View Full Version : Failed Regulator-Worry?

07-06-2002, 04:33 PM
(Long story short)On the fourth I went out to play at Weekend Warriors. My regulator on my systemX tank failed and dumped enough air into my marker to split an elbow for the steel hose, at which point it still had enough pressure to vent out the back of the marker.

I borrowed a tank and a new elbow, and went and played(marker was still +/- 5).

The venting out the back worries me. Are there any parts that I should replace having just dumped a bunch of air(2000psi see PS.) into the marker?


PS. I took the tank by Paintball online today. The guy there hooked it up to one marker and got a nice 800. I argued a bit that it couldn't be given that I had gone through two sets of hoses on my marker. He then hooked it up to another marked and the gauge promptly showed 2000psi going into the marker.

07-06-2002, 05:36 PM

You should probably replace the regulator seat, piston o-ring and possibly the piston.

If you want, you could come into Paintball-Online and I'll meet your there and look over the gun for you. Let me know what day works best for you next week and what time.

07-06-2002, 10:22 PM
Thanks BlackVCG. I'll drop by Thursday afternoon/evening. If one time works better for you than another, let me know.


07-08-2002, 02:07 PM
chrisj- I'm going to be in there today at 1:00pm if you can make it by.

07-08-2002, 02:49 PM
The reg on a mag is rated to 3000psi, so no damage should result. But as a precaution, you may want to do what BlackVCG suggests. Better safe than sorry.