View Full Version : are non mag users just in denial or what???

06-30-2002, 02:38 PM
all my friends had standard emags and they said all tehy do is chop and i beleive them. but theres 2 ways to chop, an actual paintball chop and a barrel break. emags in the past choped because the bolt speed which is what tom kaye admitted himself. they just refuse to beleive that the lvl10 really works and they say that the emags on the lvl10 videos are "rigged factory emags" and i say why odnt they sell those rigged factory emags to make some money. and hes like ohhh i dunno, but it still wont work i guarantee it.i tell them that the lvl10 can pinch paint for breech chops, and has a slower and less harsh acceleration on paint for barrel breaks. i know nothing can stop all breaks but i beleive that the xtreme has the least chance of breaking paint of all markers out there and they say ist all just a cheap gimmic, are they in denial that a mag will actually work or what??

p.s. they also beielve that longer barrels give u more accuracy and distance and that cocker shoot flatter. i give them scientific reasons on why a cocker cant(backspin theory) and they tell me that their reason is because of playing with one.(i think my friends are retarded)

06-30-2002, 02:47 PM
its too late. once the field owner gets to them, its all over. I was once one of those ppl that thought the cocker could shoot further and more accurate then any other gun. then I was thrown a life line. my friend decided to get a mini-mag and I was sellin my tippmann, so i thought, hey....why dont I get a mag. I started lookin around and liked the look of the RT PRO and got one. I also joined here and was saved from the prapaganda of society. its a fact tat if more ppl like one thing, that they will come up with reasons(even if they arent very good) that the other products are not any good. in denial, no. misinformed, yes. seriously, the "pro's" all use angels and cockers so most players think...."hmmmm, I dont see any mags, so they must suk" and then later they here that mags suka nd they come up with some stupid story "I had a mag and all it did was chop" even tough they never ownerd one. they just wanna blend in with the crowd and get lost in the shuffle, while us mag owners push forward lookin for what can be made better, on the break of discovering what the real deal of paintball is, why it works, and how it works, thanks to our leader Tom Kaye

06-30-2002, 04:41 PM



06-30-2002, 04:57 PM
Tell your friends that the reason the Emags they had chopped paint is because they messed them up and didnt know how to take proper care of them, ask anyone with an Emag on here if there gun chops, C'mon if they chopped so much NO ONE would have them, it was their own fault. If the Level 10 guns in the video are "rigged", then how about all the level 10 guns that the sponsored teams and players who already have them, they all seem pretty darn happy if you ask me. Your friends sound like newbies who need to wake up and goto school to learn about the phun of physics:) .

06-30-2002, 06:05 PM
all mags without level ten break more paint that any gun aruond. YET with level ten, they will all be extremely gentle on paint. The point where you can really laugh at yer friends, are extreme emags. They will have anti chop eyes AND level ten. Now there is a winner.

06-30-2002, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by liigod
The point where you can really laugh at yer friends, are extreme emags. They will have anti chop eyes AND level ten. Now there is a winner.

You missed the bit about them looking good also :D

I had many doubting friends until today... They were breaking paint in angels, spyders and intimidators... I wasn't in my RT :) Even when trying to at the end of the day!


06-30-2002, 06:17 PM
lol breaking paint in an intimidator but not in an rt. That has to do with paint. Because intimidators do not have breaking problems when they are working correctly.

06-30-2002, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by liigod
lol breaking paint in an intimidator but not in an rt. That has to do with paint. Because intimidators do not have breaking problems when they are working correctly.

Agreed :) the breaks in the timmy were in the barrel. So I guess it was the paint. Point still stands though that I wasn't and he was... :D and my paint was more brittle also.... two year old hellfire! against his fresh site victory paint...

A couple of the guys at the end of the day couldn't believe I hadn't broken a single ball all day of the hellfire. Especially when they watched me fluff the heck out of the trigger at one point :D


06-30-2002, 06:46 PM
Any gun that is working properly will not break paint. I've had my Minimag (stock AIR valve) for 5 years and I've broken less than 5 balls. I'd say that I've put about 10 cases of paint through it, including 1 year old Marballizer.
In fact, I don't even carry a squeegie with me on the field anymore. I've fired my gun as fast as I can rip it with the stock valve and an old 9V VL2000 (which isn't that fast) and I don't chop. I think it really just boils down to how you shoot your marker.


06-30-2002, 06:50 PM
a mag working properly can/will break paint. Pull the trigger fast enough. Angels, fire them fast enough, unless u limit them to about 12, and they will chop. Cockers wont if set up correctly because they can pinch. Intimidators unless the eye is broken, will not break paint. Emags working properly, can break paint. I know, I see it happen all the time. Some people dont break manny ball sin their mags, GREAT FOR THEM! but thats not typical.

