View Full Version : Ungodly Chopping

07-01-2002, 08:47 PM
Alright, last saturday i went to CPX for some 8 and a half hours of paintball with my warped minimag. For some reason i chopped an ungodly amount of paint. I have never chopped so much in my life. I checked the ball detent, switched it out with a plastic nubbin, then back to a wire. i even tried 2 different types of wire nubbins and adjusted everything over and over. I changed the cycle time on the warp and even focused on my trigger making sure not to shortstroke. Nothing i did had any positive effect and i can't figure out why. the paint was PMI Premium (i believe), but i didn't get a bounce test on it. i can't quite figure out what was goin on. anyone have any ideas? thanks.

07-01-2002, 08:54 PM
Where are they breaking. I had a problem like that.

My twist lock was kinda low and the barrel would move and the balls would not feed all the way. check that, next check the bolt for burrs, then the barrel to paint match.

07-01-2002, 08:54 PM
the PMI premium we use at the field i work at is very brittle. We are going to switch as soon as we finish the pallet. I'm guessing it may be the paint, because our rental piranhas shred it. BUT, I have shot the pant through my mag with intelliframe/feed and revvy and had no probs. Who nows maybe it was just a bad marker day, we all have them

07-01-2002, 08:56 PM
check the powerfeed plug and how fresh were the batteries.....

i pretty much am stuck using pmi and with teh dry shell on a 9v warp it eats up batteries on me.... after about 3/4's of a case i need to change it out... now i run the 12v mod and just change out my nimh9v after 1 1/2 (if i shoot that much in a day) and dont worry about it.... but if i do happen to shortstokre and/or chop and i have to clean out the powerfeed after and the problem is there the next game 9 outta 10 times i didn't line it back up right

07-01-2002, 11:12 PM
i switched out the powerfeed plug with 3 others, both parabolic and normal. it was aligned correctly, i checked constantly.

my barrel was fine, the balls dropped all the way in. i have a freak system so the match is not an issue. the balls were being chopped, not braking down the barrel.

i will check the bolt, thanks for the idea. and i've known PMI premium to be pretty brittle as well, but i've never broken like this before.

thanks for all the help. any other ideas are welcome.

07-01-2002, 11:16 PM
Your warp dwell time may be too high... set it to lowest setting.

07-01-2002, 11:37 PM
i did set it to the lowest setting. but then it would miss shots and i would end up chopping just because it wasn't feeding fast enough.

like jeffaah said, it might have just been a bad day. my best friend was havin' some huge issues with his RTPro as well though.

07-02-2002, 01:10 PM
ok you said you were using a freak so paint match wasn't a problem. That may be true but there is a problem with the automag freaks. The insert sits too far forward in the barrel and as the ball accellerates it can hit the "rim" of the insert before entering it. When the ball hits this "speedbump" it may break, depending on the paint. Since the break happens so close to the breech it looks like it was chopped. You said you were using pmi premium which, in my experience, is relativly brittle. Speedbump + brittle paint + mag = breaks

07-02-2002, 01:19 PM
I have to agree with Jeffaah,

A firend had a classic mag and a freak kit.. he could shoot marb's, diablo, pmi (old shell), but once dry shell pmi hit the scene...it was all over. He wound up switching to a regular teardrop abrrel and had no problems. Don't know if you tried..but, change the barrel to a non-insert/stepped barrel and see if that helps. I know with my mag warped I can shoot pmi premium at 11 bps and not chop/break one ball. I was going to mention the feed plug but it was already mentioned. I know sometimes with my old rt barrel... you would hear the twist-lock pin click like the barrel was all the way in..but it was turned about 1/8 of a turn too little and the lip on the barrel caused some hang-ups. I changed to my teardrop...worked fine.

07-02-2002, 11:25 PM
i know that the step was not the problem because of the location of the break. none of the breaks were down the barrel or relatively close to the same idea. here's an image, each chop caused a large amount of splooge to spray from the feed tube. no way is that caused by the step in the barrel, and i did check and switch it out with 2 other barrels with no success. the breaks were chops, that i know.

07-03-2002, 11:12 AM
every time i have been at cpx, i have not been fond of the paint. i have sometimes wondered if they shoot factory seconds there ;)

i have had some oval balls, unsealed balls.... if you get an oval ball the right way in the breech, the next ball will hang into the breech a diecent amount, just enough to have the bolt slice part of it off as the marker fires. then the next shot is where u start having problems.

unless things have changed in the past 4 months, it's probally the paint.