View Full Version : Can you short stoke a retro valve mag?

Won Hunglo
06-30-2002, 01:30 PM
I have been out of paintball for 5 years but I have returned for round 2. I upgraded to a brand x electric trigger gun and I need a back up gun. I have an old mag laying around and I am thinking about putting a retro valve in it for a back up gun. I always hated how the original valve would short stoke at times. (Yea I know...my fault...learn to pull the trigger right.) Can you short stoke a retro valve mag?

One other thing. Where do I go to change my profile?

06-30-2002, 01:45 PM
not sure about the retro thing, but you click on the purple tab near the top that says "user cp". then click on the edit profile tab towards the top.

Won Hunglo
06-30-2002, 02:51 PM
Got my profile fixed. Now if someone can help me with the retro valve question.

06-30-2002, 03:26 PM
Uhhh....well if you are looking for the really high rate of fire then go ReTro. I dont think it eliminates short-stroking but I believe it will help a lot. I really dunno becuase I dont even want a retro (I dont have that kind of money to use on paint and a fast loader). BUT..you can get the Level 10 Mod when it comes out, this will completely eliminate chopping forever, so if you short-stroke you might have a double feed but thats all. No chops, search for ALL LVL10 INfo and read the post - I just love what these guys come up with. Also the bolt is 42% lighter than a stock bolt, weighing in at 1.16 oz (wow). The upgrade is like $85 as I hear.

06-30-2002, 03:39 PM
Lemee see.
Makes sense that the RT would atleast reduce shortstroking, because of the kick back of the trigger. I have never really thought about it but it sounds like it would work

06-30-2002, 05:16 PM
I think if you really tried, you could short stroke a ReTro. Notice that I say try, 'cause in normal usage I have yet to short-stroke the ReTro.

btw- Get a RetRo & your new "brand x electric" may actually become your backup... :D

06-30-2002, 11:22 PM
You can short stroke it, but chances are, you will hit the sweet spot before you do. Your gun will go full auto for a brief period.