06-30-2002, 07:51 PM
a mag working properly can/will break paint. Pull the trigger fast enough. Angels, fire them fast enough, unless u limit them to about 12, and they will chop. Cockers wont if set up correctly because they can pinch. Intimidators unless the eye is broken, will not break paint. Emags working properly, can break paint. I know, I see it happen all the time. Some people dont break manny ball sin their mags, GREAT FOR THEM! but thats not typical. You seem so sure of yourself, sorry to tell you, you are wrong, all guns can and will break paint. Cockers will still make soup, my buddy spent over 1,000 bucks in upgrades alone to trick out his cocker by one of the top cocker techs in Tx and his gun chops from time to time(more than my RT), also the field I goto is the home of the top Timmy tech in Tx, the field crawls with timmy's, I've seen enough to know that they do break paint. Any gun set-up properly will work awesome, but that doesnt mean that it will never break a ball.

06-30-2002, 08:15 PM
with a classic it is "nearly" impossible to shoot over 12bps with the mech trigger, meaning you CANT chop unless you shortstroke or your revvy misfeeds.
Ive never had a day where my mag was a blender, i HAVE broken a few balls with normal firing, i emphisize on FEW. When i first got my mag i chopped some because my revvy was broke and i was shortstroking it until i learned the trigger. In the last 5 outings with my 68 i havent broken a ball, but my freinds with cocker, spyders,timmies, and trix's have all had some probs with breakage, leaks or other things. My other friends shocker never breaks paint though.

06-30-2002, 08:24 PM
Ah, Havoc is correct. I played with a guy today who was shooting a ytricked cocker...kept breaking paint. Now, I cant say if it was barrel break or not, but, after I had 2 breaks, I changed freak inserts, then went through almost 2 cases of paint...no chops. I have yet to chop on my emag. Period. The only breaks I gt is when I'm too lazy to change inserts. I constantly see ppl with their barrels off, cleaning them, and guess what? They arent emags. IT is true that all guns will chop eventually, either because of malfunction, user error, whatever. But why trust electronics, when a new bolt kit will prevent it? Lvl 10 will definitely make a difference, not only in mags, but I think the way that engineers are gonna look at the whole chopping thing. Instead of trying to make ACEs or whathaveyou, they are gonna start looking at what Tom invented. And, again, AGD will lead the pack.
So There!!!:p

06-30-2002, 08:26 PM
on the other cocker hand, my buddies free flow, you can stick your finger in the breach, a ball, wont chop. The coment about a classic shooting over 12, im not talking about over 12 on a mag, that was refering to an angel.

06-30-2002, 09:09 PM
all mags without level ten break more paint that any gun aruond.

I dont know about you but i have chops rarely. Unless im playing with a non agitating hopper then i get a couple every so often. I dont know maybe you just short stroked alot. I shoot brass eagles up where i live cause its the only paint i can get around here without ordering off the net. And there is no telling how old they are cause the place i buy them from isnt really a pbshop its like a walmart.

06-30-2002, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by n00b

I dont know about you but i have chops rarely. Unless im playing with a non agitating hopper then i get a couple every so often. I dont know maybe you just short stroked alot. I shoot brass eagles up where i live cause its the only paint i can get around here without ordering off the net. And there is no telling how old they are cause the place i buy them from isnt really a pbshop its like a walmart.

Ditto:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: (rolls eyes to liigod's comment)

Im not in denial, I dont use a mag.

06-30-2002, 11:57 PM
im not in denial, I OWN A MAG!

07-01-2002, 03:03 AM
if you own a mag and chop as much as you say, your doing something wrong, you need to find out what the prolem is and handle it, don't get the impression of mags break more than any gun around from your lack of knowledge on teching your own gun(that's what most ppl do before they sell their mag and give it a bad rep)

07-01-2002, 03:30 AM
I've only had 2 problems with ME breaking paint in my Mag.

1. Every now and then i'll be a tool and shortstroke or some other brain fart and chop a ball.

2. I've let my Warp batteries die a few times and had problems with misfeeds.

Both are MY fault and not the Mags. If some tool saw me play that day they might think it was the gun, but it wasn't.

A few weekends ago at DMZ paintball in Niagara Falls there was a Big Game. It was boiling outside. It was so hot and humid that the balls were swelling and warping. I chopped a few that day as well but that was cause the fat balls couldn't get into the breech! Never seen that before.

Those are the only times ive busted balls in my Mag, i've had mine for over 2 years. I don't understand this Mag/blender thing everyone talks about.

07-01-2002, 04:11 PM
Why would custom factory converted emags work better? I HAD one and it didn't.... trust me.


Not knocking the emag, just saying that the whole "factory custom" thing is silly.


07-01-2002, 06:03 PM
I shot a whole case this past weekend on Friday and Saturday in 90+ degree weather. One day the paint was kep on the porch and the other day in a cooler with ice. I did not break a SINGLE ball, not in the barrel, not in the breech. Now, I'm not putting mags down, the other two mags being used didn't break either, but to not break you must:

1.know your trigger and not shortstroke( i have double fed but know the trig and don't shortstroke and break)
2.have good paint to barrel match
3.have good bolt
4.keep paint cool
or you can get a mag with lvl 10, but my gun stock will not break, and until lvl 10 becomes stock, well, too bad.