View Full Version : Summer Paintball at the Clemson Field

07-02-2002, 02:43 PM
Here are some pics from this weekend. We haven't been out the field for several weeks (too dang hot) and we've been doing a lot of landscaping out there, so we had to throw some bunkers together. I'll try to narrate as I go. cphilip took these, and some more on his camera (post 'em Phil!)

Before the game, we've got to figure out who is going where ... (sorry about the glare on my head)

07-02-2002, 02:45 PM
OK, you run to that one, you run to the other one, and I'll just stay here! (sorry about the glare on my head)

07-02-2002, 02:47 PM
Walter finds something interesting in his bunker "hey dad, how do you tell the difference between a wasp and a hornet?" (the hair was his idea, not mine)

07-02-2002, 02:49 PM
This monstrosity is at center field - we call it the "snack bar." Mike just ordered up a burger with fries and a coke - heavy on the paintballs please!

07-02-2002, 02:50 PM
Here's the paintballs you ordered!

07-02-2002, 02:51 PM
FatMan lays down some paint. (sorry about the glare from my head)

07-02-2002, 02:53 PM
Rob at the snak bar - hey I wanted more cheese with mine!

07-02-2002, 02:54 PM
I'm gone! (sorry about the glare from my head)

07-02-2002, 02:55 PM
Caleb's gone too! Good form Caleb! (cphilip's kid!)

07-02-2002, 02:56 PM
Undercover Brother came out for a bit. He didn't play, but he was looking good!

07-02-2002, 03:04 PM
Nice bunkering shot..ring around the rosey!

07-02-2002, 03:06 PM
Another action shot...

07-02-2002, 03:08 PM
Too hot out there for me though...I mowed first and played like two games and was beat. I think it was like 93F and 100% humidity...

Hey Walt, where's the one of you with your hands in the air!

07-02-2002, 03:09 PM
Nice Pics! Hey FatGuy could explain in more detail what was going on in the pics that you were in i couldnt see anything from the glare :D . Ever heard of a Hat???

07-02-2002, 03:12 PM
Actually that one of walter messing with something in the bunker...know what it was? A COCKER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Can't tell em nothing!

07-02-2002, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Too hot out there for me though...I mowed first and played like two games and was beat. I think it was like 93F and 100% humidity...

Hey Walt, where's the one of you with your hands in the air!

I guess it didn't come out cause it weren't in there - honest! I'd have used it.

Yeah, even the younguns where moving slow that day!


07-02-2002, 03:14 PM
hey uncle phil,
can you crank up the size on those pics you posted. they are a little small for us small monitor guys.

07-02-2002, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by TransMan
Nice Pics! Hey FatGuy could explain in more detail what was going on in the pics that you were in i couldnt see anything from the glare :D . Ever heard of a Hat???

Nah, I don't wear hats. I'll tell you why. All that glare, well it comes from sunlight reflecting off my dome. You know what sunlight is? Photons man, photons. Those photons bounce off my head and spread out in every direction, and when a paintball is incomming, those extra photons help deflect the balls just enough that I never get hit on the head! Yep, that's right! Plus the glare blinds the guy shooting at me.

You ever try wearing a hat when its 93 and 100% humidity out? :(


07-02-2002, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Actually that one of walter messing with something in the bunker...know what it was? A COCKER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Can't tell em nothing!

Yeah, I was trying to spare myself the embarassment of telling everyone my son abandoned his Mag for a cocker. THANKS PHIL! :D

Actually, MY bunker (the yellow one) had the hornets - that's why I'm so far back from it.


07-02-2002, 03:19 PM
Hey well you know my kid had one too and we coulda got lots of them same shots from both of them! Kids!

07-02-2002, 03:28 PM
One more...I think thats Adam, Caleb and Walt from left to right (pardon the glare from Walts head)

07-02-2002, 03:34 PM
You guys still play out there in the summer? When I was in Summerville a field owner I talked to said most everyone did not play during the summer (too darn hot and humid).

07-02-2002, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by FatMan

Nah, I don't wear hats. I'll tell you why. All that glare, well it comes from sunlight reflecting off my dome. You know what sunlight is? Photons man, photons. Those photons bounce off my head and spread out in every direction, and when a paintball is incomming, those extra photons help deflect the balls just enough that I never get hit on the head! Yep, that's right! Plus the glare blinds the guy shooting at me.

You ever try wearing a hat when its 93 and 100% humidity out? :(

Im going the other direction my self i have so much hair that the gravitational pull brings them strat to my hair and they bounce off like it was rubber :D

Yeah the Hair does get really hot too but you dont have that problem

07-02-2002, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by hitech
You guys still play out there in the summer? When I was in Summerville a field owner I talked to said most everyone did not play during the summer (too darn hot and humid).

We had the itch real bad. See in that last pic Phil posted, behind the last bunker all that empty space. Two months ago that was so think you couldn't get through it with a machette! We had doziers and graders and stuff out there, limed and fertilzed and planted seed. Airated (sp?) and sprayed kudzu. After all that work, we wanted to PLAY. So we went out and played for a bit.

It was brutal - but worth it IMHO! I had fun!

Paintball rules!


