View Full Version : intelli vs. hyper

06-30-2002, 08:36 PM
What should i do? I'v got enough money for the hyper, but is it worth it? I have never shot a i-frame before, so don't know anything about them. What do you think

06-30-2002, 08:49 PM
well thats kinda tough question because one is a mechanical frame while the other is electric so it really depened on what YOU want, i've seen and shot both and liked both of 'em i myself bought an intelliframe just because i don't like the feel of electros

06-30-2002, 08:54 PM
Im not shure also. My brother has an impulse and shooting that puppy is pretty sweet. I too like not depending on batteries to shoot my gun, but if can shoot automatic, i can live with it. Im just tring to get an idea of what other peoples opinions are.

06-30-2002, 08:57 PM
unless your brother has a higher end impulse the hyperframes trigger will be alot nicer without the slop, if you like the electric go with it, it will be shorter and lighter than the intellifeed

06-30-2002, 09:02 PM
Hyperframe = unreliable and junky not true electric piece of... poo
Intellifram = reliable awesome seet (especially hooked up to revy) and comfortable

06-30-2002, 09:03 PM
ya, his has lots of side to side slop. i have used the hyperframe before for a game and kept shooting my toes, real smart. Hard to get used to that hair trigger stuff.

06-30-2002, 09:04 PM
i know two people at my field that have hyper frames and they have had no problems at all, but yeah i have heard of some hyperframe horror stories

06-30-2002, 10:31 PM
The hyperframe is a really nice reliable frame. I dont see why you people always say its a piece of junk and breaks down, kind of annoys me actually, dont say things before you try it out. I havent had one problem installing it, and love the trigger. I also have an intelliframe which is nice. I just like the hyperframe more cause i can shoot faster and snap shoot good.

06-30-2002, 10:33 PM
It also annoys me how people always say youll spend more time fixing your cocker then you will using it. Youve heard this alot, but if you dont mess with it you shouldnt have a problem really. And cockers arent really as hard to fix as people think they are.

06-30-2002, 11:40 PM
if you want higher ROF get the hyper. if you dont want your your warranty voided but still want a good ROF get the intelli. course, if you send your gun into AGD and trade out your hyper witht eh stock frame it'll be fine too...hmm. the intelliframe looks really nice. I say go with teh intelli

07-01-2002, 12:47 AM
My buddy's hyper gives him no trouble. The only frame i herd of giving lots of trouble is that boo-ya frame. I am not worried about the warranty that much, as yes i also think the intelliframe looks better. I just need to decide on what kind of trigger pull i want. About the cockers, I have only seen one that had to be worked on more that could be used. The rest i have seen that work all the time are brand new.

07-01-2002, 01:22 AM
Who knows where i can find the best price on a hyperframe? I would order the intelli from AGD just because 'mags rule.:D

07-01-2002, 02:25 AM
Get it from modifiedpaintball.com for $263 if you want one, can get intelli's also from there.

07-01-2002, 02:27 AM
cool beans! thanks:D

07-01-2002, 08:43 AM
you should try both before you talk and just cuz you hear something doesn't mean it's all true and it happens to everyone....... there prolly just to stupid to install the hyperframe correctly... mine works perfect i liked my hyperframe over my intelliframe.... i wasted money on buy that damn thing... i say hyperframe.. no offense to T.K. when i say damn thing... it's just that now i need the money i spent on that iframe for other stuff

07-01-2002, 09:23 AM
I say go with the hyperframe also.

I have owned both intelli and hyper, and I prefer the hyper. You can't short stroke it.

Now, when I installed my hyper, it was chewing up the bolt pretty bad. And this was with the longer on/off pin that came with it. So, I called Centerflag and they sent me a longer one for free. I think this worked but it was hard to tell because my bolt was already chewed up. So, again, I called Centerflag and asked them if I could send it in, I think the frame is ruining my bolt. They gave me an RA number and I sent it in. It came back about a week later with a NEW longnose bolt!!!! All I had to pay for was shipping to get it to Centerflag. I have used it a ton since and my bolt is still in great shape, no more problems.

