View Full Version : cocker or a timmy?

06-30-2002, 04:32 PM
i've been trying to find a marker with a good feel for me, and so far i've decided i like the feel of electronic triggers, but i like the feel of a cocker(i know i know one's ugly and the other is satans spwan, but i like my markers to be a lil like me any way lol). i was wondering, between a stock vrt.cocker and a clasic timmy, which would you guys sugguest, as in which would have better preformance, reliablity, and is better on gas.

06-30-2002, 05:28 PM
timmys are all around AMAZING guns.

06-30-2002, 05:29 PM
I would go for the Timmy, you need a good reg and compressed air.

Evil Emperor
06-30-2002, 05:34 PM
woops I picked the wrong one. Ive never shot a timmy but have shot two cockers and they where pretty nice. You'll prolly be asifide with ether choice. But a LVL 10 mag is still better.

06-30-2002, 06:45 PM
between those two the timmy is the best gun, but for not too much more you could get a nice emag wich is even better IMO but the timmy is a great gun

06-30-2002, 06:49 PM
Timmy's are great guns to shoot but in my opinion they are big and ugly. Cockers are also a lot of fun to have and shoot. And the cocker with an electric frame is even better!

But the best gun I have shot lately is an extreme e-mag C&C. With ACE and level 10 it was amazing. Great looks, small, light, compact, fast and easy on the paint... What more do you want? :D


06-30-2002, 06:57 PM
well, if your not gettin an E-mag. I would say Timmy(IF YOUR SURE you dont want an E-mag. I mean, just look at them, their so pretty)

06-30-2002, 08:43 PM
point being as to why i'm not getting an emag is cause i dont have that kind of money, and i'm mostly using what i'll be making from selling my mag to get a new gun, i don't have alota cash acess, plus, i am only going awayfrom the mag cause i can't get a feel fot it, i'm not realy sure why but it just dosn't sit right with me.

07-01-2002, 08:37 AM
go with a timmy. With all the new versions comming out the classic should be selling really cheap. And if you wait a little while you might be able to swing a good deal on a GZ timmy. I have both and the GZ is much better than my classic. But I'd still shoot the classic over my mag.

07-01-2002, 08:52 AM
if you can afford it get a stock '02 cocker, think i seen em for around $350, and they are very nice right out of the box. also cockers are like a classic car, every time you can afford it you will want to upgrade and custumize it till its your perfect gun. mho.

07-01-2002, 10:52 AM
i would get a matrix myself

but timmys are good too but i like matrix

paint magnet
07-01-2002, 11:05 AM
I would say an Impulse, because it's reasonably priced and ready to go out of the box, it can run Co2 if you don't have nitro, and it comes with a SP Progressive and a MaxFlo reg. A B2k2 is pretty good too, but the Impy is ready to go out of the box.

07-01-2002, 11:31 AM
I say go with the Impulse too. Get the vision eye Impy and then get a magnetic blade trigger for it and you'll be good to go.

07-01-2002, 11:35 AM
Shocker, Impulse, Matrix?

Krazy Ivan
07-01-2002, 01:16 PM
I was up in the air about a new Shocker or a new Timmy. I ended up with a used Shocker, because the price was right and it came with a lot of stuff I needed anyway.

However, even though I would recommend a timmy, I recommend you go out to a couple of fields and see what people are shooting and ask them if you can try a few shots with it. Different markers have VERY different feels. I shot a Shocker and liked it hence why I ended up with it. Try a timmy, try a stock and tricked cocker. Hell, try a Talon and an Angel and compare. I would just recommend shoot the different guns and see what bests suits you and your shooting style. Everyone's fingers are different, and they all want different things for them.

Trying to give you the best advice I can, hope this helps.

07-01-2002, 02:12 PM
i see what ur saying krazy, i have shot a cocker before but i bout it used and it was sold for a reason, blowback so bad i spent my day cleaning out my hopper cause it would bust every ball in it and it wouldnt shot, and the place i got it from refused to fix it for free even thought they sold it to me with the garuntee it worked. i loved the way it held though, and i was looking at an eletro cause i like the trigger pull on them, i chose the timmy csause heard they were a cheap angel that works just as well if not better, but i wouldnt mind an impulse, plus they seem to be getting a good vote

Krazy Ivan
07-01-2002, 02:44 PM
I must say I always had thought of an Impulse as a mini shocker, but it has so many more upgrades for it. You can get some good stuff for it.
A guy at my local field had one that was so sensative that ripping 13bps was effortless. However he downtuned it because he didn't like the feel of it.

