View Full Version : What kind of stuff does AGD sell?

07-06-2002, 11:29 AM
What kind of stuff does AGD sell?


I know I can probably look around for this answer, but I am too darn lazy.

I know that this information is probably right in front of my face, but I don’t want to read anything. I want you all to just tell me.

I know if anyone tries to tell me how I can get this BLATENTLY obvious information on my own, I can play ignorant and then still fall back on my first two statements… and someone will “protect me” (no matter how grossly selfish the statements are).

I know a lot of thought and effort went into this site and forum, but who cares right? Noone really has to actually USE it the way it was intended to be used. And if anyone points out HOW to use it that way, they will be jumped on by other members.. so I am safe to not use it correctly.

And if I do a search and don’t come up with anything I need, I will blame the search feature and not myself for not knowing how to use it properly.

I also know that even though the information is not a “hidden” thing, and right out in the open, SOMEONE will save me by pointing out that there IS information that is hard to find, and make it look like my question is just like that. Even though that would be like saying a Kite and a 747 were the same because they both “fly”.

I think I will now call up “information” and ask them how much Dog Food a Toy Poodle eats in a year…. After all, that would be in keeping with not using the tool as it was intended.

(Note: You know.. not to be a pain.. but I personally get tired of the “gimme, gimme, gimme” mentality. Yes, some people were a bit rough on the “new guys”, but I don’t think it was entirely out of line. It was actually more “fun” hard time than really coming down on them. And I think EVERYONE learned something. That is why when I make MY posts in response to these types of things, I not only give a bit of ribbing, but show them HOW they can use the site CORRECTLY. I try to kill 2 birds with one stone.)

07-06-2002, 11:44 AM
lol now that wasnt nice :( ;) hahahahahahahhaha:D

07-06-2002, 11:46 AM
Well put, Shartley!

I do think a lot of newcomers don't realize how effective the search feature is, or think that there is some new question no one else has thought of.

I would add, "Since it's a paintball forum, I can flame anyone I want, anyway I want, and no will say anything!"


07-06-2002, 12:25 PM
is that a flame for the forum as a whole only hidden in the guise of words and sentances?

07-06-2002, 12:32 PM
I have to agree..not to long ago..I was a newb to the forums.. but now..that I'm a regular..I always see the same questions... and you're absolutely right...no one knows how to use the search feature. I think the should just put a picture of a PIE over it so people will be curious and find out what it is. But none-the-less...I think I'm gonna stop answering so many NEWB questions..and only help on the honest I need help qestions. I'm good about replying with..."I searched for what you wanted and it returned X# of threads that have exactly what you're asking..did you search? If not..try that..then comeback if yer still having problems. Anyway...Shartley... you need a vacation...I sense some built up stress... go light up some newbs it always makes me feel better (j/k)

07-06-2002, 01:59 PM
To answer your question, they sell paintball markers and paintball accesories. :D

Plus. The majority of the members on this site are teenagers. LAZY TEENAGERS. I know becuase I myself am one. And lazy teenagers dont want to do ANY extra work than absloutley necessary.

07-06-2002, 02:07 PM
Well put, Shartley.


Total Posts: 3349 (38.09 posts per day)
:eek: :eek: :eek:

07-06-2002, 02:10 PM
wait wait wait...

You mean to tell me, that there may actually be information relating to my question already on the boards? And that there is some kind of... search.. function to help find it?

Wow guys.. Wow...

07-06-2002, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Ultimator
Well put, Shartley.


Total Posts: 3349 (38.09 posts per day)
:eek: :eek: :eek:

LOL I am a member from way back. The server had a problem and deleted my account, I made it again and Webby restored my original post count. LOL I hope that makes things look a bit better. :D

07-06-2002, 03:09 PM
sure...thats what they all say shartly, i guess foo has been around since the forum started? lol just razin you, hey when did you join?

07-06-2002, 03:30 PM
best thing I've read in a long time..

07-06-2002, 03:57 PM
i really had/have no idea what you are talking about.........

its summer,and you are using big words....

07-06-2002, 04:05 PM
Yeah that would clear it up :D

07-06-2002, 05:11 PM
Well, the first thing I noticed (after reading all the posts) is that everyone has posted at least 100 times, which means that all of u live here :p

So, I guess I will be the brave newb to go against this.

