View Full Version : Should mags be more plain or less?

07-04-2002, 11:47 PM
I personally like the sleek mag look... i'm going to try to start marketing tricked out mags soon, so i'd like your input...also TO TOM, how do i go about getting approval for the resale of mags? do i need approval?
i hope you'll all respond, because i am hoping to make a mag similar to an emag, that is about half as much
thanks alot!,

07-05-2002, 08:52 AM
For those of you that chose mixed or psychadelic, where do you get all your anodizing work done?

And if you do it yourself, where would I get information on doing this?

TIA [Thanks in Advance]

07-05-2002, 09:15 AM
I know paintballtimes.com has an areticale in their tech section about anodizing at home... check em out.

07-05-2002, 09:41 AM
honestly this shows the strength of mags -- You can do anything you want with them. You can go for any look or design, somehting you can't do with other guns.

I do prefer the sleek design, but would love to see aluminum bodies that are shorter and have cocker threaded baralls. The nubbin in the barrel in mags is pretty annoying

07-05-2002, 11:23 AM
I like the current look of the Automag. It's an industrial look and very utilitarian. No little things to break off,or catch paint on::cough::backblock::cough::cough::cough:: Plus it's so incredibly durable. I've seen people run over them with a car and then play with them. I can't find anything I'd wanna change.

07-06-2002, 12:51 PM
I like a sleek mill job. The DYE angels and cockers pull this off well. The c&c extreme also has some of this, but it looks even smoother than the DYE sutff. I like the idea of raw aluminum mag bodies to be milled however you want, because we all know custom markers rock.

07-06-2002, 02:37 PM
breakthrough in my metal man's shop today! milling a dope lightning/flame pattern finished to be put on my barrel, possibly going to laser engrave a similar pattern in the S/S, if he's up to it. as far as ano goes, i can get ano on all alum. part for free, so contact me if ya need the hookup!
68 Automag Classic P/F H/L
Vertical adapter w/TKO gas thru foregrip
CP Lightning Drop Forward
Barrel Similar to eMag And Rt Barrels, i am told it's custom made(different core)#3of6w/awesome milling to be done
12vlt revvy
JANKY 48/30 crossfire
AGD molded rubber grips.

Soon getting:
ACI zero gravity(or Graffiti)

DAT... DAT... DAT...
hear that sound? See the frag? **** son, ya been AUTOMAGed!

07-06-2002, 04:29 PM
i say PIE

07-06-2002, 05:10 PM
whats PIE? another thing, how come 98(so far)ppl have read this but havent responded?
Questions on my aftermarket mag package:
would anyone want an adapter to fit flatline barrels on a mag?(cheaper than a vortex, w/ more consistent results)
i was talking to the guy at my machine shop, and he said it looked pretty simple, provided the second barrel was threaded, not twist lock(which the flatline is i believe)
good news for mag owners who want to use cocker barrels, we're developing an adapter, expected to finish the prototype within the next few months. if you would be interested in getting one, leave a message. quick question for that subject:ball detents or no? wire or plastic nubbins?
ARG somebody develop an aftermarket electro frame that is magnetic like the emag... so we can get that nice feal, with out the uglyness of the eMAG
later days!

07-10-2002, 05:42 PM
i would really like for my rt pro a bodymade from aluminum that its square on top and a rounded bottom.like a sideways D so it fit on my frame but was tallet and square on top...i then want some sick machining done.then from like the powerfeed to the barrel round kinda like the Z-Body.then the front would be cool longer with the same milling in the back only all the way through like so it would cover the chrome on a boomy or J&J 2 piece then youd see the chrome were it was milled.then to top it off a nice milling job in a neon green or neon pink.thats just my idea of a sweet aZZ body

07-11-2002, 07:31 PM
Well, if you've got a cheap anno place or want to do it yourself then aluminum is a must. With a powdercoat you can go either way for cosmetics and an airbrushed design on the side is mighty sweet looking, although aluminum is the choice for milling...I REALLY like my micromag but also admire the sleek simple look. If you were to offer the p/f in darker or brighter colours to start thatd be something. Too often you either see grey, chrome or the occasional black teflon. Just break up the monotony first man, worry bout the crazy tricks later!

slightly off center
07-13-2002, 12:44 AM
It'd be kind of tight to see different milling patterns available in the shroud on the minimag, if your planning something along those lines. Otherwise, something a little more fluid, break up the hard lines. For instance, mill the body rail so it flows into the body. Just some thoughts.

07-13-2002, 04:49 AM
can they really get any more simple?

07-13-2002, 12:46 PM
Form follows function. The mags aesthetic simplicity exemplifies the utilitarian simplicity of the whole design.

01-06-2003, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Arno
Form follows function. The mags aesthetic simplicity exemplifies the utilitarian simplicity of the whole design.

Exactly what I was thinking and precisely how I would have verbalized it.

...uh... I think? :)

03-09-2003, 07:00 PM
Could you please pass the Grey Poupon? :D :D :D