View Full Version : Greasing automag

07-01-2002, 03:59 PM
Looking through the technical section on airguns.

Replace Reg. Piston o-ring and apply (common automotive) grease to o-ring and spring pack

Do you actually want to use grease in your marker? I've heard this mentioned on autococker parts also. Why would use grease over oil. Sure, you would have to grease less often, but grease traps dirt more. Input?

Mav D MagMan
07-01-2002, 11:05 PM
Well if I'm correct no gas comes into that area, it's completely sealed so no dirt gets in there anyways.


07-02-2002, 01:09 PM
Yes you are both correct. The reg spring pack..is behind the reg-piston, (air travels though piston only) Air never enters or exits the spring pack area. The grease is only on the spring pack to keep it from rusting. You don't need to goop it on..only bad it on so there's 1/16" membrane of grase surrounding spring pack. I clean my spring pack and re-grease it about every 10,000 rds... I like preventative maintainence. And if you're like me and use water to clean your gun..its a good idea to use heavy weight Auto grease as it repels water instead of moving it around (like oil). To answer your question. Grease on a spring pack is like a t-bone steak on your plate. Yummy!