Im assuming that this is in response to some new guy asking about the Lvl 10 mod. Yea, I don't agree with 3 ppl (Shartley, Vegeta, and some one else that escapes me right now) out and out slamming some poor guy and then saying "Welcome to AO" That's like saying you go to a friends house, his/her parents mug u, and then ask u if u want a coke. How does that make any sense?

Fine, half of the page is filled with Lvl 10 stuff. Fine there is a search. So just tell him that and leave it be. Theres another thread named "Why I hate my Warp" and ppl are flamin the guy. (again, I don't remember his name, but i at least no that shartley has seen it) The main point stated throughtout most of the replys r "If you don't like it then fine, but dont post anything" Why does that only apply for when ppl dont like a product. Honestly, is it that important to post:

Welcome to AO.

or maybe its because you want to keep your 38 posts per day average? (Which by the by, is more posts than me altogether)

Im not into the whole "If you have nothin to say, than dont say it" (then i would never speak) but all the "veterans" here on AO should give new ppl a chance to get into the whole paintball/forum thing. I've been playin for about oh 3 months, so plz dont expect me to no all the terms, jargon, or history just yet. Give us newbs some time to learn these things. And if you r tired of newbs and/or newb questions, than just ignore them.

07-06-2002, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Marek
Well, the first thing I noticed (after reading all the posts) is that everyone has posted at least 100 times, which means that all of u live here :p

So, I guess I will be the brave newb to go against this.

Im assuming that this is in response to some new guy asking about the Lvl 10 mod. Yea, I don't agree with 3 ppl (Shartley, Vegeta, and some one else that escapes me right now) out and out slamming some poor guy and then saying "Welcome to AO" That's like saying you go to a friends house, his/her parents mug u, and then ask u if u want a coke. How does that make any sense?
Well, if you go read my post again, you will see that I was NOT flaming him. And yes, you ARE new, and don’t know the history of the “veteran” Aoers, what they DO, have DONE, or are DOING for AO or the sport of Paintball. So to come in and make snap judgments like that could very well be considered ignorant and a bit insulting.

Fine, half of the page is filled with Lvl 10 stuff. Fine there is a search. So just tell him that and leave it be. Theres another thread named "Why I hate my Warp" and ppl are flamin the guy. (again, I don't remember his name, but i at least no that shartley has seen it) The main point stated throughtout most of the replys r "If you don't like it then fine, but dont post anything" Why does that only apply for when ppl dont like a product.
You are now talking about two TOTALLY different issues. One is about the Level 10 thing, and the other is about HOW someone stated their dislike for a product.. NOT that they disliked it. Noone flamed him for NOT liking the Warp, but for HOW he posted it. I can assure you that anyone can post dislike about ANY AGD product, idea, advertising, etc. and they will NOT be bashed or flamed for it… IF they do so in a mature, rational, and intelligent manner.

In fact, you would be hard pressed to find anyone MORE hard on AGD than myself… and I am a “veteran” here, AND the second highest post count… and many of those posts were controversial ones. This goes back to you NOT knowing who you are talking about or their history with AO or Paintball. This also is not a “brag” about my post count but leads directly into your next comment:

Honestly, is it that important to post:

Welcome to AO.

or maybe its because you want to keep your 38 posts per day average? (Which by the by, is more posts than me altogether)
This shows your lack of reading. I explained in a post (just a few before THIS one) why that says I have a 38 post per day average. I have been a member of AO for a LONG time, and the reason it only shows a recent membership date is because of a system problem. I suggest you go and read that post again.

And to insinuate I only post to get/keep a high post count is insulting at best. I am also known as probably the LONGEST post makers here on AO. I don’t “Post Whore” for a post count. Again, this goes to not knowing who you are talking about.

