View Full Version : Shatner Game Info

07-01-2002, 07:24 PM
I just found this on Warpig:

Star Date: 062302 1157 Communique 2002-01

Update for the Star Trek / Shatner event at CPX

August 31st, 2002

Just got back in from Chicago, after having a great meeting with Forest and Justin Brown of CPX, Tom Kaye of Airgun Designs, JJ Brookshire of SPPLAT, and the Captain himself, William Shatner. Everything went smoothly and the event is a "go" with a lot of interesting twists. The Captain is pumped up and ready to lead the Federation to a sound victory!

The event will start on Wednesday and continue through Sunday, all included in the SPPLAT entry fee. Open play on all fields Wed./Thur./Fri. Actual event will be Saturday from around 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.; exact times TBA. Tank battle for the $1,000 will commence on Sunday.
Paint will be $60 per case.

The Federation command staff has been finalized: Field commanders are: Kerry "Viper" Rosenberry of Viper Enterprises; Mike "Blue" Hanse of EMR; Joe Stayback from Sherwood Forest and Thunderstruck fame; Kevin "Joker" Wilkes from Team Joint Fury, and Matthew Zeyn from the Doom Troopers will coordinate base security. Diane "Mother" Howe and Bobby "Darkman" Gogolin are Special Ops. I will be Shatner's XO.

Each of the four Field Commanders & Base Security will have 200 troops. Four Squad Leaders need be assigned under each Field Commander. Squad Leaders need to: Be a paintball stud; be able to follow orders & improvise on the fly; handle a group of 50 players; be on the field for the entire game; lead from the front; have a decent trigger finger; have a stong desire to shoot hundreds of Borg and Klingon scum and have already signed up for the event (or do so now) on the Federation team.

Five Medic positions need to be filled by very special folks willing to sacrifice. Contact Pacman for one of these five spots; I'll fill you in at that point.

There should be many different movie-type celebrities showing up to play the game. Don't be surprised by whom you see at the event or find playing next to you during the game.

Xtreme Trade Show: Big tent with 50 sponsors showing off their paintball wares. Will be open from Wednesday till Sunday, servicing all your paintball needs.

Atomic Ordnance Grenades are the only approved grenade for the venue = Non-Staining!!!
Semi-Auto only; 280 FPS! Leave the zips, turbos, full-autos at home. Select-fire lockouts & tourney caps a must; ie, caught shooting full-auto is a Highway 80 Violation (in simplest terms, a Highway 80 Violation is the major highway you will travel when leaving the event early for shooting full-auto!)

A two-hour TV special: Shatner announced that a movie-style film crew will be on hand to record the entire game, which will be turned into a TV show! Free HI-8 and Digital 8 media will be available for all persons who wish to film the event, then drop off their media for inclusion in the movie. TV credit will be given! You still have to be a signed up as a player to video the event. All participants will be signing Model Releases

Star Trek Convention @ Empress Casino: In conjunction with the event, there is planned a Star Trek Convention to be held at the Empress Casino across the river (just a couple of miles away). All Federation team players should buy their event paint before going to the casino/Star Trek convention. All Borg and Klingon players are urged to go to the casino before buying event paint.

Parking / Shuttle Service: With 3,000 players, parking will be an issue day of the event. Three persons per car to park on-site; less than 3 and you will be routed to an outlying parking lot and shuttled to the field. Plan accordingly, folks. Car Pool!!!!

My private meeting with Shatner was short and sweet. The information from the meeting was shared with the Federation field commanders and they will only share that information with signed up loyal troops. (Yeah we got the plan happening. It will suck to be Borg or Klingon)

Signing up for one team and playing for another will result in your person being expelled/removed from the premises and loss of event jersey from the event with no-refunds. A Hwy 80 violation! (Sorry guys. You'll have to earn that commander elimination on Shatner; it will not be given to you; you won't be able to buy it!)

And let's not forget: all profits from this event is to benefit the AHEAD WITH HORSES Charity!
For more information or to sign up for this event, go to www.spplat.com

This event is going to be the biggest ever held in paintball and will easily blow anything previous out of the water. Come be a part of paintball history in the making!

Federation Executive Officer

Pac's #1 Rule: Make sure the player you're shooting at is having as much fun as you are!

07-01-2002, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by JJBrookshire

Star Trek Convention @ Empress Casino: In conjunction with the event, there is planned a Star Trek Convention to be held at the Empress Casino across the river (just a couple of miles away). All Federation team players should buy their event paint before going to the casino/Star Trek convention. All Borg and Klingon players are urged to go to the casino before buying event paint.

