View Full Version : your most glorious paintball move...

07-07-2002, 03:31 PM
exactly what the title says...what was your most glorious paintball move you ever pulled off?

for me it was either one of these

1) it was a long time ago when we were building our new house(which we are about to move out of) and me and a couple of my friends were playing there. it had been 2on2 and my team mate got takin out at the beginning of the game so it was one on 2. I was behind a LITTLE tree and couldn't move or I would get shot easily. then I saw it, the james bond move of paintball. I bulldozer came inbetween me and the other team(one was behind out old grill and the other behind a dirt pile both directly infront of where i was) when the dulldozer got directly in front of me I moved beside it for about 7 feet and let it pass me. when it did, one of the other guys on the team had his head sticking out lookin for me(the guy at the dirt pile) I only had time for one shot B4 he could pull his gun up. I shot and it hit him square in the fase mask...covered it TOTALLY. I was like YES. it was so awesome. I felt invinsible at the time. I ran to where he was and started to shoot at the one uy left...later on he got me out because I didn't cover my face all the way, but that one move I that was so SWEET.

2) this was just yesterday. a couple friends and I were out playin paintball at an island on a lake near me. it was 3on3. at the beginning it looked like the other team was goin to MURDER my team, so I made a suicide move to a tree about 50 yards away and miraculously wasn't seen. I then moved to a tree about 10 feet from me adn once then I was spotted. this tree was about 5 inches thik adn i was takin fire MAD. i ran fo some brush and took out a person laying down behind a tree. by then the I had attracted the attention of the other team and my teamates could move up a little bit and started firing on them to. they attracted the attention of them long enuf and took out one other person so I could move up to a tree and a football field length away from the last person. the rest of me team(no one takin out yet) was about the same distance. I took off running. I jumped over dead trees, ran thru bushes and over plants to the one guy left, at that time the other two ppl on my team started to charge him to. so there was 3 ppl charging one person and no one else knowing the other person was charging. this is the kewl part. I tried to jump, but accidentally tripped. aimed, pulled the trigger and shot the dude in the back. I did all this in like 1/2 a second. one funny thing is, as I said, I ran about a football field length and he didn't notice me. I was makin MAD noise. B4 I could shoot him though, he took out one of the guys on my team(paintbattler...LOL, thisis funny sorta as an inside sorta thing). the dude we all charged got shot up BAD...dude...it was funny.

this isn't really a kewl move, but kinda funny. the same guy that got chrged up on that game played another one and he started charging me and I shot him and it bounced which i didn't notice and he moved up to a tree that was about 3 feet away from me, and I was like DUDE, your out. he steps OUT FROM BEHIND THE TREE adn says "look, no paint. I'm not out". I pull my gun up, shoot him and say"ok, now you are". it was really funny. you prob had to be there.

so what are your moves you think are pretty cool?

07-07-2002, 03:44 PM
hmmmm....as far as speedball goes, it's hard to tell but in a scenario game I once killed like 30 ppl in like 20sec. They were trying to rush me from a tree line, they had to clear a good wide opening before they had cover and I was tucked behind a couple of haystacks:)

07-07-2002, 04:08 PM
I once managed to crawl the length of the field unnoticed and shoot the entire opposing team in the back. I also bunkered nine people on a rageful rampage.

Top Secret
07-07-2002, 04:11 PM
Scenario-Smugglers Blues 7 @ Hit&Run PB Texas

There is a large dry(read muddy) creek bed on the far left side of the field(from my teams perspective). I(newly equipped with my intelliwarped Emag/Flatline combo) was with 2 rentals/newbs. We moved down the creekbed when I heard an opposing group approching. I had the new guys hold back and I ran up the side of the bed opposite the tapeline and hid behind a huge tree. Sure enough, the 2 I had with me started exchanging shots with the enemy group of unknown size. From my spot, 8-11 players walked right by me wailing at my teammates in huge bunch no more than 10 feet from me. Not one of them made it. :D