Im not into the whole "If you have nothin to say, than dont say it" (then i would never speak) but all the "veterans" here on AO should give new ppl a chance to get into the whole paintball/forum thing. I've been playin for about oh 3 months, so plz dont expect me to no all the terms, jargon, or history just yet. Give us newbs some time to learn these things. And if you r tired of newbs and/or newb questions, than just ignore them.
That new person (and ALL new people) was given plenty of chances. Some of us however are quicker to spot a problem child than others. I don’t think anyone would say that I am not almost the FIRST person to help find information for people here on AO…. You could call me the “Search King”, and it has been commented time and again how if it is to be found on AO, ASK SHARTLEY! I go out of my way to help people, so to now act as if I am somehow HURTING people is a slap in the face. (also if you did a poll to see who some of the most helpful people on AO are.. on and off AO…, you would find Tunaman, cphilip, RobAGD, shartley, Manike and many others)

Go read the other thread (the one prompting this one, and that is NOW closed) and see WHY I wrote this. I had no problems seeing a problem dressed in a smile. And I will not cut slack for a problem JUST because they are new…. The same way I will not cut slack for a problem if they are a “veteran”.

Simply put, those with NO knowledge of the subject matter should keep their thoughts to themselves… or run the risk of looking foolish…. New person or not….

The thread was CLEARLY labled as LIGHT HEARTED.. it was a SPOOF.. but did make some points. It was a way to blow off a little steam in a comical way that most of the membership would understand. And to now be talked down to by someone who clearly does not know the subject matter or people involved... :rolleyes:

07-06-2002, 07:36 PM
Well, if you go read my post again, you will see that I was NOT flaming him. And yes, you ARE new, and don’t know the history of the “veteran” Aoers, what they DO, have DONE, or are DOING for AO or the sport of Paintball. So to come in and make snap judgments like that could very well be considered ignorant and a bit insulting.

Wow, thats arrogant. Im sure that you have done some amazing things here in AO and in the sport. As for "for the sport of paintball", I have no idea since I have never done a biography on ur life. I respect that your a "veteran," but that is as far as that will go. Because in that point, everyone has to start off a newb and learn. The more interest and time you put into it, the more you learn. Thats what us newbs, as you so eloquently put it, have to do. But it doesnt help when "veterans" make fun or have little patience for dumb questions. Get of ur soapbox or that mountain ur on. In response to me bein new, Wow, ur observant. I have, what, 33 posts? Fine, I'm new to this forum and sport. Does that make my opinion any less? I dont think so, mainly because I have actually lived for 21 yrs. As well, I think u missed the whole pt of my post. Its not to devalue ur name, make fun of how many posts u have, or insult "veterans."

You are now talking about two TOTALLY different issues. One is about the Level 10 thing, and the other is about HOW someone stated their dislike for a product.. NOT that they disliked it. Noone flamed him for NOT liking the Warp, but for HOW he posted it. I can assure you that anyone can post dislike about ANY AGD product, idea, advertising, etc. and they will NOT be bashed or flamed for it… IF they do so in a mature, rational, and intelligent manner.
In fact, you would be hard pressed to find anyone MORE hard on AGD than myself… and I am a “veteran” here, AND the second highest post count… and many of those posts were controversial ones. This goes back to you NOT knowing who you are talking about or their history with AO or Paintball. This also is not a “brag” about my post count but leads directly into your next comment:

Okies, thats wrong as well. I was using the "Warp dislike" thread merely as reference. As to bring up the point of "if you have nothing nice to say, then plz be quiet." So no, I am not discussing 2 different topics, just one, being a guy who posted a simple question about the Lvl 10 mod.

Also, what forum do I search to "find anone MORE hard on AGD than myself....?"

This shows your lack of reading. I explained in a post (just a few before THIS one) why that says I have a 38 post per day average. I have been a member of AO for a LONG time, and the reason it only shows a recent membership date is because of a system problem. I suggest you go and read that post again. And to insinuate I only post to get/keep a high post count is insulting at best. I am also known as probably the LONGEST post makers here on AO. I don’t “Post Whore” for a post count. Again, this goes to not knowing who you are talking about.

As for how many posts u have, I could care less. Fine, ur the second highest poster. Either you have incredible knowledge of this sport (technologically or professionally) or you have alot of time. Maybe both. Honestly, its none of my business and it was a passive comment at best. Blow it up more than it is, your call.

