View Full Version : strange differences between these valves!

07-06-2002, 11:18 AM
Meet valve CF65031 - my loyal valve for half a year now
now meet valve CF15657 - valve aquired in a trade

now the serials arn't far from each other.
But there are several strange differences
here i will post pics

07-06-2002, 11:22 AM
now the on/off on the left is one from CF65031 and comes from a TKO mag that i got from paintballgear.com
the one onf the right is the other valve.
Why are these two on/offs different?

07-06-2002, 11:23 AM
and the power tube q-tips. The one on the left is from my CF65031 mag, and as you can see it gradually slopes inward. The one on the right is from the other valve and has a step and the slot is wider

07-06-2002, 11:24 AM
and the reg nuts
very strange
in every mag i've seen the nut is threaded from top to bottom. IN this other valve it's only threaded on the bottom 1/3

07-06-2002, 11:27 AM
and finally
in my mag the power tube spacer is brass and has a number on it. The one in this aquired valve is blue and i think it's aluminum.
and finally the reg spring pack in the the valve i got in the trade has a large washer at the end where it touches the reg piston, while CF65031 does not have this end large washer.
Why these differences? CF65031 is a great valve and has given me great service of half a year. I hav'nt tried the new one yet. Just curious about these differences.

07-06-2002, 11:37 AM
could you guys please move this to the tech forum

07-06-2002, 11:59 AM
Those are the changes from an early level-7 (CF15xxx)to a very late one(CF65xxx). Your old valve has the single-sided on/off top, the new one can be put in either way, the PT tip has changed, I wasn't aware of the reg adjuster changing though, that may not be stock(My reg adjuster is fully threaded, CF11023)

07-06-2002, 12:28 PM
put some paint through both of em & tell us the difference. but i would put the power tube tip that slopes inward w/ the on/off on the left & see how that one shoots.

07-06-2002, 12:45 PM
The odd velocity adjuster is probally used from another unireg style reg, they all use the same threads. It could be from a flatline too. The older valve should perform just as well.

07-06-2002, 02:34 PM
I found some of the same differences between my older mag and my minimag, which is newer. I came to the same conclusions that mykroft has stated, it is the difference between an older lvl7 mag and a newer one. The reg adjuster on my older mag had a long unthreaded section like yours also, however the pt tip is sloped, not stepped, so I can't help you there. Maybe it is older yet, perhaps from lvl6 times.

07-06-2002, 03:39 PM
yea, it is the time diffff between the manufacturing numbers..

07-06-2002, 09:19 PM
well my new/old valve is almost identical to the CF6**** valve you have and i have a CF01779 valve.


07-06-2002, 10:02 PM
apprecitate the help. still don't know about the strange PT spacer and the spring pack.

07-06-2002, 11:25 PM
As far as the PT spacers go, the coloured one is part of a kit released by Pro team they made they coloured to easily distinguish between sizes. The AGD ones are all the same colour and have the number stamped on them

07-07-2002, 10:15 PM
the reg nut is the inside of the tournament cap made by AGD

07-07-2002, 11:41 PM
Somethings have already been covered, but I'll sum it all up and other things that weren't covered.

The on/off top on the left is the new AGD on/off top that allows it to be put in either way without affecting the air flow. The on/off top on the right is the old style AGD top that could be put inside upside down and cause shootdown. That's why it was updated, despite the assembly diagram being laser etched on the valve...

The PT tip on the left is the new style AGD tip for LVL 7 designed to release the air blast over a longer period of time and be more gentle on paint. R&D has shown that the air blast has little to do with paint breakage and it's more important to release the air further down the barrel to reduce blowback, so the new LVL 10 tip has no taper.

The unthreaded reg. nut as Kayle said is for the AGD tournament cap.

The blue aluminum PT spacer is a Pro Team Product spacer. They came out with the spacer kit first and instead of numbering them, they color coded them.

The Reg. spring pack with the larger washer is the old style. The new style still has a washer, but it's the same diameter as the spring pack "springs". Make sure to point the washer towards the piston with both spring packs.