View Full Version : On painting....?

Will Wood
06-29-2002, 08:50 PM
Ok...I'm want my Grip/Rail/Forgrip all gold...and how would I go about doing it so It will actually stay on? Powercoating and Anodizing...I know nothing about them..So please explain something about it if either one is the answer.

06-29-2002, 08:57 PM
Powdercoat the SS stuff (probally only the rail)
Anno the alluminum stuff (probally the grips)
They might not match and I'm not sure if you can get them in gold or not.

Mag Master 04
06-29-2002, 09:29 PM
can u just spray paint it your self with some glossy paint?
i waz just wondering.

06-29-2002, 10:55 PM
you can spray paint, but 2 things

1. it would look trashy
2. it wouldn't stay on long enuf to do any good

I thought the rails were alluminum? if they are, then you can get them all the same shade, but I'm not sure if gold is really very common when it comes to annodization...but looka round, theirs alottla annodizers here on the forum

06-29-2002, 10:59 PM
Just get it all powdercoated. Its much more durable than anno or painting.

06-29-2002, 11:18 PM
yes every thing you listed is all alluminum unless you have a stock composite grip then i dont think you can do a thing with it but the other stuff can either be powdercoated or annoed but i would recomend powder
i hope atleast part of that made some sense

06-30-2002, 02:38 AM
I saw a guy with gold electroplating on parts of his marker once. It looked good. But it was a total project marker with no holds barred for costs.