View Full Version : your definition of rec ball

06-30-2002, 10:40 PM
whats your definition of rec ball?

RT pRo AuToMaG
06-30-2002, 10:43 PM
it's playing for fun, doesn't matter where you play. rec ball is when you can walk off of the field without someone unloading a hopper on you.

06-30-2002, 11:01 PM
It's playing for fun, I play speedball w/ friends sometimes for fun.

06-30-2002, 11:02 PM
anything other than tourneys

07-01-2002, 12:59 AM
Originally posted by AcemanPB
anything other than tourneys
Anything other than tourneys or Practices! :D


07-01-2002, 01:18 AM
Rec ball is the opposite of tourney ball, whereas woods ball is the opposite of speedball/hyperball.

07-01-2002, 06:00 AM
Rec Ball is having fun and saying after the game, "Nice shot, but you won't get me next game".

07-01-2002, 07:06 AM
Where you can go up to a ref and chat with them after the game about what pizza they are ordering for lunch hour, not yell about a bad call.

07-01-2002, 10:11 AM
How about where everyone after a game chats it up, complimenting one another? No yelling, cussing, nothing like that.

07-01-2002, 10:18 AM
Recball- A buncha of people playing the game for what it was meant. FUN. No pressure... no foul language.. no bunkering or bonus shots. Just out and about playing anfd having fun. Doesn't matter if its in an empty parking lot using cars for bunkers or in the woods... even on a speedball/hyperball/supair. If nothings at stake i.e. 1st place takes home.... 2nd gets... 3rd..etc.. then its recball IMO.

07-01-2002, 12:13 PM
Playing for fun.

07-01-2002, 12:31 PM
I chance to bunker and light up a group of 10 year old newbies with angels hiding behide a bunker at the start line. The simple joy:)

07-01-2002, 12:32 PM
i play tournies for fun. but i dont consider them rec ball. what does evryone else consider tournies? non fun games...

07-01-2002, 03:59 PM
I too consider any type of field “Rec Ball” as long as it is for FUN. The spirit of the game is what makes it Recreational VS not.

I don’t think that is what people meant. I am sure Pro Football Players, Basketball, Baseball, etc. have “fun” as well… but I don’t think anyone would argue that what they are doing is not “recreational”. I don’t think anyone should do any sport they don’t find fun, at whatever level of play they choose to participate in.

But Tournaments are not Rec Ball no matter how much “fun” you have doing them. It is about the spirit of the game and level of competitiveness. Also, one is almost entirely “win” driven… the other is about playing… win or not (yes, winning is nice, but not the most important part of Rec Play.. IMHO.. it is about the experience.).

And I will leave it at that. :)

07-01-2002, 05:23 PM
I never play what i used to consider rec ball. I never go out and play open game with newbies and everyone mixed where you have to buy field paint. I usually just have team practice and tournaments although this past weekend i went out with some of my friends on farside kids and bam to just mess around but we still played hyperball and balls to the wall.....

07-01-2002, 09:23 PM
i call it practice

07-01-2002, 09:31 PM
for me it is going out with a group of buddies (mainly my team mates) and just having a blast, just playing around and having fun, with out a care in the world (well xcept for safty)

07-01-2002, 09:33 PM
If there's renters, it's rec ball.

07-01-2002, 11:27 PM
Most of the time they call it "walk-on" play at the field I go to. Rec ball would probably be much more fun than a tournament. Practice would be a good word. You can see if you can sprint for the center 50 on the break or see if you can cover your teammate until he gets to the center 50 on the break. Then if you can do it flawlessly you could use it in a tournament, etc.

07-01-2002, 11:32 PM
You could be running down a tapeline on a hyperball field or sloshing through muck in the woods, if you're only doing it for fun, I still consider it recball. Tourney play is just that, playing in tournaments, anything else, by nature, would be recball.

07-02-2002, 02:59 PM
paintball where noone keeps score!


07-02-2002, 08:27 PM
playing for fun

07-03-2002, 04:22 AM
Anything that is not a tourny or sponsored event. Especially open play/ walk-on. Take the time to share your experiences with newbies and inexperienced players. Have fun!!!!!!

07-03-2002, 07:53 AM
Welcome Grumpy! :D:D:D Welcome to AO.

07-03-2002, 08:12 AM
Recreation. People are there to have fun, maybe catch a few pointers and tips, just for a laugh.

I agree with shartley though, if you don't enjoy the game, you shouldn't be playing it. If I didn't like paintball, I wouldn't have all this gear!