View Full Version : Timetable for lvl10??

07-07-2002, 08:55 AM
I ordered lvl 10 right off the bat on the first day it was offered. I know that the first 100 went out and AGD is waiting for new parts from the suppliers. I was wondering how many others ordered real early and haven't heard anything? I talked the Marcia about sending my superbolt back and getting credit for it, but I don't want to be without a bolt. My credit card bill came and the 140 for AGD was there so I should be getting lvl 10 soon. Just wondering, I am a little anxiuos to get ahold of lvl 10.

07-07-2002, 10:46 AM
I shipped my bolt to AGD the first day (FedEx, no less) and I haven't heard a peep. I am now without a bolt and without level 10. I assume that the packages aren't being assembled either, since Tom is searching for dino bones (just an assumption, but probably a good one).

Irked? No, not really, but very anxious. I have had very good paintball weather the past couple of weekends and no equipment to use. I have firm plans to play this coming weekend also with a large group of folks...we'll see.

07-07-2002, 10:54 AM
I shipped my superbolt also Priority, havent heard a word yet. Luckily i have my stock bolt to use.

07-07-2002, 12:03 PM
I'm getting a bit anxious as well. I ordered mine on the 17th thru the online store, received the order confimation email, but nothing since.

A buddy of mine (and fellow AO member) let me know he received his shipping confirmation the other day. He said he ordered on the 18th. I hope I didn't slip thru the cracks.

07-07-2002, 12:35 PM
Um gentelmen I do know a few things I can tell you. First of all as to the kits they are being assembled every day. And are trickling out as fast as they can get a bunch together. No Tom does not assemble kits! When Tom announced that the first 100 were shipping they realy were not all ready to go yet. he hoped they would be but was out of town at the time and I guess it was not possible. So in actuality, I think Marcia said, they got like 65 out that week. And not all of those on that Wednesday. As parts are flowing in they are assembling them and shipping out. I do not know if they, even now, have gotten the first 100 all out. They may have and may even be starting on the second 100 for all I know. But the main thing is your kit is maybe on the way or soon to be on the way. I got one and I never got any confirmation of ship. Some did some didn't. I believe that they are all going UPS ground as well. At least mine did. Mine came July the 3rd. Army and Miscue got theirs Friday. Last I heard Black and Rob has still yet to get his. Webby got his a full week ago! (Mom always liked him best! ;) )

07-07-2002, 03:41 PM
I ordered the 19th and still no lvl 10. I don't really care when i get it as long as i get it.

07-07-2002, 07:08 PM
Thank you CPhilip. I ordered it the same day it came out and got billed since it was an internet order. I can wait but I REALLY want lvl 10. I don't chop many balls, like 3 every box, but I can't wait to get it.

07-07-2002, 08:55 PM
i orderd the 16th and got mine friday and i did get email confermation