/me shakes his head in utter agony :D

<b>Some Federation scum are going down!</b>

Load SM5
07-01-2002, 07:54 PM
Amen.....stinky redshirts

07-01-2002, 08:00 PM
How do ya'll like the painting/poster?

Load SM5
07-01-2002, 08:03 PM
Very nice...

Is Tom bowling?

07-01-2002, 08:15 PM
yeah Load..he definitely looks like PBA material...(for those non bowling types...the Pro Bowlers Association..but telling you that pretty much killed the joke..oh well..)

and BTW..who's the blonde? (Can i be the first to assimilate her?)

07-01-2002, 09:16 PM
I like the pic but one thing needs to be changed....it needs to be Toms face in the background not Shatners:D

07-01-2002, 09:18 PM
i like that picture....

07-01-2002, 09:24 PM
that is a cool picture, but tom either looks like he is bowling, or threw his back out, or better yet, threw his back out while bowling!

07-01-2002, 09:49 PM
duh..i just figured it out..she's a mancow cow...

07-01-2002, 10:12 PM
I have played with Viper, Mother, Pacman, Bobby and Joe. You guys better get a serious plan, and know you are not playing against a lot of trekies. I personally know of about 100 experianced senario players that they have going with them.
This is going to so rock.

07-01-2002, 10:34 PM
well as long as the people under TK's imediate generals (ie squad leaders) have good head on their shoulders and we all do what we need to do we should be fine..... but this is eaiser said then done... i've seen how wrong things can go when noone listens....

07-01-2002, 10:56 PM
My private meeting with Shatner was short and sweet. The information from the meeting was shared with the Federation field commanders and they will only share that information with signed up loyal troops. (Yeah we got the plan happening. It will suck to be Borg or Klingon)

:D :D :D :D :D

jim bergles
07-01-2002, 11:02 PM
The Paintball Tank the Freak I belive will be assimalated. I have not heard back yet be I have signed up to be Borg. It is a twin emag tank with a large resivoir capacity for balls. I will be their with bells on. I also have a Howitzer that the tank can tow along. Or it can be pushed. It takes a crew of 2 to run it. 3 to 4 to push it, depending on the terrain. I will be driving the tank. SO I will be looking for some Borg types to be cannon cockers. Fedration scum will only see the business end of it and the Klingons would not be able to figure it out.

Jimb, Paintball SAms, WI

07-02-2002, 02:10 AM
I think I'm gonna have to go just to light up shatner and his trekkie fanatics in retaliation for the countless hours of what would otherwise be decent telivision had startrek not been invented......Well that and to get on TV :D

-on a side note anyone who bothers me with trekkie facts or uses klingon language(like comic guy from simpsons)gets bonus balled... BIGTIME...

count me (and my "Demon series" lvl 10 RTPro )unofficially in for the AO side...

*edit I'm joking about the bonus balling ;)

*editx2... Emm is this a 24 hr thing or what?? neither splatt nor cpx's sight say?....

Load SM5
07-02-2002, 07:17 AM
The first post says..it lasts from 9-5. But you have open play on Wed., Thurs., and Fri.

07-02-2002, 08:29 AM
woohoo! thx JJ for the intel :)

07-02-2002, 08:52 AM
any word on which vendors will be there?

07-02-2002, 10:36 AM
Jim you ARE Borg! The numbers indicate that if anyone wants to be Borg they will be Borg. Fed and Klingons are so far outnumbering Borg. Some of the late entries that choose Fed and Klingon may have to be "assimilated" (this is not the case as of yet).

The game will run from morning until a little before dark on Saturday with FREE play on Wed, Thur & Friday as well as Sunday. This will allow you to "Recon" the fields and get some "unit practice" in. You will be able to purchase event paint as early as Wednesday so that you won't have to "switch" on Saturday.

As for vendors at the Xtreme Consumer Show: we will have room for about 50 vendors with a mixture of Paintball and other Xtreme Sports (Skateboard, BMX, etc...). Across the river at the Empress Casino will be a StarTrek convention being hosted by Creation Entertainment (www.creationent.com). This will run from Friday through Sunday with special pricing for those registered for the game.

