View Full Version : cheapest place for a freak???

06-29-2002, 08:39 AM
where can i find a total freak set for the cheapest?? my store has it for like 195. i know there has to be cheaper online. thanks....

06-29-2002, 10:14 AM
may try modified-paintball.com I know donggie over there runs a nice place. Takes care of people. checkem out. Tell Em Frausty from Ao sent ya.. (just kidding they won't know me)

06-29-2002, 10:22 AM
thanks frausty:)

06-29-2002, 12:06 PM
what gun is it for? if its an Automag(sorry donggie, but just tryin to helpout a member) www.paintballgeeks.com has them for 189. usually on the net their that much then you gotta add 10 buks for the automag but not there. best place I can find, and I've been lookin for a while

06-29-2002, 01:06 PM
thanks alot bud. ya it will be for my hopefully soon-to-be emag. paintballgear.com has it for 194 thats the cheapest besides this place....:)

06-29-2002, 03:54 PM
Maybe not the right place to comment, but oh well. I'd be leary of pbgeeks. I called them up to order a stubby dropzone. They said they had it in stock, so I bought one via cc. Went for ground shipping. Got an email confirming order. Nothing else for three weeks. Finally called them again. I ask about my order with a chrome stubby drop forward. Didn't even say who I was. Immediately I get the reply "I just canceled that order today. Had it on back order and couldn't get it. Check your email sometimes." I keep my cool, though I feel like telling him off for being rude. I had checked my email ten minutes before. Still no email several days later, so he lied. And they lied about having it in stock when I called. So just a word of advice, be careful when dealing with them.

06-29-2002, 05:35 PM
i got my freak in the forums... i dont remember if it was here or pbcity or pbnation or what. But I got it for $165 with three tips, sold one of the tips for $35... so basically i got a freak for $130.

I don't know how often deals come around, but if you're willing to wait/work for it, you can get a pretty good deal in some of the online paintball forums.

06-29-2002, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Aranarth
Maybe not the right place to comment, but oh well. I'd be leary of pbgeeks. I called them up to order a stubby dropzone. They said they had it in stock, so I bought one via cc. Went for ground shipping. Got an email confirming order. Nothing else for three weeks. Finally called them again. I ask about my order with a chrome stubby drop forward. Didn't even say who I was. Immediately I get the reply "I just canceled that order today. Had it on back order and couldn't get it. Check your email sometimes." I keep my cool, though I feel like telling him off for being rude. I had checked my email ten minutes before. Still no email several days later, so he lied. And they lied about having it in stock when I called. So just a word of advice, be careful when dealing with them.

I'm sure everyone has their bad events with every place. everyone says that 888paintball.com is a great place to order from.....I had the WORSt experience I had ever had from them. I had called in to make sure they had RT PRO's in stock,they said they did. I was like "good". I ordered it over the net because its easier IMO and since they said it was in stock, I didn't worry. I wiat for 2 months adn nothing shows up. I FINALLY call, and they say they never had such an order, the funny thing was, I got a confirmatin sayin they got it. well, my dad is a good convincer and I get him on the phone, he talks to him and got us next day air for free:D . well a WEEK goes by and NOTHING. so we call up again and they say that the order was never put in. that just made me SOO MAD. so its thursday night adn I wanna play with it on saturday. well I get my dad back on the phone. hehe...we got saturday delivery FOR FREE:eek: I didn't even know UPS delivered on the weekends but I guess if you got it specially shipped that way, it can be done. well the moral of this story....everyone has bad experiences with companies, and when that happens, get your dad ont he phone and he'll take care of it

06-29-2002, 06:04 PM
i had a similar problem. They have a thing were if u order from then once they save ur address so all u do is enter ur name/CC numer and they mail it. so if u get it sent somewere other then ur original residents your screwed(gotta call in) this happened to me i placed a 45$ order for misc. parts and a weeks later callled( i live in NJ so expect it next day or 2) and they said it never existed but yet we had been charged for it on the CC so i faxed it to em(the CC bill) and they had sent it to my g-parents house(my parents bought me a barrel for my b-day and this was the first time ordered off this site) so now evertime i want something from them i gotta call it in.

06-29-2002, 06:41 PM
thanks guys for the heads up. ive ordered from online places probably about 30 times. all the big name ones and some smaller name ones. never had a problem yet. guess maybe im just lucky:)

anyway about the freak, i am going to try to get it at cost through the guy who owns the local store. he gets them for like 100 bucks. maybe just maybe i can convince him:p

06-30-2002, 02:53 AM
Lol. Some of us don't live anywhere near our dads anymore, rt. We moved out and hit the world on our own. But I don't hold it against you. :)
I'm just pointing out to be a bit careful of a company that outright lies. I understand computer mix-ups. That's why I think that if you order something online, you should ALWAYS call them also. Its worth the time and effort it saves.

06-30-2002, 06:19 AM
oh man i always call in the order. the internet ordering while it says it is secure is kinda scary. i would rather talk to a real person. ;)

06-30-2002, 10:07 PM
ill sell you mine for 150.
email me

06-30-2002, 10:17 PM
Paintballgear is selling them for 184.

06-30-2002, 10:38 PM
hey ahn i sent you an email:)