07-07-2002, 04:22 PM
Today actually,

I just got back from playing at a local airball field. It was me, a pro-am tourney player (shooting angel bleh) His friend whose a newb, and another newb vs 3 pro-am tourney guys and a newb. Off the break I moved to a Taco on the left tape, my tourney guy moved up the middle to an Aztec. Meanwhile the two nebs on my team stuck around the back left and right standups. So there I am...ten seconds into the game.. one of the other teams tourney players was running for a snake 20 feet to my 11 o'clock..I elim'd him with 3 shots to the mask... right after that I saw one of his teamates moving up to my tourney players mirror... I took him out within 5 seconds of eliminating the first guy. After he was gone (two left on their team all four of my team was still in the game..(my tourney player still hadn't fired a single round as he didn't know where the opposition was. I knew their noob was at the back right stan-up so I shouted to my center player and he took care of him. After that I moved up to the snake un-noticed by the tourney player at the back left standup. Since my gun is warped...I crawled up to the edge of the snake... laying on the ground I fired threee shots and all 3 of them taged ole boy from head to chest to marker (cocker HAHAHAHAHA) This all took place in a little under a min 30 seconds....the other team was like DA__ DOOD where were you at? I was like....right there (pointing where I was) lol..it was great... they all wanted me to try out for their team..I said no...I'm a rec player and besides..its more fun eliminating you guys than being a tourney player and eliminating a noob or a rec player. Needless to say..I had a good day at paintball today..I had a total of 16 elims and I was only elim'd twice in 9 games. I only shot about 350 rds the whole time I was there...I had to keep some paint for the lvl10 I ordered WOOT! Anyway just thought I'd share that with everyone since this thread was kind on target with what I wanted to shout! Peasch!

07-07-2002, 05:03 PM
Had a PGP battle with 2 of my buddies. The 3 of us squared off in a triangleish formation. I shot at 1 guy, goggled him, then i ran behind a bunker. My other buddy came running straight at the bunker but i jumped up over it and in mid air took a blind shot. Hit him in the goggles.

That's just the funnest move i can remember off hand. Guess you needed to be there to appreciate it.

07-07-2002, 05:21 PM
I had a killer move just yesterday, couldnt' have done it without my teammates, though. My field's speedball course is big with a lot of weird bunkers on it. I'm good at playing up the right tape, but everyone wanted me to play the other side of the field this time. It was 4 on 3, we were down, but two of their guys were n00bs. I started up the left side as usual, but it's really hard to advance past a certain spot, so I masde a mad dash over to the right side, where I play a lot better. My friend with the bushy laid almost his entire hoppr for me to make this move! I got to the right side and got into a medium range snapshoot battle with a guy, but wasn't getting anywhere. I was listening to his gun the whole time, and noticed he had to cock it manually ever so often. The next time it happened, I went for a bunker move. He never saw me coming. the field is set up so that you have to keep going once you reach this bunker from the other side, so I got another guy in the back on way to a second bunker move, made that, and slugged it out with the last guy from that bunker, catching him in the open. Before that game I said I was having an off day!

BTW, I bet that tractor move rocked!

07-07-2002, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by RT_Luver
so there was 3 ppl charging one person and no one else knowing the other person was charging
one of those 3 was me =) and yes..the dude did get lucky and shot me in my leg...at my ankle

07-07-2002, 06:19 PM
I got a double bunker last weekend at a local tourney:D I ran up like a crazy man and wham...wham 2 in the bag.

07-07-2002, 06:20 PM
Ok this is one of those I had a pgp and eliminated 3 people with semis stories so bare with me :)

Liberty Paintball Big Game

I was in this tower/house thing with a kid using a M98. There was a puddle that smelled like poo in the fort that had me to the point of gagging. Well in the middle of a one of my gaging episodes I asked the kid if he had like 6 paintballs i could 'borrow' for my pgp. He handed them to me and i crouched under the window and started to reload. I, oblivous to the fact that my moron blue team had been over run and we were the only blue players on the town field, was sitting down taking my sweet time reloading. Thats when a red player with a brown JT mask and what looking like a cocker poppedinto the window above me and yelled surrender at the m98 kid. I popped up and blasted him right in the goggles from 3' away. He was so surprised he fell right on his *expletive*. Then a flatline M98 came through the same window and i shot his hopper. Meanwhile the M98 kid in the corner had called him self out leaving me the mercy to about 30 red guys. Needless to say I did the dumb thing :rolleyes: I ran out of the house shot 2 people and then proceed to the bunker where about 5 people had an angle on me. I got lit up, walked off the field, and being i was welted and out of paint went to Friendly's and had a Big Beef Bacon Cheeseburger and a Cyclone :)

