View Full Version : First level 10 kits recieved?

Major Ho
07-01-2002, 02:00 PM
Dont tell me Im the first to get my level 10 kit? I havent seen any other threads gloating about it :p Too bad I dont have time to fiddle with it now. Maybe real late tonite ill get a chance. Now...where did TK hide those instructions...:rolleyes:

Krazy Ivan
07-01-2002, 02:04 PM
Sorry bro, I got mine last friday. Technically I was supposed to get it on Thursday, but the UPS guy wasn't too bright, he couldn't find the Money Order on the door.

07-01-2002, 02:08 PM
:D :cool: :mad: :p :eek: :confused:
STILL waiting for mine..............

I did (about an hour ago) get my second Intelli Frame.(Nickle plated, for my Micro this time.) Still waiting for my RT up grade and the level 10.:(

07-01-2002, 07:33 PM
Got mine last Friday, installed Saturday and I've been posting since Saturday wondering where the rest of you were!

Krazy Ivan, where is your review?

All you others get it going and get your reviews up!Come on, you've been given the opportunity to be Beta testers, have a say in the product and its development. AO is counting on you!


07-01-2002, 09:21 PM
Mine came in today. I installed it, but don't have any nitro so I don't know if it's operable yet. I'll be field testing it and posting results this weekend.

07-01-2002, 09:35 PM
i wish i had mine..good luck w/ ur lvl 10 kits

07-01-2002, 09:55 PM
I haven't received mine, yet. But it is coming. According to the tracking data received I should receive it on Friday, just in time to play for the weekend. My friends at the local pball store are just dying to see this mod in action and have pledged as much of the brittlest paint that they got to test it out, too! If this product works, and it looks like a winner so far, we will make mag believers out of a whole lot of people. I will post of course upon completion of extensive testing. I am just glad that I was lucky enough to come back to this forum at the right time to see Tom bring the lvl 10 up for beta testing, it is good to be back:D.

07-01-2002, 09:59 PM
Aaaarrgghhhh mine is still in transit via UPS. :(

07-01-2002, 10:33 PM
got mine today,

Set it up in my automag, got it running and a shot about 200 paintballs didnt have a breaks, but I ran out nitro so I could shoot anymore paintball. I had a little trouble installing it but thats because I dont read instructions fully. Tommrow I got to tune it somemore. So far its great.