View Full Version : who played paintball on the 4th????

07-05-2002, 08:05 AM
who played paintball on the 4th??

AGD pride was out yesterday practicing for the sporeland 5-man that is coming up sunday.

it was a beautiful day here in gurnee, il
we were all shooting our level 10's. between the 7 or so cases of paint we shot yesterday i didnt hear of any one of us choping or breaking a single ball.

scooter should be posting pics soon

we were using the airgun ultimate air field out back of butch's house

im curious if anyone else got out and enjoyed the beautiful weather this week?


07-05-2002, 08:11 AM
And did not even say "Jon and friend" were with you guys. I want to cry:(

heheheh j/k

07-05-2002, 08:15 AM
Sounds like you had a great time.

My Family did not play paintball on the 4th. I did work on paintball stuff (prizes for two Paintball Events… Adventure Games Paintball’s Big Game this Sunday, and the NJ Blowout on the 14th) though! And good news!!!! My dremil (that died) will be up and running again today so the Grips for the NJ Event should make it in time. :D

The heat has been pretty bad up here for the entire week, but today it is breezy and has a cool Canadian Wind! Thanks Canada! See, you ARE good for something. ;) (J/K)

I had actually planned on MUCH MORE Paintball this summer, but unfortunately my schedule keeps getting booked up… grrrr

I will wish ADG Pride (my BOYZ) all the best for their upcoming 5-Man. May your skills make you look like something out of The Matrix or The One, and may you decimate all who stand before you! (HeeHee.. got to love that word… decimate!) But really.. good luck and have fun. :)

07-05-2002, 08:20 AM
I played on the 4th. It was a blast. :D

07-05-2002, 08:24 AM
Thanks for wishing them luck and not me SHartley


07-05-2002, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by agdjon
Thanks for wishing them luck and not me SHartley

LOL sorry… are you going to play it as well? Okay.. good luck! :D:D:D

Oh.. if you provide me with a list of the teams you will be playing against I can give them an all dreaded SHartley Curse of Evil! HeeHee ;)

07-05-2002, 08:39 AM
I was going to play on the 4th, but the field was closed :(

07-05-2002, 08:47 AM
I really can't have you wishing your curse on the teams I am playing against as 2 of them are Airgun Sponsored hehehe. Good luck Lions and Pride. If my team happens to kick your @$$e$ out there, it was purely coincidental.


07-05-2002, 08:51 AM
If that happens I might have to stop playing for a while. :p

07-05-2002, 09:10 AM
playing against Jon must suck.
he probably hangs up on you and calls you names.....

07-05-2002, 09:19 AM
comprado is pretty tame...
until he starts running and shooting one handed, hehe
we love ya jon, see you sunday, thanks for your help on the 4th.


07-05-2002, 10:52 AM
I played some woodsball yesterday and last night, though it was probably already today when we finished last nite. It was alot of fun playing last night with all the fireworks going off nearby. At times I couldn't even hear all the C98s and Spyders. It was very hot though, and my mag kept chopping because the old paint I was using was swollen.

Okay, I'm just a tad bit confused about AGD factory teams. I know who Pride is, but who are the Lions? :confused:

07-05-2002, 11:29 AM
AGD lions are alot of the original SOB's (sams omega blasters) They may look old, hehe, but they can still shoot a paintball or two.

07-05-2002, 01:15 PM
its TO hot to play here. everyday its in the 90's + humidity. that makes for a VERY uncomfortable playing envirionment

07-05-2002, 02:25 PM
It was a lil over 100 here yesterday plus the humidity... bit too hot to play here if you ask me

07-06-2002, 03:41 PM

Believe it or not I was supposed to play this weekend.....but the Colors 3man had filled up a while ago, so we couldn't register. As far as the 4th goes, lets just say I was not fit to operate heavy machinery.

ps- When are you coming to GR?

07-06-2002, 04:34 PM
We had a nice scenario game here. Alien Invasion, and several of the teams and refs from the area were aliens. Needless to say, they laid a lot of smack down on the hoards of recballers.
Good playing though. Nice showcase for my rt. :) Managed to put some 'human' paint on a nice number of 'aliens'. Also learned the power of gator black in the forest. The aliens were using that stuff. . . 40 cases of it. Great stuff for woodsball. Almost impossible to track in lower light.