I was still psyched that I eliminated 2 people trying to bunker us with a pgp. I really do wish that the guy had a clear lense so i could see the look in his eyes when I popped up and got him. I also wish that I surrendered and spared myself the welts.:)

07-07-2002, 06:38 PM
I've had some pretty good times with a pgp and speedball but this one takes the cake.

Over at this field there was about 20 or 30 kids who had played a bunch of times before with rentals for some birthday party. Anyway, they all had pumps, so i grabbed my pgp an jumped onto one team. Both teams started at the corners of the field and i made my way up the right tape with some rental guys behind me. I popped two on the corner and moved up. The rest of their team was back on the starting corner, bunched together, facing the other direction! So, sneakily, i turned around as if i was on their team, firing the occasional shot to no where at my team's direction(too wussy to move up). I made my way to the group, un-detected and surrendered about 8 kids in groups of 2 or 3. What's funny is, there were always more than one of them an i only had 1 ball in the chamber of my pgp :)

07-07-2002, 06:42 PM
I was playing in the woods and me and my friend went on the very sidelines of the field (big forest place) and we went right behind were their starting point was, and me and him took out their whole team from behind. Our own teamates were even shooting us thinking we were on the opposing team.

07-07-2002, 06:58 PM
my glorious paintball move would have been about 1 month ago after final exams(half day) me and a bunch of friends went paintballing. there was 10 of us. we were playing at a field we made well we didnt make it, its some place where kids rides dirtbikes and we use the hills as bunkers its cool. it was the second game of the day. it was going slow people just shooting back and forth too far to hit anybody. there was 3 people on the other team on this big hill. I had 2 of my team mates give me cover fire, the kids on the hill didnt even know i was there, it was really fun because one of their teams was yelling that i was coming.. i ran up to the hill. 1 kid was laying on it, i shot him twice in the back went around the hill to the back 2 kids popped up, i jumped on my back shooting them shot 1 kid in the mask and hand and the other in chest. my friend was video taping us play too and that was right infront of the camara so i got on tape, looks really good too.

07-07-2002, 08:01 PM
My favorite moves. One "Speedball" one "Rec" style.

I use the term Speedball loosely. It was a very lightly wooded field with a maze of fences. Now you must understand the setup. Off the break everyone hits the fences. I am playing a little off the left tape and my wingman is on the tape. Things are pretty stagnant, people popping off a dozen shots at each other but not hitting anything. Our left tape is bogged down by two guys behind a "V" fence. I decide to break it all open. I tell my wingman to cover me as I go for the bunker move. This is a little tricky since I 1)am wearing red Paintball Junkies jersey and sock hat so I stick out, 2)I have to run through my team mates line of fire and 3) Make it the 40 ft. before the entire other team (about 12 of them) see me. It goes off flawlessly. My man starts fire mad strings with his Chaos Cocker as I run. He pauses for a fraction of a second as I pass him. I am now full bore for this small fence so I can have cover. I must digress, stopping 230 lbs. at full speed is no easy task. I slide feet first into the bunker and as I stop I rip off like 30 balls (retro valve and adrenaline, a lethal combination). Knock them both out and open the tape for my guys. On the down side I got hit in the pack. The ball didn't break it just cracked and a little oozed out. I called myself out from that hit.