That new person (and ALL new people) was given plenty of chances. Some of us however are quicker to spot a problem child than others. I don’t think anyone would say that I am not almost the FIRST person to help find information for people here on AO…. You could call me the “Search King”, and it has been commented time and again how if it is to be found on AO, ASK SHARTLEY! I go out of my way to help people, so to now act as if I am somehow HURTING people is a slap in the face. (also if you did a poll to see who some of the most helpful people on AO are.. on and off AO…, you would find Tunaman, cphilip, RobAGD, shartley, Manike and many others)

Calm down, u make us sound like prisoners, handing out chances. The first time I was "invited to check out the forum, I didnt no what most of the things u "veterans" were sayin. Now I can decipher about half. Im learning slowly and surely, but I no that I would not want to return if ppl were making fun of me. As a teacher, u have to encourage (not baby) ppl's interest and allow them some room to grow. Making fun of a kid because he cant play a song, or cuz he cant spell will not help. (which is initially the point) I honestly cannot believe that u would treat a high school senior (veteran) and a 1st grader (newb) with the same attitude and reprimands concerning a particular subject. Im sure that the 1st grader might need a little more help in Physics. Fine, ur post was all in jest, but I dont agree with it. U should not act high and mighty because u feel that ur a vet, or because u no alot of ppl here, or because u have the 2nd highest number of posts. And in the same way that the "Y I dont like Warps" post was rather pointless and just rude, so is this post.

Simply put, those with NO knowledge of the subject matter should keep their thoughts to themselves… or run the risk of looking foolish…. New person or not….

As well, as ppl that have knowledge that is detrimental and unbeneficial to anyone other than themselves. Showing that u have knowledge is one thing, downright rubbin it is silly and foolish. U no more than I will ever no about this sport and about the ppl AO. Great, ur life is great. But what gives u the right to vent off to "blow off a little steam" on ppl like me. Honestly, I have no problem with u, and frankly could care less on either subject. But not all newbs ask for help from "veterans", so plz dont generalize.

I think u should read my post again, remove urself from the clouds that u have placed urself in, and then reply with a clear answer to y u think it is alright to make fun of ppl that r new to this forum and sport.

07-06-2002, 07:44 PM
I just read that drivel… wow, you prove my points better than I did. I did not place myself on any clouds, I also did not build up a higher place on AO than I have. You prove that you know NOTHING about AO, or its core members. I don’t need to defend myself or my actions to some Johnny Come Lately who does not even make rational arguments.. but spouts uninformed opinions of me personally and totally misses any real issues made.

I have torn apart better made posts… and will leave you to sit in your own mess with no help identifying the crap it is composed of.

07-06-2002, 07:53 PM
Hey, where do you see that he was making fun of you? He did not place himself in any clouds and to say so is just down right wrong. You are stepping on a person that could ultimately help you and at this point I would not blame him if he didn't in the future.

It's okay for you to flame him and say stuff that you have no idea what you are saying? I think not. You think he is not going to stand up for what he believes in?

How was him saying that you are new here and that you have no idea what the "veterans" have done for AO arrogant? You confuse me.

You seem a bit confused over the two threads that you are trying to talk about. I do not believe he ever said that your opinion was any less than anyone else because you only have 33 posts. Where did you get that from? You also said that you didn't care about how many posts he has yet you keep bringing it up.

I do not understand what YOU are getting so worked up about. Honestly, get over it.

07-06-2002, 08:20 PM
I just read that drivel… wow, you prove my points better than I did. I did not place myself on any clouds, I also did not build up a higher place on AO than I have. You prove that you know NOTHING about AO, or its core members. I don’t need to defend myself or my actions to some Johnny Come Lately who does not even make rational arguments.. but spouts uninformed opinions of me personally and totally misses any real issues made.

I dont no if anyone can help me, but I dont see a clear answer to my clearly defined question. Ur avoidance is a clear sign of ignorance. Maybe u can help me, oh wait, u probably wont (as ur wife stated) and probably cant since Im a newb. Man, whatever will I do?

As for knowing the core members of AO, well I somewhat do. I no 2 ppl, that I care about and value their advice, Capoeira and Havok.

Still waiting for an answer tho. Drivel, wow thats so cute. Mind if I steal that?

Hey, where do you see that he was making fun of you? He did not place himself in any clouds and to say so is just down right wrong. You are stepping on a person that could ultimately help you and at this point I would not blame him if he didn't in the future.

