View Full Version : Power vs Vertical Feed w/ Lvl 10

07-07-2002, 03:52 PM
Hello again,

I know I already posted about this before, but did not get the answers I exactly wanted. I dont want a poll where 20 posters just say "vertical" and 20 say "stay with pf". I want this to be a discussion where people give reason.

Here are basicaly my thoughts on the subject. With the coming of level 10, the issue of ball bobble is supposively pretty much over. The only thing that can lift the paint would be blow back, but is this even an issue with the long nose? Basically by incorporating the 2 together, it creates a theoretical system which eliminates ball lift up the stack. Notice how I said "theoretical" because I have not personally witnessed or tested it myself since my level 10 has not come in yet.

With this, can it be said that Vertical feeds will feed more reliably than Powerfeeds? With verticals, you can tilt the gun within a 180 degree redius left or right while still having reliable feed, while with my powerfeed anything past a 45 degree tilt to the left will cut off paint flow to my parabolic feed plug.

Other issues I have with my PF is sometimes the parabolic feed plug will actually pinch the paint from going into the breach, "get the new parabolic feed plug" you say, guess what, I got the new ones as of 2 weeks from now. And yet the most frustrating issue with my PF experience is whereenver I take a face first dive, the impact will either twist the elbow and chnge the postion of the loader radically to hurt feed or will just snap the elbow in 2.

I would like to stay with my PF if it infact does feed faster and more realiably, but if vertical feeds just as realible, then I may have to hop on the bandwagon (if Odyssey Paintball said PF's are more realible, then why do they recommend vertical feeds for their HALO's).

LMK all. I need reassurance that vertical feed lvl 10's are very realible feeds (I even think that there is a member on the board talking about lvl 10 on his "no-rise" vertical feed where it fires great, only on long streams does it pinch and vent - still sounds damn good).


07-07-2002, 05:49 PM
We're at the point where powerfeed/vert feed pretty much doesn't matter. Powerfeed lets you sight over the gun while vertical feed gives you slightly better balence. If you have problem with powerfeed go with vertical. Both work perfectly for me.

07-07-2002, 09:14 PM
well if u plan on using a warp i would say powerfeed cause its easyer to hook up. If you like your hopper on top then the vert feeds give your gun a better balance IMO and i can tilt my powerfeed past 45* but i use a HALO.

07-07-2002, 09:16 PM
their wont be a problem with either. ball bobble will be blow back and ball bobble wont be a problem so go with what you like better

07-08-2002, 08:34 AM
I shoot vert now, but am still keeping my options open. I also use a Halo, so ball bobble isnt a problem. Besides, with the highrise feed on the emag, i think this got rid of the prob of bobble. And, it wont chop with the LX, just kinda burp:D . So, I really think now it is all preference.

07-08-2002, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
I shoot vert now, but am still keeping my options open. I also use a Halo, so ball bobble isnt a problem. Besides, with the highrise feed on the emag, i think this got rid of the prob of bobble. And, it wont chop with the LX, just kinda burp:D . So, I really think now it is all preference.

Better of with a low-rise using a halo!

Just thought I'd let ya know if you didn't already :)


07-08-2002, 10:28 AM
Am considering cutting down the feedneck to make it smaller...but I may wait till they release the extreem bodies. I like the idea of switching it back and forth.