My awesome "Rec" move. While not really a move it was the best game I have ever played. A little setup: My last game of the day. I was playing with my Test Bed Cocker, I just got the trigger down earlier so I don't chop any more. I had lent my Bro the Minimag and he loved it so much I couldn't get it off him. We had different pods, JT Speed pods (very nice) versus reg. pods. I had a few JT pods and a hopper full of paint about 500 balls in all. RT_Luver I know the invincible feeling. The previous game my Bro shot out around 7 guys by just walking around them and hitting the at range with the Mini. I need to top that. And I did. Off the break hit my bunker and set up. Shot the first guy out as he came over the top of his bunker out the right side of mine.(1). After he walked out I shot the guy trying to take his bunker before he got there(2). Switched to the left side because I had made way too many "friends". Saw the guy I was gunning for all day move up the left tape to a bunker about 40 yards from me. We exchanged greetings and I sent him packing(3). Leaned alittle more out the left and shot out a guy being careless in the center as he tried to shoot my guys on the right tape(4). Next I see a guy way in the back, like 50 or 60 yards out. He is shooting up my right tape guys on that side. I switch back to the right and get real low. I actually saw the paint break on him, mask chest and arm(5). At this point I am down to my last 150 balls. I have both squeegies lying next to be and 3 empty pods. I break right and hit a bunker about 10 yards further up. I shoot across the field from the right tape to the left tape getting another(6). Out the right side of my bunker I shoot out a guy that moved up to about 15 yards away(7). In the mean time I am taking heavy fire. I get lucky and one of the guys playing way back comes out just as my balls arrive(8). Down to my last 10 balls I decide to bunker this guy on the right tape. I call for cover and break right. He had me figured. As I cross the plae of the bunker his Tribal Mephisto takes me in the head and leg. I got a few shots off, but I was exhausted and couldn't aim. I called myself out and collapsed about 10 feet off the field.

Hope this wasn't too boring. But I was "ON" that day.

07-08-2002, 11:53 AM
<p>Sometimes, I'm totally taken aback by the shots I manage to make. Don't think that I'm talking about mad skillz here -- I'm no better than an average shot. I'm talking about the ones that you can only chalk up to total, pure, unadulterated luck; the shot that, by all rights, you practically never should have made, and all you can do is stand there slack-jawed in amazement.

<p>A few months ago, I was playing at the indoor here in town. I'm in the back right; a guy on the other team pulls into the center bunker and starts making life miserable for the teammates on my left. I'm about to make a move up the tape to close on him when I realize I can see him through a 1.5 inch gap between two oil drums. I figure `why not', take hasty aim with my rental and lob one ball at him, not expecting it to go anywhere near the mark. I can't see him any more, but to my surprise the ball makes it between the oil drums. A second or two later, I hear "Hit!" and he walks off of the field. I almost fell over.

<p>Mind you, I had a similar shot happen about six years ago while playing outdoors. A buddy of mine on the other team was squatting down in a bunker made of two plywood panels with maybe a one-inch gap between them. From about 50' out, I figured, `Well, I'll give it one ball; This shot is all but impossible and I'm not going to waste any more paint on it than that.' I pumped the rental SL68-II, pulled the trigger, and watched the ball fly...straight between the boards and right into his...unprotected, um, regions. Ouch! Sorry, guy...

07-08-2002, 01:40 PM
Shadowspar I know exactly what you are talking about and I have a story or two about that.

First, this shot was pulled off by some strange luck. This took place on our speedball field that we made over a year ago today. Anyway, we are at our bunkers, and I decide that since the last game I waited around too much, that this game I was going to move sooner in the game. I look up firing a couple shots at the only opponent that can even see me (yeah its strange being on a speedball field but some trees are in the way as this field is in the woods) and when he ducks back down I break for a bunker 30 feet in front of me. To my surprise he looks up just in time and slings 4 paintballs at me. I wasn't worried. The bunker I was running at was like this |_ and there was a little gap where the car hood (yes lol) and the stick bunker came together. Somehow one paintball flies through this 3 inch gap and smashes right into my mask as I slide into the bunker. This was halfway thru my slide. I almost crapped my pants in disbelief.

OK now for my amazing moves :p . I have made a couple good moves in the past like coming directly behind the enemy, but I dont consider those too amazing. I like the nice shots that I get somewhat frequently.