07-01-2002, 02:07 PM
uhhh if you buy the frame from modified paintball, your spending like 20 dollars EXTRA. look around i saw a site for my teammate that was gonna buy the hyperframe and found it for like 250.
he ended up going with the intelli cuzi convinced him too. we had a teammate who couldn't play last weekend. both of his guns are spyders with electric triggers (tricked out spyder and spyder amg) and couldn't play cuz it was raining. his gun ended up getting fried. spent that much money on guns and couldn't even play. personally i DON"T need a electric. i can shoot fast enough already (NOT THAT shooting fast is a MUST).. only takes one paintball to get someone out.plus with intelli, you can shoot as fast as you can and have a ball FEED if you inteli frame it. so. something to think about it.

07-01-2002, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by minimag187
It also annoys me how people always say youll spend more time fixing your cocker then you will using it. Youve heard this alot, but if you dont mess with it you shouldnt have a problem really. And cockers arent really as hard to fix as people think they are.

YES!!! see i broke my cocker this weekend (trashed the detent by spraying it with wd-40:rolleyes: ) and went to play its messed up and made me chop 5 balls in the first five shots... i swear a few times then take the detent out and throw it at the other team(thing was totally broke finally) and just a ball thru the paint and dry fire a few times and was fine the whole day

in most cases its not the products fault its the owners lack of knowledge ow what to do and then piss and moan saying it sucks. THERE are however times when a bad one gets thru in which case you return it... but read reviews on websites and such like www.pbreview.com and if theres a bunch of people who know what they are doing and are still having problems you should think of buying something else

i havent heard any bad things about either thing and if your paying 90 or 250+ on something it sure as heck better work

07-01-2002, 02:39 PM
you know you can intellifeed a hyperframe too. i love mine. very nice trigger pull.

07-01-2002, 03:17 PM
Im going to use the intelli this weekend. i will finally be able to decide which. im leaning twords the hyper because of the trigger pull, but we'll see eh?

01-19-2003, 06:22 PM
are we going new or used? Resale value on hypers aren't too good but the intelli has awesome resale. So i'd buy a used hyper over a a used intelli, but if I were going new I'd buy the intelli. And that's exactly what I did :)

01-19-2003, 08:37 PM
hey, i jsut got an intelli and it rocks, i dont no much about the hyper frame but the intelli is cool,had a lot of fun with it.:D

01-19-2003, 08:41 PM
My reason is that I can Intelli my hyper frame in about 15 minutes. and it works GREAT.

01-19-2003, 10:40 PM
My intelliframe was reliable and caused me no problems. I have heard horror stories about hyperframes though. I dont like the idea of making a gun that was meant to be mechanical electronic. It is sought of like giving your marker a sex change, it just isnt natural :)And you never know what problems you can have.

01-20-2003, 06:37 AM
I'm not going to vote one way or the other because the decision is your's
I have a hyperframe, one of the first out. it did chew my
bolt. CF sent me a new pin and it's been happy ever since.
I now use it with a lvl-10 bolt with no problems.

I don't consider this a "horror story"
I read about people here having to send their All AGD
markers back for adjustments because they didn't work right.

there is no REAL difference between the valve and sear on
an e-mag, and a classic like mine. they work exactly the same
way once charged up. do you really think the bolt cares
if it's tripped by a finger or a solenoid

What i'm saying is that the e-mag IS a mechanical gun converted to work electronic.

I'm going to add to this and say that those of us that actually own hyperframes are happy with them
It seems that the, "don't buy them they are bad" people
have never owned or used them they have only "heard"
Of course there are people who tried and didn't like them
or couldn't get them to work(a tiny minority I think)
If you have had a real experience that is bad or can point
to a person that had a bad experience good enough
but "heard" just doesn't cut it!

01-20-2003, 10:43 AM
steveg...my thoughtd exactly. How much difference is there between how an emag works and how a hypermag works?

01-20-2003, 03:21 PM
Do you have a Retro valve? The Retro+Intelliframe is a sweet combo...I was watching that video in the classic post of the halo guy shooting the emag around 19 bps...the RT/Intelli combo isn't too far from that, honestly it didn't sound much faster that my mag could fire. I have not had any experience with the Hyper frame, so I cannot comment, but I very much enjoy shooting the Intelliframe.
