View Full Version : CF or PF?

Micromag man!
07-03-2002, 03:51 PM
ok suppose i had a halo and a lvl10 on my mag would Centerfeed or Powerfeed work better with it? or would it not matter?


07-03-2002, 04:19 PM
depends on how much blow back you would have i would think if you got a vert feed a low rise or no rise would be best(although i dont think they make low rises yet)

07-03-2002, 04:37 PM
Search for halo b posts. I believe there is a problem with it when used with a powerfeed. Halo works great with vertical feed.

Micromag man!
07-03-2002, 07:04 PM
so if i have a halo b i want a centerfeed... but wouldnt that chop more than pf, or will it not matter since the lvl10 mod takes chops away? i perfer balance of center but if it degrades performance than no, so is it just personal preference or will one give more blowback/chops ect?

07-03-2002, 07:13 PM
i say stick with pwfd. why? no fuss with the barrels, plus imho, the highrise on the e-mag is pretty ugly lookin, i hated my centerfeed rtp when i had it, it was just too ugh, out of place

07-03-2002, 09:30 PM
.:confused:Who would want a high rise on any gun if you didn't need it?
I think it looks much better with a lowrise.

07-03-2002, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by CTG
.:confused:Who would want a high rise on any gun if you didn't need it?
I think it looks much better with a lowrise.
that is one nice emag..i love it

07-03-2002, 10:40 PM
center feed

07-04-2002, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by CTG
.:confused:Who would want a high rise on any gun if you didn't need it?
I think it looks much better with a lowrise.

Sweet Emag! Where did you get that body?

07-04-2002, 03:29 PM
ya id like to know also. :)

07-04-2002, 04:04 PM
I keep on thinking GOODYEAR will just appear...:D

07-04-2002, 05:57 PM
i just wish the low or no rise bodies would be available im looking at my emag and it is kinda well tall but when it sits next to my mini mag with a rev on it the hoppers stand the same height.
if you sit there and stare at the halo b and the rev you will start to see that the size of the halo b really isnt as big as you think it is. in a side by side there the same height and with just the halo b has a smaller front and bigger rear while the rev is just well big all around.
to tell the truth the second i have another 150 bucks im headed back to http://www.odysseypaintball.com/products.html to get my mini a halo b also because unless you use the product your brainwashed to think that the original is the best. and to prove that point look at emag and angel angel was the first and when it came out it was the best in its class and didnt have much competition,so people were set in the mind set angel = the best. Now enter Emag i was the only one in my area to break the angel ownz club and get the E. and now well people are starting to wake up and see the original best isnt always the best because time and technology will make better. as for big what do you have agenst big anyway,you say more surface to hit area i say meet lunchbox "big dude" i love people who say the fatman cant play ball then after the first game they say i want him on my team. well anyway nice to meet you all im a mag owner and all i own and will own is mags from day 1 to the end.

07-04-2002, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by lunchbox
i just wish the low or no rise bodies would be available im looking at my emag and it is kinda well tall but when it sits next to my mini mag with a rev on it the hoppers stand the same height.
if you sit there and stare at the halo b and the rev you will start to see that the size of the halo b really isnt as big as you think it is. in a side by side there the same height and with just the halo b has a smaller front and bigger rear while the rev is just well big all around.
to tell the truth the second i have another 150 bucks im headed back to http://www.odysseypaintball.com/products.html to get my mini a halo b also because unless you use the product your brainwashed to think that the original is the best. and to prove that point look at emag and angel angel was the first and when it came out it was the best in its class and didnt have much competition,so people were set in the mind set angel = the best. Now enter Emag i was the only one in my area to break the angel ownz club and get the E. and now well people are starting to wake up and see the original best isnt always the best because time and technology will make better. as for big what do you have agenst big anyway,you say more surface to hit area i say meet lunchbox "big dude" i love people who say the fatman cant play ball then after the first game they say i want him on my team. well anyway nice to meet you all im a mag owner and all i own and will own is mags from day 1 to the end. My god you said a mouthful :)

Welcome to AO.

Back to the topic .... the question should be: PF or VF? I'm not sre if lvl 10 completely elimates blowback (can someone verify this?) but if it did ... Vert feed all the way. It feeds about 1/14th of a second faster than PF i think i remember reading.

07-04-2002, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by CTG
.:confused:Who would want a high rise on any gun if you didn't need it?
I think it looks much better with a lowrise.

i would like to 2nd that...and BTW y would u want a high rise when one of the biggest bestest parts of the mag is its small size???i mean that would be like getting a pt extrem and putting a nirto and halo on it

07-04-2002, 07:35 PM
i dont want the high rise im waiting to get a no rise was saying i dont like the high risebut over all do like vert feed alot better

07-05-2002, 07:29 AM
if you want to get a warp feed which i highly recommend then get a powerfeed. If you're right handed, get a powerfeed right, left, left p/f