One time, about 75feet away from my target, me and my friend get into a snapshooting fight, me with Minimag and him Spyder1. Ill admit I was doubting myself at some points because he can fire just as fast as me and he has good aim. But at one point I come over the top (too big to go around sides, I had a good enuf angle) and fire 2, and come back down, all in about .5 seconds. It was mad quick and I used no time to aim. Instead I lined myself up with the position I knew he was in, came up and fired and ducked down immediately. One of the 2 paintballs hit him dead in the mask. I was happy :D .

Another time with my m98 and a J&J 2 piece barrel (amazing barrel) I was 150ft away and my friend was in that damn carhood bunker I mentioned earlier. We were fighting 1v1 from there and at one point I come up and fire 3 shots down on him and one just misses, one goes wide, and one goes right thru the gap and nails him in the wrist. Yay :p .

Yet another was about 150ft again and my friend was behind a small small Y in a tree. Only took 30 seconds before one shot out of my bursts of 3's hit him in the shoulder towards his neck.

Ok now you are bored so im done

07-08-2002, 02:04 PM
Ok, im going to tell about anothers glorious move because I dont have any good ones.

I was reffing a 9 on 9 speedball game yesterday. It only lasted 5 minutes and one guy eliminated the entire team, he had a Phantom with 15 rounds in it. He didnt make any crazy bunkering moves or anything, he just shot each team member one by one with incredible accuracy and timing. It doesn't sound that amazing but it was great to watch him do this.

07-08-2002, 03:23 PM
Bunkered my dad and another player with a PGP. He still hasn't lived that one down. Lol.:p

07-08-2002, 03:39 PM
A few weeks ago, I played at my friends house in a spot we knicknamed "the arena", why, we don't know. So the 3 most experienced and 'best' players, me, and two of my other friends decide to prove jsut how good we are. We offer an irresistable game type to the less experienced. 3v8, they get choice of starting points. :D

So we start off, running back into the woods, by a bunch of large rocks and a dry streambed. We have our first encounter 5 min into the game, take out 3 of the opposition, but loose one of us in the fight. Me and my other companion make a fighting retreat and attempt to flank them. They must have been really full of themselves, they walked towards us in the open. I take two of them down before hooking right behind them. I loose my other team member and gun it through the woods, where I encounter another enemy player, nothing happens, just some smack talk and he runs away. I find my other team mate, and we go towards a swampy area, he takes right, I go left.

He starts firing on two players, and they shoot back. They don't see me and I open up, getting rid of the both of them.
Then, I hear/sense someone walkign up behind me. The 'other guy' who walked away earlier decied to pay me another visit. I whip around, see him, dive for a tree, firing al the while. Wait for him to lean out from a fallen log to look for me, and give him a quick snapshot from the right side of my tree. 3 verses 8 and the 3 of us won!!!

07-08-2002, 04:10 PM
lol...i dont know bout glorious...but i have a few dumb moves....


it was a 3v3 game,we got one on the break,and i thought it was K2,so i ran to the mid 50 bunker,but on the way his teammate popped up and easily popped me in the chest...i felt dumb..

my glorious one:
it was 1v1....i ran the tape,he was in the mouth of the snake,i slid on my knees by his bunker,and as i was going by,i shot him...it looked sweet

07-08-2002, 05:14 PM
My best was a year two years ago playing in a three man amatuer in Iowa. My team and I were first up and we matched up against the eventual winner of the whole tourney right off the bat. So, right from the break I run up the middle of the field and immediately grab the flag. As I tuck in, I start leaning out to fire and check the other teams position. Their center man had a bit of hopper showing so I nailed him with a shot quick. 1 gone. So then I look over and see this guy standing behind one of the doritos (he's their left tape man). Well, he has no idea I'm in the center so I decide now's as good a time as any and take off full sprint around his blind side of the inflatable. Their right side tape man saw me move but by that point it was too late. I came up behind the guy and bunkered him and he never even saw it coming at all. After I shot him out, their right side tape got me with a hopper hit since I had a little bit of myself exposed trying to stop. Anyway, my buddy's girlfriend captured a great shot of the whole bunkering move...here it is.:D :D

07-08-2002, 11:06 PM
Yo that is a pretty sweet pic....nice move too.

