View Full Version : Level 10 weirdness- BlackVCG, Rob_AGD, anyone??

07-04-2002, 03:24 AM
By the way, all this is shooting in just manual mode.

Well I've been trying to setup my lvl 10 to its optimum state, but I guess some unordinary settings are being used..

With the 1.5 spacer, it leaked some down the barrel..
with the 1.0 spacer, it leaked (very slight, but still leaking even with oil)
with the 0.5 spacer, it seems okay.. (most people use the 1.5 don't they..?)

I tried using 2 shims and 0 shims.. no real difference I can tell.. by having 0 shims, it releases the air later in the stroke, correct? It shoots and everything just fine

When I turn off the flatline tank, I can shoot some but once it hits around 200-300 psi left in the line, sometimes I can manipulate the trigger rod, but othertimes the 200-300 psi just sits in the line..
I have to loosen a fitting slowly to degas the line..
I don't know if this is normal or not, I don't think it is, though..
It's not the flatline, the flatline works find with the regular e-mag valve/bolt, which is like my lvl 7 valve, where you can "sputter shoot" the remaining air out..

Also, the trigger stroke is very very short.. i pull the trigger about halfway back before it contacts the trigger rod.

07-04-2002, 02:41 PM
When the air gets low the gun will not shoot with the level 10 installed.

The normal air pressure on the bolt is set just above the pressure of the return spring. This is how the level 10 prevents chops. There isn't enough "extra" pressure available to chop a ball. When the input pressure gets below regular operating pressure, the pressure on the bolt also goes down. If the chamber pressure goes below the return pressure on the bolt spring then the bolt will not move when the sear is released and the gun will not fire.

Hope this helps.

07-05-2002, 12:43 AM
Whatever spacer you have to use is fine as long as it works. Just depends on that particular o-ring you're using.

The shims make the air release earlier in the stroke. If you find that the bolt is hitting a ball and then locking up, install a shim and try again. Too many shims and you'll get a constant barrel leak. As long as the gun isn't locking up when it stops on a ball, or constantly leaking, it's fine.

athomas explained the rest.

07-05-2002, 03:42 AM
Many Thanks, Black.. sorry if the post was kinda scattered, it was at 3 or 4 am when I typed it.

Anyway, one more question- I can't use any other spring except for my original main spring..

Using 800-1000 psi input pressure, same carrier and all as the original main spring (even tried slightly larger carriers with a very slight carrier leak, to ensure it wasn't the carrier)..
No matter how high I turn up the velocity (even all the way in) with any spring that came with the lvl 10, I don't get anything.. no firing or leaking at all. Just a trigger rod with some resistance. The retro valve regulator doesn't leak out the back either, at 1000 psi input from the flatline nitro tank, and the regulator back screwed in allll the way..

Well everything is working just fine, it's just.. I think it may be some issue with my retro or lvl 10 or the compatability or something.. and I want to tune the lvl 10 to the absolute edge of performance :D :D :D

Thanks all.

07-06-2002, 02:00 PM
How many springs did you get in the kit ,and what do they look like? does one look to have a bit missing ?