View Full Version : quick xtreme question

07-05-2002, 11:43 AM
Im not to familiar wiht level 10 cause i dont currently own a mag but im looking :)
well my question is this i heard that when you install lvl 10 on a mag if your going to greatly change velocity you need to change "something" (like i said im not to familiar with it yet)in the lvl 10 kit. Since the xtremes are going ot have lvl 10 and they going to come with the extra parts needed (well that come with the lvl10 kits) so when you change the velocity you have whats needed to change out. thanks.
ps sorry about the lamens terms. Im currently a cocker owner looking to get a mag so i dont know all the termanology for automags.

07-05-2002, 12:01 PM
once you get Lvl 10 setup correctly, its basically a change of springs that Lvl 10 will come with. it has a tight spring, a medium strength spring and a weak spring. for lower velocities, the tighter spring would be needed I'm thikng and for higher velocities...the looser one. you'll have to experiment to figure out wich one goes best with which velocities