07-02-2002, 10:44 AM
I like that poster… but like the others said, the pose Tom is in should really be changed ( I know, easier said than done if it was an actual painting). It looks like Tom is either looking for the bathroom, is farting at someone, or just got hit in the back. As well as he SHOULD have an E-Mag… duh… ;)

Load SM5
07-02-2002, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by shartley
I like that poster… but like the others said, the pose Tom is in should really be changed ( I know, easier said than done if it was an actual painting). It looks like Tom is either looking for the bathroom, is farting at someone, or just got hit in the back. As well as he SHOULD have an E-Mag… duh… ;)

I still insist that he is bowling.:D

07-02-2002, 12:27 PM
If you look closely you will see that Tom's marker is "hopperless". It is anticipated that he will have a warp fed backpack arrangement. As for the pose...I don't know the answer. Ronn Stern is the painter (acrylic) and used his creativity on this.

07-02-2002, 12:29 PM
I'm still waiting to hear which vendors will be there. Second time I haven't gotten a straight answer. I would be happy with a "we will be putting a list up on spplat.com soon" or " so far we have ?, ? and ? lined up".

07-02-2002, 12:35 PM
Stay tuned... I'll have these posted here this week and on the SPPLAT site.

07-02-2002, 01:07 PM
much better

07-02-2002, 05:31 PM
thnx for the info JJ :D

jim bergles
07-02-2002, 10:37 PM
I am looking for 2 to 3 players to run my cannon at the Chicago event. A 10 minute lesson and you are ready to rock. You can still carry your regular guns at the same time.I plan to bring it along with the tank. You just need to show up early to see how it works. It shoots up to 100 balls at once.The barrel is adjustable for elevation and it breech loads from the back. I will bring all required cannon equipment for it. Check out the picture. The cannon is tall enough that a 6 foot person can stand behind it and not get hit. Any questions just ask. Oh, and by the way one factor is you will have to be Borg. No Feds or Klingons need apply.

07-03-2002, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy

and BTW..who's the blonde? (Can i be the first to assimilate her?)

Nice pic. I just wish I could go.

BTW, is that TDS? :D

07-03-2002, 01:02 AM
Ya'll might want to visit http://www.warpig.com/forums/rec/index.shtml and add some Borg to the fray!

07-03-2002, 02:30 AM

07-03-2002, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by JJBrookshire
It is anticipated that he will have a warp fed backpack arrangement.

Warp Feed Backpack? Uh, I just got an idea for something like that. Nothing IN the NPPL rulesbook prohibiting it that I found. Think about something like a school backpack with a 1000 round sack of balls in it, with a hole in the sack and the hole taped all around to an open agitating hopper, with a warp feed in the bottom of the backpack, with a hole in the bottom of the backpack for a tube from warp feed to feed top on the gun. Problem is that this can't be reloaded on a game. Advantage is that you can fire, and fire, and fire...

Or am I just crazy?

07-03-2002, 04:16 AM
BTW, is that TDS?

Hey Timmee you are such the trouble maker! LOL


Sorry DiRTyBuNNy thats not me. :D

07-03-2002, 04:43 AM
I know....when is said "TDS?"..it was more of a question..it wasn't till you just replied that i know what he meant...i stand by my earlier assumption..it's a mancow cow...

07-03-2002, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I know....when is said "TDS?"..it was more of a question..it wasn't till you just replied that i know what he meant...i stand by my earlier assumption..it's a mancow cow...

LOL I'm sorry, I read it wrong........I thought it was a joke. :D

07-03-2002, 12:50 PM
mahalo Yvonnie...it's all good..no harm no foul...I just wanted you to know i wasn't goofin on you...

08-23-2002, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by JJBrookshire
Stay tuned... I'll have these posted here this week and on the SPPLAT site.


I signed up around 8/13 (I travel for work @ didn't know the upcoming schedule) and I was curious on when I should expect my SPPLAT confirmation package in the mail? I understand you are extremely busy with this event, but I wanted to show up w/ a little more than an email confirmation (that could easily be doctored)

08-23-2002, 09:42 AM
If anyone has signed up for the game and has not received a player info package via email, please email me [email protected] and let me know. Make sure your email address will allow you to receive attachments if you can. In the info package is a player parking pass (JPEG), rules (PDF) and more.

08-23-2002, 07:28 PM
well.... i only have one problem with that email... i cant see the jerseys.... it comes up hsowin a link to either the temo dir on my hd or to where i would save the link in the email to my hd.... in either case... i cant see it =(

08-23-2002, 07:34 PM
Not sure why I can't post the picture of the jerseys here. I posted a photo of the pump marker just fine. You can check out http://www.williamshatner.com/idealbb/view.asp?topicID=5672&sessionID={B8606113-EC5B-4ABD-93E6-935B4EC9DC0E}&forumid=1

08-23-2002, 08:25 PM

Do you have a rough estimate of the team numbers yet? I am sure most people are curious to what the counts are per team. Thanks.