The only reason why I would say buy a Timmy over Impulse would be because the Timmy comes with the ACE stock, and it's cheaper(Versus a Vision Impulse). The timmy also seems to have a good reliability standing.
The only thing I have against the guns now is aesthetics. I'm not big into the top cocking style. I don't like to see the bolt.
Hence my list of guns I really like: Shocker, Angel, Any Mag, and the only one that you actually see bolt movement, Cocker's. However on the last note, I think I'll easily buy an older angel used b4 I buy a cocker.

Lastly if you did decide on a stock cocker, first, shoot it and see if out of the box it's good for you, or if you want a tricked stock cocker(there is a big difference, the stock pull on all of them feels like a mile long though).

07-01-2002, 09:20 PM
i say timmy becuz the elves in cockers ar hard to satisfy.

07-01-2002, 10:56 PM
Cocker, for the $$ it can't be beat.

The Timmy is a Bushmaster, in basic design. So you amy want to look at the ICD BKO,a s it's only $279.

07-02-2002, 01:44 AM
where in the world did you find a bushy at that price? i havent ever seen one under 450.

07-02-2002, 01:34 PM
350 for the stock vert cocker is hard to beat out of that list...

The classic PF mag with a barrel is cheaper.

I'd say be happy with what you have. Comparing high end guns is like comparing apples to oranges... they all have pluses and minuses.

It's up to you to determine what minuses are outweighed by what pluses.


07-02-2002, 01:39 PM
For some reason or another, I hate bushys! It's probably cause there's a stuck up 12 year old at my field who shoots a gold one that his dad bought for him .... and he sucks!

Anyway ... I'd definitely go with a timmy. The best back player at my field shoots one ... NO TRIGGER PULL on it ... literally.

07-02-2002, 02:24 PM
FeuerFri: The ICD BKO lists for $279 US MSRP, it should be cheaper. Action Village has them at list price.

Ultimator: A Timmy is literally a Bushy stuffed into a Millenium Body. Nice gun, but performace is identical to a Bushy with the sam electronics (Which are interchangeable)

07-02-2002, 02:43 PM
i would make a serious consideration about the matrix along with a timmy impulse and shocker. the matrix is a new gun in the sense that alot of people still dont have it inspite of its greatness(although most diablo sponsered teams have them now) i think its because not many people know about its because diablo makes most of their money from paint than the guns so they dont advertize it as much as they do their paint(they also dont advertise their terminators real well either)

if it comes to timmy or a stock cocker i would get the timmy although a cocker is a great gun its nothing compared to a timmy stock. although with new neumatics and a nice hinge or slide trigger a cocker its right up there

also im guessing the cocker with the blowback your talking about must have been setup really poor(most likely the back block wasnt screwed into the pump arm correctly and or timing was way off)

07-04-2002, 12:36 AM
i've never seen or shot a timmy before..i heard they were pretty good guns. but i really like cockers, i think it's much funner and more challenging to shoot a cocker than it is to shoot an electro. i would go with a stock vertical feed cocker and upgrade it. if you hook em up right...they'll look really nice and perform really well too.

07-08-2002, 06:24 PM
depends what kind of Cocker. If your refering to a WGP Cocker, then i'd go with the Intimidator. If your talking about a high end Cocker such as a Works, Free Flow or Sonic, i'd defenetly go with the Cocker simply because I find high end Ccokers to shoot better than most open bolt electros. Now, if your talking about a GZ Timmy... I'd go with that. I've played with one a few weeks back and it was just simply amazing! I easily over shot my Ricochet 2k by walking the trigger. But its really up to you, try different kidns of Cockers and Intimidators before you decide

08-24-2002, 05:45 PM
I'm guessing its gonna be around $550 for a timmy, so if you are willing to spend that much on a cocker too I'm sure you could find a nice one, like mabe one of the new outcasts or mabe a GX-3, both of which are realy nice but I'd rather go with a Gx-3 because they look better, have a better reg, and better internals. But the outkast pneus are better...