View Full Version : "N" size batteries in Warp Feed...

07-05-2002, 11:31 PM
Are there any downsides to running 8 "N" batteries for 12 volts in place of the 4 AA batteries in the battery harness that comes with the warp?

Are there any upsides?

07-06-2002, 10:46 AM
I'm not familiar with 'N' size batteries. I run my warp (and my Revy) on an external battery pack w/8 AA batteries (12v total), and it's sweet...

07-06-2002, 12:48 PM
I scavenged up two "N" batteries, and they aren't the size I thought they were...

Isn't there a battery half the length of a AA, but the same width/circumference?

07-06-2002, 05:02 PM
Yes there are. Should be able to pick them up at any hardware store, or even someplace like circuit city. They don't have long life though. You can get lithium ones though. I have also seen rechargeable. Seems a lot of work when getting a ptp 12v adapter is really cheap. Then just using 2 9v's.

07-06-2002, 05:41 PM
I did some searching online, and the lithium ones I found are 3.5 volts, so that would be too much...

WOuld you happen to know off-hand where I can purchase the PTP batter gizmo, and how much the are?

07-07-2002, 03:11 PM
You don't need 12volts in the warp :rolleyes:

Cuz seriously, you don't shoot that fast.

I used to just run two 9v batteries in parallel, then ran 12v (regulated) off the e-mag battery, and now that I'm going back to mechanical, I'm gonna try 4AA batteries in the black holder that comes with the warp.

That way I get some good battery life.. like 1800ma of power rather than the 340ma of TWO 9vs in parallel, or even if you used all the 'N' batteries, you'd get ~230ma of power..