View Full Version : Should there be a rule on sig sizes?...

07-06-2002, 04:31 PM
When reading a thread with lots of posts, it gets realy annoying seeing the same sig that takes up 1/4 of my computer screen 5 times on one page...not to mention it takes longer to load what with my "crapay" computer:)

Not to diss all the people who have em...but I was wondering if Im the only one who thought the same way about it?...should there be a maximum size?

07-06-2002, 07:17 PM
I would like there to be a maximum size, or a limit to how often it can be used per thread.

Before I joined AO, I was reading the forums alot. I don't post much, but I often come just to check out whats happening, and since I am not on cable/dsl, these large sigs really take time.

Mav D MagMan
07-06-2002, 07:20 PM
I believe the limit is 150,000 bites or something like that... There is also a courtesy rule where you should only use it once in a thread. Also the huge ones do get quite bothersome


07-06-2002, 07:22 PM
It is good form to only use your Signature ONCE per Thread. This has been discussed many times. I would hate to have this AO Etiquette made into a bonifide RULE… but it has gotten to be a bit much when common sense does not prevail. But you will always get those that will not do the right thing unless FORCED to… and that is sad.