View Full Version : My Markers

07-06-2002, 11:54 PM
Sorry about the fuzzy pic. Just got a new camera and can't do a thing with the owner. I got a new pic up. It's actually clear.

68 no star pf/l, pmi ceramic coated barrel,Boo Yaa grip, 9.6v turbo battery, ACI 47/3000, SP drop
2K1 v/f, dye l/p reg, Kapp 15% asa, pmi reg, Centerflag grip, PMI 68/3000, 12" AA barrel, ANS drop
original model 98, PTP powerfeed, Tippmann x-chamber, custom 98 trigger,rear cock, 12" tear drop barrel, custom trigger job
Mokal Fokus,SP drop, trigger job
Ram 68 auto trigger, custom barrel work,trigger shoe, Tasco red dot sight

07-07-2002, 01:39 AM
Is that a hopper left standard feed body? Or is the picture just blurry?

07-07-2002, 02:08 AM
looks like a HL Standard feed to me

07-07-2002, 10:20 AM
Nice Markers.

Wonder where I've seen them before ;-)

I was the guy with the Black Angel with big SP logo's at Wasaga 10th aniversary. When are you planning on heading up to Wasaga next? the Big Game?


07-07-2002, 11:16 AM
Yes way back on June 9th. I wondered who you were. I'll be back up for the Wayne Dollack game in August. I hope the mag'll be working better by then, getting shoot down. Btw, gogged is coming back up also. I hope she doesn't do a nose dive into the dirt with her Bushmaster like she did the last time.

07-07-2002, 12:15 PM
I'll be out for the Dolack game, with Mag, Angel & Cocker. Hopefully I won't have gun trouble this time (Last year was beginning of the end for my ReTromag). Tell gogged I said hi.