07-02-2002, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by TransMan

Im going the other direction my self i have so much hair that the gravitational pull brings them strat to my hair and they bounce off like it was rubber :D

Yeah the Hair does get really hot too but you dont have that problem

yeah some of the other guys in the club claim my personal gravity actually pulls the paintballs down over the edge of the bunker and into me - but like I said, they talk about shooting at the bight reflection, but they never HIT it! They might might my hopper or my mask, but never the helmet! I think the photon thing works! OF course I never tried to see what happens at night :confused:


07-02-2002, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by FatMan

yeah some of the other guys in the club claim my personal gravity actually pulls the paintballs down over the edge of the bunker and into me - but like I said, they talk about shooting at the bight reflection, but they never HIT it! They might might my hopper or my mask, but never the helmet! I think the photon thing works! OF course I never tried to see what happens at night :confused:

Well maybe the glare creates an optical illusion causing them to shoot lower hitting your mask thats kind of the reason im making my gun so shinny is to throw peopel off :D

07-02-2002, 05:31 PM
Just had a quick question. What is the "Snack Bar" made out of? It looks like tarps over framing. i was thinking of a similar idea. How well do they hold up? (if they are tarp over framing). thanks.

07-03-2002, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Ariestsheft
Just had a quick question. What is the "Snack Bar" made out of? It looks like tarps over framing. i was thinking of a similar idea. How well do they hold up? (if they are tarp over framing). thanks.

Many of our bunkers are made from wooden pallets fastened together into various shapes and covered with a material that is basically a vinyl impregnated cloth. We get the material from a local business that makes stuff from it. They get many many roles for free from the manufacturers for testing. The ones that fail their testing sit in the warehouse, and we occasionally get them for free. its great stuff, but quite a bit more durable than a standard tarp.

Not saying a tarp wouldn't work, I just don't know for sure.


07-04-2002, 05:18 PM
This is Rob from Clemson.

Hey, isn't caleb (cphilip's son) carrying a cocker off
the field?

That could explain why he's out.


(jk, I shoot a cocker, bushy, and sometimes even
a pimped out minimag)

07-04-2002, 06:19 PM
looks fun guys....

07-04-2002, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by Ariestsheft
Just had a quick question. What is the "Snack Bar" made out of? It looks like tarps over framing. i was thinking of a similar idea. How well do they hold up? (if they are tarp over framing). thanks.

I don't know if I'd recommend that blue tarp you can get from most hardware stores. My bro and I used one as a backdrop for our target range and blew holes through it at about 40' (chrono'd at 270fps). I can only imagine when pulled tight over a frame, paint would go straight through.

07-05-2002, 09:25 AM
The Snackbar is a BEAST!

BTW - I'm Clemson Rob

Myself (Ezrunner), Lance(Spooki), and Steve Smith
were out at the field trying
to build a 50 yd bunker.

We put our ideas together and
the Snackbar was the end result.

It is built out of the heavier
wooden shipping pallets,
re-inforced with 2x4's and
4x4's. The covering is a
military grade vinyl embedded
with fiberglass and or kevlar.

I'm not really sure what the
stuff is, but some of it has
been in place for upwards of
2 years and has barely faded.

It is strong enough that it
pulled roofing nails back out
of the wood we nailed it into
when the wind got under it.

The greatest part is that it
is impervious to paintballs
and washes clean in the rain.
It is tougher than sup air stuff.


The snackbar may look large
and inviting, but take a
closer look.

Mike and I are both playing
it from a kneeling stance,
actually shooting through
the barricade, not around it.

No matter where you are on the
field, there is an angle from
the snack bar to you. That
means that there are plenty
of angles back into the
snackbar. You have to really
play your edges and watch the
cross lanes.

Anytime you guys want to check
it out, let us know.


07-15-2002, 08:20 AM
Hey Phil,
I live in Atlanta, but next time ya'll have a big day out there planned, lemme know. It would be totally worth the drive to play a day of ball with some great AO'ers.

Later ~ Dave

07-15-2002, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by FatMan

Not saying a tarp wouldn't work, I just don't know for sure.


Actually, "standard tarp" doesn't work. A friend and I were setting up two new guns, so we strung up some tarp pretty tight against some typical wooden pallets. We were a good 10-15 yards away, and the balls just ripped through it, even when they hit wood directly behind the taut tarp.

07-16-2002, 08:13 AM
I wouldn't recommend using a tarp due to the fast rate of UV damage that occurs. After a few months in the sun they get very brittle and crack allowing paint to go through them. The problem that you had was that you placed a hard object directly behind the tarp. The secret behind any form of "netting" is that it has to be able to give so that it doesn't have to absorb all the force of the round. Try taking that piece of plywood out of the scenario and see what results you get. You SHOULD have better luck.

07-16-2002, 08:48 AM
So Phil -

When am I being invited down? Field looks like fun - let us know when you are having a game.


07-16-2002, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by MagDog68
So Phil -

When am I being invited down? Field looks like fun - let us know when you are having a game.


MD, once the fall semester gets going the club plays about every other weekend. If you are looking for a road trip, let us know and we'll plan a good day.

You are always welcome!


07-16-2002, 09:25 AM
A lot of the NJ and Chicago guys were pushing an October date for our AO event Walt. A little soon but workable I tshould think...and would need a Football work-around too. We should look into it though. I think Aruba is the only conflict that month but who can realy go there anyway!?

07-16-2002, 01:26 PM
October would work for me. Keep us SE AO'ers posted!

Thanks ~ Dave