View Full Version : Sometimes I wonder how paintball is to be successful...

06-29-2002, 04:05 PM
Well I was surfing last night and I stumbled upon this most shocking article that serves as a true testament to the stupidity of humanity.

Tag gets banned at school (http://espn.go.com/page2/s/caple/020626.html)

I mean jeez, if tag gets banned and all these little kids are getting warped like this, where is paintball going to be in twenty years? Doesn't this just seem the slightest bit retarded to anyone else? Ok I'm done ranting now.

P.S. Anyone wanna organize a Dodgeball league with me? That guy had a damn good point about that...

06-29-2002, 06:00 PM
thats ludacris... Leave it to sothern california to demonize tag.

That article is really well written, everybody read it .

Of course, when the kids are all so fat, lazy and sensitive that they have to pay for two seats on Southwest Airlines, we may have to take further appropriate action by suing someone.

06-29-2002, 06:13 PM
This scares me. Its just another step towards everyone living there life suspended in a bubble with nutrient being pumped into their veins so that they wont have any injuries or trauma. What a bright wonderful future.

E==Mag MAN
06-29-2002, 07:08 PM
Hell its not the first time i remember 5 years ago in elementary school hehe got banned from basketball because i said a bad word and within the 2 weeks i played tag. It was banned cause a kid tripped so we werent allowed to play. I think our society is really stupid sometimes. Then again part of the reason these people act like this is because some many people are suehappy. A school by me was sued for 4 MILLION DOLLARS cause a kid broke his arm and the nurse didnt realize it. When i broke my leg i stood up and walked away i didnt know it was broken eheh at first. really i think "Whats the point of life if you dont have a good time?"

06-29-2002, 07:14 PM
not to get too far off subject, but I've noticed how protected kinds are lately. With all the antibiotics and medicine, plus bans on games like tag, and parents who won't let their kids play in the sandbox...this is all going to lead to some sort of immuno-deficiency that will affect most kids as they grow up. I think that parents should let their kids scrape their knees, and get the flu....look at the baby boomers of today. most of them played in the mud once a week!(ok, not that dramatic, but if you knew my dad....) they had their fair share of exposure to disease, but today's kids aren't like that. I'm afraid that 50 years down the road or so that our kids will have practically no immune defenses.

I'm done.:D

06-29-2002, 07:39 PM
i understand your concern and have fostered these same concerns from time to time.however,considering the political swing to the the right that is happening in america today(its about time!)and the fact that the majority of the one million+ paintball players are REGISTERED VOTERS(i hope),with vigilance and the power of voting, we can guard our beloved sport.keep an eye on your political heroes, promote safety,discourage off-field use of pb guns and know the facts about our safety record.
, if tag gets banned and all these little kids are getting warped like this, where is paintball going to be in twenty years? unfortunetly i think this will have the opposit effect in the long run.in nature, all predatory young play aggressive 'games'.stifling this instinct during adolecsence can only lead to a violent outburst in adulthood.competative sport found its origin in the non-leathal 'battles' of central africa and polynesia(and others)for a reason.competition is in our nature.please forgive my spelling, i'm on a rant 'a la shartley'

06-29-2002, 07:40 PM
if i followed some of the rules at school i would be dumber, lazier, smaller, weaker, more fragile kid. touch football was banned at my old school because a kid tripped and broke his arm while we were all a minimum of 5 feet away. the kid complained about football being banned too, but they didnt care. :mad:

06-29-2002, 07:49 PM
Makes you almost hope that a really big earthquake swallows up all of the Socialist nonsense on the left coast.

06-29-2002, 07:57 PM
what next............. will we not be able to breath

06-29-2002, 07:59 PM
its a beautifull place but most of the people are idiots(accept my familly)how about a tidal wave? that way, people with some common sence can move in and enjoy the view.

06-29-2002, 08:07 PM
Wallball and using tennis balls in lacrosse sticks was banned in our school last year... pheb, what a buncha garbage.

06-29-2002, 10:59 PM
tag gettin banned? thats just plain retarded. i mean I never played it that much but STILL, its a harmless game. Kinda like congress saying that retarded ppl cant get the death sentence any more(this is tru)

06-29-2002, 11:17 PM
Wow, that was certainly a great article. I didnt realize it was ESPN til they said "ESPN 3", and realized how great it was for a major network to be publicly making fun of society as a whole.

Sweet :) Whatever, [cheesiness] paintball will never die...it will live forever in our hearts [/end cheesiness]

06-30-2002, 07:45 AM
thats amazing... they banned tag because their was a risk of injury, when i was in elementary school i fell on concrete and ripped most of the skin off the from of one of my fingers playing dodgeball. i just got that bandaged and went and finished the rest of the school day. but i guess since the most that can arise from tag is a scraped knee they have to ban it. seeing how a scraped knee is a life threatening injury. and then it might hurt someone's self-esteem? how many elementary school students have you heard of who have become depressed because they were it in tag. im sure in 20 years we will find millions of people going into a mental institution because they felt violated and victimized while they were playing tag.

06-30-2002, 12:20 PM
there are no tag tycoons to be pro tag.... with lots of money. the paintball industry is so lucrative that it really wont go down. Have u seen bob longs house? LOL i mean DAMN! Gino from nps, all these powerfull dudes will keep paintbal around.

06-30-2002, 08:49 PM
This reminds me of a book I read last nuight, although, sadly, lots of stuff reminds me of the book. It's called Shaman by Sandra Miesel, don't know where you're going to find it outside of a used book store though. It's copyrighted 1989. Anyways, it's a little wierd, dealing with shamanism (naturally), alternate reality, and time travel. However, the main character lives in a world where...people just don't do anything wild with weapons or anything. So a 'noncomp" (which I presume to mean a noncompliant person) is a person who's gone insane, and usually commits homicide or at least suicide. So the government tries to pad society even more. Kind of depressing when you see our society moving that way. On the other hand, I think we can do without dog sized rats on an alternate world she visits frequently.

/spoilers off

Recommended by me, the book junkie