If it presses in, but doesn't click when you let go, then it for sure is getting stuck.