View Full Version : Eminem

06-30-2002, 09:04 PM
I was just wondering everybodies opinions on Eminem. Personally I think he is awsome. I mean I love the new lyrics on his new CD. I don't know exactly what it is but I like them a lot. His old lyrics may have been over the edge but still.

Well I just wanted to know your opinions.

06-30-2002, 09:08 PM
Do you have any idea how long this thread is gonna last before its closed down? I would say a max of 2 days....you are asking for it.

I think hes cool, but the only cool rapper.

06-30-2002, 09:20 PM
I like Eminem, but it gets old after a while.

06-30-2002, 09:22 PM
he's personally the only rapper I like. I mean, he doesn't really care what ppl think about him and speaks his mind. what else do you want?his lyrics rock on all his cd's and I like um

06-30-2002, 09:33 PM
SOME of his music is ok, while some of it is horrible , i dont respect/like him as a person but some of his music i enjoy (all this is IMO so no flaming plez)

06-30-2002, 10:35 PM
I like him alot and as far as rappers go he's one of the most talented. I don't agree with his lyrics, nor do I think his lyrics are appropriate. He does have some truth but mainly he's just trying to shock people. This is why people hate him so much, but that's what he wants.

Just keep it away from the kids and I'm happy.

06-30-2002, 10:38 PM
i can't stand him, i would describe my feeling toward him but i don't think the mods would like that :)

but really i don't like him at all nor do i like his music or any type of rap for that matter

06-30-2002, 10:39 PM
ya.. but hes been getting death threats from terrorist groups (not confirmed) because he dressed up to imitate Bin-Laden in the "Without Me" music video.

07-01-2002, 12:42 AM
hahahahah toooooo taliban girls go round the outside round the outside dadadaaaaaa hhahah just a horrid thought :confused:

Matt Crawford
07-01-2002, 01:04 AM
I personaly like his music.I dont agree with some of his Lyrics, but I respect him cause he dont give a *EDIT* Do not circumvent the cuss filters...first warning. Army what anyone thinks.He is a good father to all the stuff I've heard.But he needs to calm a few things down.Lol terrest(sp) threats I can see it now Talibon soliders driving planes into his home (well atleast I think this sounds funny)

There are better rappers out there, but Eminem still is good.

07-01-2002, 01:55 AM
All I can say about him is that if I liked rap I would like him...but...I think rap sucks (IMO - no flaming)

07-01-2002, 02:35 AM
I only like a few songs on his album, actualy 3...
Stir Crazy
Hailies song
Without me

the rest suck imo... dont like much rap :)

07-01-2002, 02:54 AM
If you look at my sig pic, you know im a Shady fan, big time. I think that D12 is better than Eminem alone though. I think that Eminem's lyrics are great, just not good for my 10 year old little sister to hear. So she doesn't , and it stands at that.

07-01-2002, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by Matt Crawford
.He is a good father to all the stuff I've heard. But he needs to calm a few things down.

From your post it's obvious that you don't live in the Detroit area. You may think he's a good father, but he certainly not a good husband. The man is in court just about every 4-6 months for something he done in the area. Charges that he's been up on in the past year include: Spousal abuse, Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, DUI, and assault and battery (just to name a few of the things I can hink of off the top of my head). The only reason he is able to walk away from what he does with out doing jail time is that the judges he gets are wimps and are afraid to jail a home grown celebrity. The other reason he get's away with all of that crap is no one wants to press charges against him or go up on the stand and testify. His wife is one of those ppl who is afraid to speak against him in court.
Sorry if it seems like I'm blasting you for calling him a good father and stuff, but IMO a man that is in trouble that much can't be a good father. Just my $.02 in the subject.
Also if anyone is wondering what I think of Eminem I can't stand him. He's rich white trash, who I'm just waiting to see on "Cops" one night for beating his wife.

07-01-2002, 09:12 AM
I think Eminem is evil.
I liked him way back then, but he is just crap.
Sorry guys, I think his songs suck, and I'm not trying to get into a flame war either.
I'll stick to Seven Mary Three (http://www.7m3.com) thank you very much :p

07-01-2002, 10:39 AM
Eminem has issues, big time. He's touched in the head I give him 5 years before does a Kurt Cobain.

07-01-2002, 10:56 AM
that anti Taliban video is hilarious! All of us here were watching MTV once before our shift, it came on, and we were all singing it for like 2 days! Of course, being in the military, we all have a special little place in our hearts for anything anti bin Laden, Al Quaeda, taliban, or whtever, so that just added to the hilarity. I really hope that it was aired in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Nothing like a little propaganda!

07-01-2002, 11:53 AM
Its wierd cause a lot of his songs are basically stories. And I love that

07-01-2002, 12:15 PM
I hate rap, and I especially hate all the kids in my area who try to act like him. :rolleyes:

07-01-2002, 12:46 PM
I must say I haven't heard most of his music, but what I have heard I could do without.

I get tired of a guy who keeps saying "look how cool I am - see I'm a bad boy - everybody pay attention to me"

Gimme a break!


07-01-2002, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by StuDawggie

...Charges that he's been up on in the past year include: Spousal abuse, Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, DUI, and assault and battery (just to name a few of the things I can hink of off the top of my head). ...