07-09-2002, 03:31 AM
During the AGD super tour, we all went to Country Club to play paintball.

During a speedball game, I waz on the left side of the field and told a guy to run up to the next bunker and i'd cover him (i actually only had 20 balls left) .. he got hit and that left me with 4 balls .. i called over the ref to verify that i could bang on the front of a bunker to get a guy out ... soo ....

I ran up, slid into the bunker and slammed my fist on it .. first guy out .. saw another guy on the right side of the field and shot him out (semi-behind) .. waz about this time i took some fire but layed really! close to the bunker .. i waz out of paint .. but as i leaned forward, i saw another guy that i could shoot from behind ... so i grabbed a paintball from the ground, stuck it in my powerfeed and shot it at the guy (missed) .. so i grabbed another and shot as before .... *WACK* eheh .. i then leaned out to see where the fire was comming from and got hit ...

.. pretty good shot with pre-shot paint if i do say so myself :D

07-09-2002, 09:41 AM
we were playing 3 on 3 but my dad and Jacob were on the other team so I didn’t know the two people that were on my team. Off the break of the game I went to the right side of the field and met my dad head on. We started snap shooting for a while but after trading fire for some time I finally gogged him through a crack in his bunker . I then ran the right tape, got behind Jacob, and said, “Surrender now, Jacob!” He started to turn, thought better, and raised his marker above his head signifying he was out. With only one opponent left I flanked him, he had no clue what hit him

07-09-2002, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by drx975
Yo that is a pretty sweet pic....nice move too.

Thanks bro. I wish we would have won the tourney!

07-09-2002, 12:31 PM
2000 chicago open finals am b. SOBs vs GZ(something) I crawl mostly unseen into the snake on an air field and proceed to shoot out 6 guys. I wasn't completely unseen, the back center guy spotted me. I crawled to the end just to let him see me there and then crawled back a little. While he is shooting the end of the snake I pop up over the top and fire two balls at him. The first one missed but the second one bounced off of the snake as I was getting back down. The ball that bounces off the snake hit the guy right in the mask. The other guys I was basically able to shoot in the back.

07-09-2002, 01:31 PM
I had just moved to Pensacola and I was looking for a field the first weekend I lived there. I was talking about tourneys I had played and the Owner said his team was one short for a tourney that weekend due to the flu. That day I drove to Louisianna and played the next day with 4 guys I didn't know. In the first game I wanted to prove I could play and I was playing front. I took out two guys in the first 5 min of the game and the rest of the team took out 2 more while we lost only one. with only one player left on the other side we were pounding his bunker but nobody was moving. I decided to go and on my way across the field I grabbed the flag leapt over the guys bunker, shot him 3 times in the pack and hung the flag before anyone on my team moved.

Scenario game:
I was wearing Night Vision Goggles at the grand finale in Florida. I took 5 guys and led them to the other base avoiding the other team the whole way. I set them up in front of the other base and they started shooting while I went around the back. I took out 21 players without firing a ball by walking up next to them and telling them to surrender or die. The last two guys in the fort were right next to each other, so I shot them in their Packs. We held the fort for almost two hours with just the five of us.

Did I mention I did this with a classic mag running CO2

07-09-2002, 01:58 PM
At practice last week, we were playing 3 on 4 (for the first few games we always mix up teams to emphasize technical skills). I was on the team of 3. I sweetspotted one player off the break, then moved from the back right to our right 30 and shot their back left out. Then I pulled the flag, bunkered a player out of their center 40, kept running and shot their back right.

07-09-2002, 05:11 PM
I miracously dodged 50 balls comming at me at a force so great chuck yeager would faint, i did a little spin, jumped 5 feet in the air, the proceeded to unload on the helpless ants below me, they were able to do a sumersault and dodge my paint, we proceeded to mimick the scenes of the matrix the best we could, it came down to a snapshot by me that put away their evil A.I forever.