I do not take personal offense to any of this, and am far from being worked up. I have never asked help from Shartley, and honestly never planned on it either. If i need help, I go look for it, and if I cant find it, then I ask Capoeira and/or Havok. Simple. So as to lose any chance of not having him help me, im crushed. :rolleyes:

I would still like an answer. Oh, and plz do not use the whole "Im too good for u Johnny Come Lately to answer u and waste my time." Thats arrogance, and placing urself on a cloud. So again, plz remove urself from ur soapbox and answer y u believe it is alright to attack a newb for ur personal enjoyment or releasing of steam.

P.S. So thats what, another 3 posts towards ur daily goal of 38. Not bad for 15 mins of work huh.

07-06-2002, 08:31 PM

You really are silly.

07-06-2002, 08:32 PM

I see you reinforced the fact that you don't know what you are talking about.

Also if you want to do a battle of wits, please arm yourself first... and practice a bit more. :rolleyes:

07-06-2002, 08:40 PM
i totaly agree with the fact that AGD sells paintball stuff...:D

but on the subject matter, i tend to try and help out site newbies after i freak them out with pics of my beast (i cant help it:rolleyes: ) sometimes its about stupid things and other times more serious things. its like leading the blind for about the first 20 posts and well... im a good doggie:D i lead them in the right direction.

and an off topic question for "Sam The Man" up there. how fast can you type? i mean... WOW. your posts usualy take up half my scroll bar.

07-06-2002, 08:43 PM
tada thats a flame

07-06-2002, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
and an off topic question for "Sam The Man" up there. how fast can you type? i mean... WOW. your posts usualy take up half my scroll bar.
LOL I am about 60-80 WPM nothing special. But you KNOW it is only about increasing my post count. :rolleyes: :D:D

07-06-2002, 08:49 PM
one time..... i like used the like search..... and guess like waht happened.... i like totaly found what i was looking for.... i mean it liked helped me and u know.... all that like good stuff.

Ya the search is opne good thing.

07-06-2002, 09:01 PM
I see you reinforced the fact that you don't know what you are talking about.

Im sorry, again avoidance. If you do not no the answer, then u can just plainly state that you do not no. No one will think any less of u.

Also if you want to do a battle of wits, please arm yourself first... and practice a bit more

I am merely asking for a reply to my question, i do not wish to partake in any sort of battles.

You really are silly.

Im sorry, but we havent met. I would like to keep it that way as well. :) If you have any valuable input towards this discussion, plz feel free. Insulting will not get me angry or help matters.

Still waiting for an answer though. :cool:

07-06-2002, 09:07 PM
You know.. you know NOTHING about me, and your “question” was not worth an answer. If you think I “flame” newbies, you have YET to see a flame. LOL

How about this for a question? Are you really this ignorant, or are you just playing around?

Or how about this one?

Did you just come over from PBN or someplace similar?
(Now THAT is a flame!)

(Added… now what was Phil saying about fence posts?)

07-06-2002, 09:17 PM
You know.. you know NOTHING about me, and your “question” was not worth an answer. If you think I “flame” newbies, you have YET to see a flame. LOL

At this point, Im somewhat proud not to know you. And my question not being answered just proves that you are arrogant.

How about this for a question? Are you really this ignorant, or are you just playing around?

Wow, thats cute. Um, can I phone a friend on this one? Maybe my wife? :p

Did you just come over from PBN or someplace similar?

No, this is my first paintball forum. Oh what, no welcoming committee for me???

Still waitin for my answer, got all the time in the world. No school or work, the beauty of the weekend....:cool:

07-06-2002, 09:25 PM
Bravo Marek, you're amazing. I thought I had seen just about all the nonsense that can be said on forums, and now we have you.

This place is fortunate to have Sam here as a regular contributing member.

So far I don't see you showing the same potential.

Anyone who would come on here and make serious judgement calls with all of 35 some odd posts to their name isn't going to be taken very seriously at all. Unless you've done some exhaustive reading of sam's posts, yes all 8 million of them, you couldn't possibly be able to say the things you've now said.

And as for making fun of newb's, you make it all too easy son.

Oh, and welcome to AO.