Boy....sounds like an excellent role model. I'm sure you guys can justify all of this. :confused:

From a review I read:

After slashing his woman's throat, the rapper takes his baby girl to dump mom's body in the ocean on "97 Bonnie &Clyde"("Where's momma?/ She's taking a little nap in the trunk/Oh, that smell?/Daddy must've run over a skunk"). A coked-up man brutally rapes a woman on "As the World Turns." Sexual savagery is also the focus of "My Name Is"(MTV's top-ranked video), on which the artist asks, "Hi, kids, do you like violence?" and talks of raping lesbians, carving up actress Pamela Lee, cutting his dad's throat and "f--[ing] anything that walks." He claims to have ripped out Hilary Clinton's tonsils and strangled someone before breaking their legs ("Role Model"), hit his mother over the head with a shovel ("Lounge") and slit someone's throat "worse than Ron Goldman" ("Just Don't Give a F--"). Other cuts boast of oral sex, casual sex with HIV-infected women, suicide attempts, robbery, murdering an unfaithful partner and raping a 15-year-old girl at a rave party. Obscenities and references to drug use (smoking dope, taking pills, shooting up) abound. One of the most diseased discs ever.

07-01-2002, 03:16 PM
But yet Marilyn Manson is allowed to "sacrifice" chickens?

Ozzy was "allowed" to bit a bat's head off?

Thats cruelty to animals..

Matt Crawford
07-01-2002, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by StuDawggie

From your post it's obvious that you don't live in the Detroit area. You may think he's a good father, but he certainly not a good husband. The man is in court just about every 4-6 months for something he done in the area. Charges that he's been up on in the past year include: Spousal abuse, Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, DUI, and assault and battery (just to name a few of the things I can hink of off the top of my head). The only reason he is able to walk away from what he does with out doing jail time is that the judges he gets are wimps and are afraid to jail a home grown celebrity. The other reason he get's away with all of that crap is no one wants to press charges against him or go up on the stand and testify. His wife is one of those ppl who is afraid to speak against him in court.
Sorry if it seems like I'm blasting you for calling him a good father and stuff, but IMO a man that is in trouble that much can't be a good father. Just my $.02 in the subject.
Also if anyone is wondering what I think of Eminem I can't stand him. He's rich white trash, who I'm just waiting to see on "Cops" one night for beating his wife.

Well the stuff that I heard on tv about him being a good father, that is what I was basing my statement on.Dont worry bout Blasting me, I knew what you meant.

07-01-2002, 03:26 PM
I think his lyrics are funny, but i guess im demented or something. It's just a joke, trying to cash in on violence loving kids in society today i guess. The guys a tool and I take his lyrics with a grain of salt. I hope all the silly children do to. Doubtful though. People are stupid. But i hate rap with a vengeance. But reading the lyrics online is good for a chuckle.

And to my knowledge, Manson never killed chickens onstage. I think your thiking about Alice Cooper. He tossed a chiken into the crowd thinking it'd fly (like any other bird) but it didn't and the crowd ripped it to pieces. So everyone thought he killed chickens onstage.

07-01-2002, 03:54 PM
And Ozzy, ozzy bit a bat's head off....people were throwing fake bats onto the stage, and he picked one up and went to bite it's head off, thing is, it was a real one someone threw up there :eek:

07-01-2002, 04:06 PM
Ilike Eminem just because his songs make me laugh everytime i hear one. Ifdont really care what kind of person he is cause it would be hard to find famous actor or singer thats any better IMO.

07-02-2002, 08:32 PM
I find him mostly repetitive and boring like most rap. The only reason he is even liked is because of the shock factor. For the most part the only people who listen to him and think he is 'cool' are 10 year olds and immature 12 year olds who dont even understand what he is talking about. They think knowing all the lyrics to his music makes them cool.

Now metal...thats real music;) :p

(These are my opinions dont flame them please)

07-03-2002, 01:24 AM
i like his new song..its awesome

07-03-2002, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by 845
Now metal...thats real music;) :p

i agreee

07-04-2002, 10:59 PM
Eminem gets old quick.

07-05-2002, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by irbodden
I hate rap, and I especially hate all the kids in my area who try to act like him. :rolleyes:

I'm with ya.

07-05-2002, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
And Ozzy, ozzy bit a bat's head off....people were throwing fake bats onto the stage, and he picked one up and went to bite it's head off, thing is, it was a real one someone threw up there :eek:

He also did it to a bird at the record station. (Learned that one from VH1 behind the music ;) )

land hurricane
07-05-2002, 04:55 PM
I dont like him. I dont like rap. (imo)

07-06-2002, 08:34 PM
Are you kddin i love Eminem. He is doing great espicially cause he is white. Not being raceist against white but almost every other rapper is black but he is doing good and i love his music. Without Me is easily the best.

07-07-2002, 02:33 AM
i belive his thoughts are disgusting, racist, homphobic, and his music tends to be bought by more impressionable people. Not all, but most. As always there are exceptions. But he is a really negative influence to todays youth. But hey, this is the united states, and this country would suck if people were silenced for thier opinions.

" I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death for you to have the right to say it."